Mutant Moderator/Leadership application thread.

Started by Tom, 05-02-2013

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Mutant Moderator/Leader Application

Please fill out the following form in the correct manner as it's displayed.

OOC Name:
Time spent with HGN:
Why you want to become Mutant Leader:
Your qualifications(Both real world and online):
What do you plan on doing with Mutants?:

The Mutant Leader will be decided among popular vote of -ALL- admins

Best of luck!
S.T.A.L.K.E.R Administration Team
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


OOC Name: ThY

Time spent with HGN: Nearing 4 years

Why you want to become Mutant Leader: I've been the only mutant leader and have shown nothing but passion when dealing with said mutants. I have created the oldest roster HGN has to date (the mutant roster) and kept it on-going for nearly 4 years. I have created successful mutant rules which again, has been up for 3 years and updated regularly. I would like to become mutant leader once more because I had no bad strikes and should not have of been removed (in my opinion).

If I were to be removed the mutants would be set-back as all my work will be gone. This is not simply a rules issue, but the bloodsucker leveling and class system too. A mutant leader would have nothing to work with to rebuild. However I would be ready to continue my roll with a greater standard than my previous periods as leader as soon as accepted. Being an admin it would be easier to deal with donations and other punishment issues which the mutant leader often has to deal with.

Your qualifications(Both real world and online):
What?.. I have an education. I can role-play to an extremely high standard. Uh, I can read and write.

What do you plan on doing with Mutants?: Everything to create a tense and suitably challenging experience for the average Stalker on SRP.


Note: If accepted I will make one of the other applicants my co lead.


OOC Name:  Brandon Lent

Time spent with HGN: Two and a half - Three years (?)

Why you want to become Mutant Leader: Forum work is exponentially easy for me, and setting up simple rules is something that I can do. I can handle keeping track of a large amount of mutants. (Considering even the smallest donator gets control of a mutant) Keeping watch on when people get mutants and how they control their mutants is something that I could do. I may not necessarily be an admin, but I have a lot of people that can talk to me and solve any mutant issues that could rise up. I believe in the system ThY had, and he did it rather well, but I could see myself being the next cycle of "information holder" if you will, of the Mutant "sub-faction".

Mutant leader is something that I actually gave a little thought to when I saw ThY's name removed from the board and everything wiped. I have a few ideas that I would enjoy trying, though if given the chance, there would be a lot of feedback from other people, as this isn't just the mutant moderator's mutants; It's the entire server's mutants. Feedback is key to a good group, or "sub-faction"

Your qualifications(Both real world and online): I'm soon to graduate high school which means I'll have more time to put into mutants. I put a lot of time into roleplay and I can handle seriousness, while still having (Hopefully, in my opinion at least) a sense of humor.

What do you plan on doing with Mutants?: I hardly want to "control" the mutants, per say, more suitably keep a set of rules that mutants have to abide by. Mutants would control more like their game equivalents, and I would ensure that everybody follows an equal, lore-driven set of mutant regulations. I believe ThY has done most of the work right, but some things got a little out of hand sometimes in my opinion. (There are a few isolated incidents that I've clashed with ThY upon, but that isn't for here.)

Under me, the Mutants would go by a much more realistic set of guidelines. Mutants are flesh, and they will act like it. Bloodsuckers are essentially altered humans, tentacles mutated, allowing them to "Suck blood" as their name implies. They are not some "Super strong" beings, though they are clearly muscular as a human that works out and can hold Stalker's arms behind him (A feat that isn't especially impressive, though it is present in the Stalker games.) As for some of the other mutants, their advantages and disadvantages will essentially be equivalent to their real-game counterparts, with a bit more realism built in.

For an in-depth synopsis of my mutant layout, feel free to message me on Steam ( or the forums. I've thought at least somewhat through most of the things I forsee in the future if I was put in charge of Mutants, and a chance to handle the forum work and keep track of mutant would not go to waste.

Timezone: EST (GMT-5)
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Applications only, voting will happen on Friday so have your apps up by then.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


OOC Name: Frostee

Time spent with HGN: 3 years in July

Why you want to become Mutant Leader:      
       I want to be mutant leader because being a leader of something teaches responsibility and of course leadership skills. Being leader of the Mutants would be a great opportunity for me, and a fresh start to SRP.

Your qualifications(Both real world and online): Led a FORP faction, High school knowledge, RP'd as a Class C(?) mutant.

What do you plan on doing with Mutants?:
       What I would do with mutants is to make them mutants. The product of mutation is something unclear and unknown at times. As for the mutants in the actual, I would plan to make sure that players would act like how an actual bloodsucker/snork/controller/zombie would act. For instance, the average bloodsucker can take a decent amount of bullets and damage, but they aren't immortal so they should be able to be killed. An example for this was when I RP'd my sucker, I tried to make the combat fair for everyone so the person I was attacking could potentially win. The point I am trying to make is that mutants are all killable in some way, shape, or form.

       Another thing I would do with mutants is to make sure every person whom is playing a mutant can actually play as a mutant and will follow rules accordingly or the person will be punished. An example would be if a player didn't follow rules or did something stupid, they could potentially banned from playing as a mutant for at least a week or until they know how to properly play as a mutant. Besides mutants, players who powergame/deny death from a mutant will punished as well for doing so. An example for this came from Kieck, where the group "The Rangers" called him a powergamer because he sneaked up behind one and pushed him over a rail.  In essence, this idea will root out the dumb/abusive players that play as mutants and the players who powergame/deny death from mutants.This is all for everyone to have a fun and balanced game session

       Thirdly, I also plan to do events with mutants and the playerbase. These events would provide good and fun RP to all who participate in these little/large events. In the end, I just wish to have fun opportunities for all who play SRP.

        Finally, I plan to do good work with the Mutants board (I do enjoy it). For instance, I will add complaint threads, roster (that won't have everyone mutant the lowest type forever), and an information thread.

Timezone: Central

If I do win, I will most likely let [user]ThY[/user] be the co-leader, because of his experience.


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


OOC Name:Ragolution

Time spent with HGN: Long Time Comin'

Why you want to become Mutant Leader: To assist FREEDOM with operation T.E.A.P.A.R.T.Y. and lead the bloodsuckers to glorious consumption of much blood.

Your qualifications(Both real world and online): I'm a veteran computer programmer that works for <NO> and I've been managing projects for years. I've also lead the Brotherhood of Steel in the past.

What do you plan on doing with Mutants?: T.E.A.P.A.R.T.Y.

Timezone: EST

Steven :D

OOC Name: Steven :D
Time spent with HGN: 3 Years~
Why you want to become Mutant Leader: So I can keep mutants in check and because im actually active on the forums.
Your qualifications(Both real world and online): Knows how to deal with HGNers (This is definitely a plus), active as fuck around the forums, decent with photoshop, veteran of hgn wars(?) retired gearwhore.
What do you plan on doing with Mutants?: Making a fancy roster, classing them into tiers (and actually having applications to tier up, allowing higher tiers more 'interesting' or 'diverse' mutants (Think old A class mutants, but not as severe))
Timezone: EST (GMT-5)

If i get in, I'm appointing rag and thy as moderators as well (If they want it)

Steven :D