terraria server idea

Started by dasher, 11-02-2013

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a zombie apocalypse server made by one of the mods

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Total Members Voted: 15

Voting closed: 13-03-2013


I have an idea for a new server. A zombie apocalypse server. Players must make a new character and get a couple of starting items (hand gun ,musket balls, wood etc.) They must explore new towns for ammo and supplies. Players can build fortresses strongholds and small bases. There would be peacekeepers that go after bandits and such. A military ruled government that is falling apart. players can choose to join the government or fend for themselves. players can make gangs and such to survive and thrive. No major mining. No mining for ores. most everything will be found in random chest cities etc. which will be somewhat common. I wouldnt be able to make this server i would want it to be one of the mods of this site.


Quote from: dasher on 11-02-2013
I have an idea for a new server. A zombie apocalypse server. Players must make a new character and get a couple of starting items (hand gun ,musket balls, wood etc.) They must explore new towns for ammo and supplies. Players can build fortresses strongholds and small bases. There would be peacekeepers that go after bandits and such. A military ruled government that is falling apart. players can choose to join the government or fend for themselves. players can make gangs and such to survive and thrive. No major mining. No mining for ores. most everything will be found in random chest cities etc. which will be somewhat common. I wouldnt be able to make this server i would want it to be one of the mods of this site.
who are you again?
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


{Denied. I do create Zombie Apocalypses, just not very often. This isn't DayZ}

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: the_grub on 11-02-2013
Quote from: dasher on 11-02-2013
I have an idea for a new server. A zombie apocalypse server. Players must make a new character and get a couple of starting items (hand gun ,musket balls, wood etc.) They must explore new towns for ammo and supplies. Players can build fortresses strongholds and small bases. There would be peacekeepers that go after bandits and such. A military ruled government that is falling apart. players can choose to join the government or fend for themselves. players can make gangs and such to survive and thrive. No major mining. No mining for ores. most everything will be found in random chest cities etc. which will be somewhat common. I wouldnt be able to make this server i would want it to be one of the mods of this site.
who are you again?
is there a problem?


Good traditional idea, but unfortunately it just doesnt work for terraria. Thanks for trying.


Terraria's zombies are....weak as shit.

Quote from: Minion on 12-02-2013
Good traditional idea, but unfortunately it just doesnt work for terraria. Thanks for trying.

Traditional dafuq. Everybody and their mother has zombies these days. Right as soon as all of the CoD fanboys caught wind of zombies, holy shit it exploded. Zombies with this, zombies with that. Zombies in space, zombies in a race, zombies in your face! Only problem: Terraria's zombies are pitifully weak. They can't do anything to anybody. Unless that person only has a copper pick and there's about thirty of them literally on you. Even CS:S has zombies. Heck, any game with a map creator and mode maker has some sort of zombie mode.

Quote from: dasher on 11-02-2013
I have an idea for a new server. A zombie apocalypse server. Players must make a new character and get a couple of starting items (hand gun ,musket balls, wood etc.) They must explore new towns for ammo and supplies. Players can build fortresses strongholds and small bases. There would be peacekeepers that go after bandits and such. A military ruled government that is falling apart. players can choose to join the government or fend for themselves. players can make gangs and such to survive and thrive. No major mining. No mining for ores. most everything will be found in random chest cities etc. which will be somewhat common. I wouldn't be able to make this server i would want it to be one of the mods of this site.

Pretty sure handgun is banned. Who the hell would the zombies be? Because the Zombies in Terraria, as I said before, are as about as strong as a slime walking upright with a weaker jump and the ability to slap doors. How would they attack? THey would have to use weapons if mods were them, and they would have to use swords or something. AND HOW THE- Sorry, how the flip does ANYTHING after you say the word "zombie" reflect that idea? T-Chart time.

Actually, no T-Chart time. The point is, nothing after "Zombie apocalypse" reflects that idea. Spawning zombies nonstop would require a mod on at all times, and it being night forever. Neither of those ideas sound fun.

Just some CC. Not meaning to be rude, or anything. It's just not for Terraria or HGN.


Man, i wish there was a way to make zombies stronger.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: James Almasy on 14-02-2013
Man, i wish there was a way to make zombies stronger.

Or anything,for that matter. Stronger bosses. Stronger slimes to encourage better shelter RP. Editing Mob Stats=ftw