Coolest, Most Indepth Roleplay Ever

Started by mrd, 10-12-2008

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Gatlin - Ducky
Alek - Vityaz
Markus Andreev - RENOCAMO

Markus Andreev: Hey Alek.
Gatlin : Good to see you again
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Meh.
Gatlin : We ran into a Monolith sniper and well um...
Player Nails has joined the game
Gatlin : Reno fucked him up....
Player Nails has joined the game
Gatlin : Bad...he is pretty much liquid now.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Eh.
Markus Andreev: I ripped out his intenstins.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov shrugs.
Markus Andreev: And stomped his heart.
Gatlin : I thought he was going to eat him for a second...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus, what you need to learn is.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Just kill the guy, don't go overboard.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: It wastes time and manpower.
Markus Andreev: To kill every single Monolith too.
*** Markus Andreev squeezes his fist at the word Monolith.
Gatlin : That is why I prefer powerful weapons.
Gatlin : Ends the battle quickly.
*** Markus Andreev eats some bread
*** Markus Andreev drinks some vodka
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov yawns.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: So.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: What are we going to do.
Gatlin : I am going to go now, I got some business to attend to.
Markus Andreev: Lets go.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Meh.
Gatlin : Got a shipment of Spases coming in. I would rather do this alone, the russian mafia seems to be pissy.
Markus Andreev: Fine..
*** Gatlin nods to Alek "May the Zone bring you many blessings."
Aleksandr Aksyonov: You too.
*** Gatlin runs off into fog of night.
Gatlin : . . .
Gatlin : Are you following me?
Markus Andreev: ...
Markus Andreev: I don't have any other place to go ok?
Markus Andreev: Look.
*** Markus Andreev throws him a PDA.
Markus Andreev: Look at the map screen..
*** Gatlin catches the PDA and looks at it
Gatlin : What about it? It is a normal map of the Zone...
Markus Andreev: The last reading of where my sister was...
Markus Andreev: Was right inside Chernobyl NPP.
Markus Andreev: No one will go.
Gatlin : Next is Ecos, then Mercs, then Milifags
Gatlin : How did you get a hold of this?
Markus Andreev: It was right near Chernobyl NPP.
Markus Andreev: They we're able to grab it.
Markus Andreev: Don't worry, it's been decontaminated.
Gatlin : I see, then, you know she is dead...
Markus Andreev: I don't know.
Markus Andreev: She could be in a safe place inside.
Gatlin : Possibly.
Markus Andreev: Or she could be screaming for help.
Markus Andreev: I don't know what to do.
Gatlin : What is her name?...
Markus Andreev: Roseina.
Markus Andreev: Roseina Andreev.
Gatlin : Sexy name, offense
Markus Andreev: All I can do is search.
Markus Andreev: Search for some way inside.
Markus Andreev: I've been here 3 years.
Markus Andreev: Nothing.
Markus Andreev: Nothing at all.
Nails: [OOC]: ello Silver
Gatlin : Search for 3 more, and then double it.
Gatlin : You will find her someday...I am sure of it
Markus Andreev: Is that what you said to yourself abot your family?
Markus Andreev: Just keep trying?!
Steven Rhinehart [BROADCAST]: Freedom, if you get near Military Zone, I will personally gouge out your eyes and skull-fuck you.
Markus Andreev: I have tried and tried and tried.
Gatlin : Yes...we were in bad shape...
Markus Andreev: Trying just leads to failing.
Gatlin : I succeded...but in the didn't matter.
Markus Andreev: I'm about to lose all hope.
[RADIO] Steven Rhinehart: *M* Anyone there?
Gatlin [YELL]: My family abandoned me!
Adamant: [OOC]: Funny How I get better fps in stalker than I do here
Markus Andreev: Look at yourself, Gatlin!
Gatlin [YELL]: Now don't you dare abandon yours!
Markus Andreev: JUST LOOK.
Markus Andreev: Your the most respected bandit in this entire Zone.
Markus Andreev: You have everything
Markus Andreev: Rubles.
Markus Andreev: Friends.
Markus Andreev: Best guns.
Markus Andreev: Best suits.
Markus Andreev: And you could find and kill anyone you wanted.
Markus Andreev: Me.
Markus Andreev: I'm a failure.
Markus Andreev: I am expendable.
Markus Andreev: Period.
*** Markus Andreev throws the PDA on the ground.
*** Markus Andreev walks away.
*** Gatlin walks over to the PDA
*** Gatlin picks it up and looks through the logs
*** Gatlin reads about her journal entries
*** Gatlin scrolls through the files until he finds pictures
*** Gatlin scrolls through them and finds a picture of her standing next to Markus, she being in a ecologist suit and her arms around
Gatlin : (Markus smiling.
*** Gatlin nods
Gatlin : I am going to have to find her, myself
Markus Andreev: You can't.
Gatlin : Why the hell can't I?
Markus Andreev: Two words.
Markus Andreev: Chernobyl NPP.
Markus Andreev: She is in the heart of all the radiation.
Markus Andreev: You WILL die if you go.
Gatlin : Those Military anti-rad suits were made strong...
Gatlin : developing something...
Gatlin : I will talk to him about it
Gatlin : Like you said, I have the best suits, best weapons, roubles, and connections
Gatlin : I have a better chance than anyone here...
Gatlin : And look at YOURSELF
Gatlin : You have lasted here for 3 years
Gatlin : Most don't last 2 weeks.
Gatlin : Do you still call yourself...a failure?
Markus Andreev: Look at me.
Markus Andreev: And look at you.
Markus Andreev: Who has more and who has less.
Markus Andreev: Look whos upl
Markus Andreev: And look whos down.
Markus Andreev: Look who has everything..
Markus Andreev: Look who has nothing..
*** Gatlin throws Markus a Vintorez "That is a start..."
*** Gatlin walks off
Markus Andreev: Wait.
Gatlin : What?
Markus Andreev: I'm coming too.
Gatlin : Good....
Markus Andreev: Remember that merc?
Gatlin : Yeah, what about him?
Markus Andreev: Down hee.
Markus Andreev: He's waiting for us.
Markus Andreev: Please.
Markus Andreev: I don't want any of my friends behind.
*** Gatlin pulls out his second Vintorez "Good bandit always comes prepared
Markus Andreev: Lets go.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Reno is in my top 5 best roleplayers at the moment :P
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: One of the most intresting roleplays I have had so far.
Gatlin : Lead the way.
=(e)=?RENCAMO: [OOC]: Nah, my guys stil a nub.
Markus Andreev: We hav-.
Markus Andreev: Ground.
Markus Andreev: Now.
Gatlin : What did he do?....
Gatlin : He was just robbed...
Gatlin : Did you even notice it?
Markus Andreev: Where is the merc spot.
Snark Bliskin: No idea
Snark Bliskin: I live here
Markus Andreev: Keep walking.
Snark Bliskin: haven't traveled far away
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Fuck!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: God damn Freedomer.
Gatlin : What did he do?
Markus Andreev: Where is he?
Gatlin : I see him
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Almost shot me as I'm talking to a grunt.

