is this serious?

Started by longfallgloves, 17-02-2013

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I posted my sheet so I could get the password, but I'm being ignored. Check this out:

As you can see, they are checked (accepted or denied) but skipping mine. Please, check it and tell me if I'm accepted or not.

For lazyfags, a copy here:

Name: longfallgloves

Roleplay Name: Wolfgang Gangwolf Harold Mastropiero (I prefer the other one :S)

Players you already know on the on the server: Nobody.

Previous roleplay experience: Many MMORPG games, and RP servers in Minecraft and GMod.

What servers have you played on, and how long: Bubuntuludus, World of Terraria, Angels and demons, Pokemon experience. Two months each.

Why would you like to join our server: It seems funny. Its a medieval society, right? Then it could be entertaining to be a wise and peaceful teacher (not futuristic, of course. I'm a teacher, not a scientist). Building schools, teaching geography, music, art, gym, maths... Learning in an RP could be fun.

Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread?: Yes.

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Yes, but I'd like to know if I'm allowed to bring a harp and glasses. I'm suposed to be a teacher. You know, music class needs instruments (and I mean a harp, not a magycal harp). Yes.

Will you agree to a One week probation Period?: Would be nice.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

After my last class I went to my house, played my harp a bit and went to bed. I don't remember how did I get here.
"Damn, what am I doing here? It's wednesday, I must be at the school giving my class. OK, don't panic, let's see if I can back to the town." I said.
I was lost in a forest, very deep and with many plants. It was like a jungle. Maybe someone wanted me lost. But that was impossible, an intelligent teacher cannot be lost in a biome. Forest, desert, mountains... I knew what to do.
I looked up, looking for the sun, so I could know what time was it and where was the north. Then, I found some clues: footprits, wheel marks, broken branches and torn leather.
"Hmm, maybe I came from here. They brought me in a cart, not a chariot, from that way. The footprits tell me they were two, or three. The branches, how big the cart was. This piece of leather, their clothes. Seems to be bandits'." I deducted. Now I knew how did they bring me here, how many were they and where they brought me from. But why? Who?
"Don't have time, I better leave".

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)

The old man, that seemed to have 89 years, was driving a big wagon. For the size of the vehicle, the colour and the design, he seemed to be a merchant.
"Hey man, you look in trouble."
"Yes, I woke up here. I'm going to the north, to the city."
"Well, casually I was driving in that direction. Would you like to travel with me to the city?"
After listening that man, I thought he could be my salvation.
"So, if you are going to the city that you said, the distance is 1200 ft. and now it's 4:00 PM. If your vehicle wheels can travel at a maximum speed of 10 MPH except if we find mud at this Ulmus Vulgaris forest, how much time will be this take?".
The man thought for a bit, but he suddenly refused to think an answer.
"Don't bullshit me, I'm not good at maths. Will you travel with me or not?"
My teacher instincts. I'm used to ask many questions to my pupils so they have their brains active. But this was not the moment. This was not the school, and that man was not a pupil. So I accepted.
"Yes, I will. Behind?"
"I have tools for selling behind the wagon, if you go with the tools you could break them."
"What do you sell?"
"Fragile statues and glass. Bottles, cups, windows..."
"I see. What is the price?"
"The cheapest thing costs 100 gold, and you don't seem to have a copper coin, have ya?"
"Nope. Then it could be a bad idea to carry a teacher with the merchancy."
"Still can take you to the city, you can sit here, with me."
"I hate the smell of a horse, but I have no choice."
"Good. But be ware, there are bandits here."

After a few hours of traveling,
bandits appear and demand you and the man give them 10 coins each as a tax to pass.
The man gives them his coins, the bandits now look at you. What do you do?(RP it.):

While traveling, we were speaking about intelectual things: Economy, alchemy, politics, books, magic... Suddenly, the wagon stopped at a fallen tree.
"It's a trap!" said the old man. Hmm, where did I hear that before?
"What's happening?"
Too late for escaping, in seconds we were surrounded by archer bandits. They looked strong, and angry. Was not a good idea trying to be a hero and fight.
"Don't hurt me!" said the old man "I know what you want, take it!" and he gave them 10 coins.
"Good" said a bandit "you paid the tax to pass, but every man of the cart must pay".
I realized that if I had traveled behind, with the tools, I could have been hidden from them.
"And if I don't pay?" I asked.
"Then we kill you both and steal what you have."
I looked at their eyes, disgusted.
"Guys, crime doesn't pay. I think you're robbing cause you can't get any job, and that's because you left school when you were young. Am I wrong?"
They took their weapons, but I didn't seem scared.
"Look, guys. A job could give your more money in a day than robbing in a year. It's true, teachers gain a hundred bucks per week. Do you know how much can you earn being, for example, medic?".
They didn't listen me.
"Pay the tax or you'll take an arrow to da f***ing head" said another.
"Ok, shoot me. I'll show you how the knowledge is more powerful than the sword." I said.
The bandit shooted me, right to the head. I saw the arrow coming, calculated where it was going, the speed, and how fast I had to move the head to dodge it. The arrow didn't touch me, and impacted right to another bandit's knee.
"See? Try again."
Another bandit shooted. I realized that if I dodged this one, would hit the old man, so instead of dodging I grabbed it with the two hands. It almost hits my eye, but I stopped it.
They looked amazed.
"Come with me, I'll teach you these abilities, I'll make you smarter, and it will make you richer."
When I said "rich", that convinced them. They took their chariots and joined us. While I was healing one of the bandits, he gave back the 10 coins to the old man.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)

I was so hungry after that, but I didn't have time for dinner, because the classes at the music school were about to start. I went to my house first, took my harp and two apples that were eaten while I ran to the music school.
I arrived 5 minutes late.
"Hello, pupils. I'm sorry about not coming to the school this morning." (there were two, the normal school and the music school) "It's a long story. So, take your harps, bells and drums, open the sheets and lets start."
Two hours later, we finished the two songs: "La puta de la cabra" and a Skrillex theme.
"Better. Second harps, very good. Keep practicing, the concert is in two months."
I went back to my house, ate the dinner and sleeped. I was so tired. God, I hope not to wake up at the forest tomorrow again.
"Now, I have to think more about who left me at the forest, and why. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"