The story of Ivan Andreen.

Started by RENCAMO, 11-12-2008

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November 6th, 1979.

1:24 AM - 2:39 AM

The birth of Ivan Andreen and Roselina Andreen.

A normal child who wanted nothing but a normal life, he was just like everyone else in his town.
He was born in Kiev, Ukraine with his sister, Roselina Andreen who was born a day after Ivan, his mother, Dina Andreen, who was 38, and his father, Arkady Andreen, whom was 41. His sister and himself always we're with each other, getting them away from each other was like trying to rip a tank in half, it was impossible as they were too close at birth.

May 19th, 1984.

7:00 AM - 3:00 PM

The first day of school.

Roselina and Ivan Andreen are excited, first day of school as Ivan and Roselina both head to class, Ivan goes to math, Roselina goes to science... this is one of the first days where they will find their fate of what they must do... after school is over they sit and wait for the bus in the playground.
Ivan hates math but Roselina is in love with science as they watched a film on radioactivity, she has invested an interest into it.

April 26th, 1986.

12:23 AM

The worst nuclear accident in history to this day...

Ivan and Roselina are asleep until they hear the TV loudly hear a news broadcast go up, it's about Chernobyl's Nuclear Power Plant and how weird radioactivity readings are being recorded in the area as Ivan and Roselina hear it from the stairs as Roselina says in a normal tone of voice,
"Daddy, whats wrong?"

As he says...

"Don't worry sweetie, just go back to bed. Everything's fine."

April 30th, 1986.

4:38 PM

The news of the accident.
The kids are in their rooms, relaxing after a long day of school "emergency news cast" come from downstairs as they immediately rush down stairs and sit next to their mom and dad and hear the news caster say in Russian,

"It has come to our attention from the Military have found out about an explosion of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and have told us not to be alarmed, as everyone is being safely evacuated and no casualties have been filed as of yet, and we now will return you to the daily scheduled broadcast."

Everyone in the room stood silent... they had no clue what to think, it could either be the worst nuclear accident to date, or it could be a small problem that could be fixed very quickly... they didn't know at all.

April 26th, 2008(I think the years right for Shadow of Chernobyl's year, but I'm not sure about the date, sorry.)

The second explosion.

Roselina and Ivan are still living with their parents, they barely have enough money to get out of the house or get a new place to move out until they hear the emergency broadcast on their TV, they run downstairs with their parents.

"It has come to our attention that a second explosion has happened in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, all citizens are advised to remain in-doors until the official amount of radiation wide-spread is figured out and we will keep you informed.

We now return you to your regular scheduled programs."

Ivan's dad hit the off button on the TV remote... he knew this was bad. If the Chernobyl's first explosion was bad, how would a second one be? Worse? Not as bad? Not bad at all? He knew atleast something bad was to happen with this as he immediately closed all the windows.

March 29th, 2015(Again, not sure if this is the exact date, sorry.)

11:26 AM

Roselina and Ivan are STILL living with their family, they have no where else to go to earn money as all the jobs are currently taken or they can't get the jobs they want.

Their dad yelled up to them, telling them that breakfast was ready as they went downstairs, Ivan and his dad read the newspaper whilst eating when his dad said,

"So, you kids know their letting people into The Zone of Alienation now?"

Ivan grinned at that, he heard of how people who snuck in went inside and went out rich, he also still had a decent amount of rubles earned up.

Roselina also grinned, she heard of the ecologists and knew how much they got paid for finding artifacts and clearing out places of radiation, she knew it wouldn't be safe, same went for Ivan but as they say, you gotta do what you gotta do. They nodded at each other and began to pack their bags, Ivan's parents thought about talking them out of it but they knew there was no other hope... if only the knew the horrors that Chernobyl held they might of second guessed that thought.

This story began at the start of their lives and it will end in the place where their fate is destined to be... Chernobyl.

The End.
Tyler Jackson - Sergeant - "Breaching with C2, sir."

Kree - Slaver - "Go to hell you piece of shit."

Ispraven - Aces - "In the cold and dark shadows, I sneak. In the the bloody raging chaos, I cause. I am a Club."

Micheal Westen - Ex-Spy - "Don't I get tied down to the chair? Don't go soft on me now, Carla."


Please let me know what you think, if you guys like it, I'll write more!
Tyler Jackson - Sergeant - "Breaching with C2, sir."

Kree - Slaver - "Go to hell you piece of shit."

Ispraven - Aces - "In the cold and dark shadows, I sneak. In the the bloody raging chaos, I cause. I am a Club."

Micheal Westen - Ex-Spy - "Don't I get tied down to the chair? Don't go soft on me now, Carla."


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I like it, and the Second explosion was in '06.

SoC starts in '11

I like i want to hear moar