Aleksandr Aksyonov: Is he injured?
Markus Andreev: We'e taking him out.
Gatlin : You lead!
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Halt.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Arms down, guys..
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Fuck, he almost shot me.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Wasn't me :/
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Lets go check on the Military Grunt.
Markus Andreev: If I ever find him...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: That is not a injury that's called instant death
Player Rohok Teyar has joined the game
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: You dumbfucks.
Markus Andreev: BOTH OF YOU.
Dragov Broske: Whos outnumberdd?
Gatlin [YELL]: Oi!
*** Steven Rhinehart starts gringing
Dragov Broske: Alek
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Put the gun down, both of you.
Gatlin [YELL]: Alek!
Steven Rhinehart: You are, dumbass.
Dragov Broske: Its me.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Both of you, put it down.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: I got a deal with this grunt.
*** Steven Rhinehart looks in obvious pain, trying to stay standing
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: So ronry
Gatlin : He is a friend of mine guys
Steven Rhinehart: Grrgh..
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Soooo Ronry!
Dragov Broske: Fine.
snakethefox: [OOC]: ;.;
Steven Rhinehart: Fuuckkkk..
Gatlin : Alek...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: i have no body
*** Steven Rhinehart falls against the tree, noticing his wounds
Gatlin : i have a birthday present
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov stares.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Wow
snakethefox: [OOC]: At least you don't live in a house that shares the bathroom and the bedroom!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: I walk off and get shot
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: WHAT THE FUCK?
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Did he just popshot?
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: WHO SHOT?
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Thats great.
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: kaboose did
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: The guy with the Sniper
Steven Rhinehart: Grr..
*** Steven Rhinehart stands up
=(e)=?RENCAMO: [OOC]: I shot at.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: **Gives up((
=(e)=?RENCAMO: [OOC]: Not shot you. You should of kept running.
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: i saw kaboose shooting.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I give up
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Yes, brother?
*** Gatlin throws Alek a LR-300
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov catches it.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Cobra, if you WANT to Shoot-to-miss and Injure RP, dont attempt to kill me.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Rohok
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Freedom doors pwned me
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Holy fuck, yes..
Gatlin : Thought it would be...repayment.
Markus Andreev: Alek...
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov looks at Gatlin.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Thank you brother.
Markus Andreev: Remember that sister I told you about?
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: I had to sprint to avoid getting the last bullet that would kill me.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I was trying to take cover and when I peaked up to see you where down
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Yeah..
Gatlin : No problem mate.
Markus Andreev: I got a reading on her.... it's extreamly dangerous though.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: You shot at my ass w/e
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Is she still alive or what?
Markus Andreev: Possibly.
Markus Andreev: But...
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: I had 16% health left, and you were still firing.
Markus Andreev: She's in the middle of Chernobyl NPP.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Now..
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov looks at the blood from the Military Grunt on his suit.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Shooting to miss
Gatlin : Here, I know where we can borrow a car...
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Do you WANT to retry that?
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: And you where still standing
Gatlin : They really help traveling...
Markus Andreev: Lets go.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Damn, that Freedumbass almost shot me.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Sure why the hell not
Gatlin : Follow me...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Well, lets roll.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: SILVER
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: If you've EVER been shot, or know people who have, you'll know that when you get shot, you actually dont even feel it
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I know this
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Untill after a short bit.
Vityaz: [OOC]: cobra your like, 12. you've never been shot.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I know people WHO HAVE BEEN SHOT IN IRAQ JACK ASS
Vityaz: [OOC]: I do too, and in the Russian Military.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Kk Cobra, shoot AT me.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Nice.
Player Keplaffintech has joined the game
snakethefox: [OOC]: Yeah right. Did you know the majority of battlefield 'kills' are when someone gets shot in the arm or leg, and loses
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Shh
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Old Military vehicle?
*** Gatlin gets in and turns on the car
snakethefox: [OOC]: conciousness out of shock
Adamant: [OOC]: god stop spamming ooc every 5 seconds
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: communist, being shot is the equivilent of having a car crash into one point of your body... painless?
Gatlin : Yup, spoils of war mate.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov gets in the middle seat.
snakethefox: [OOC]: Google 'hydrostatic shock'
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Endorphines
*** Gatlin buckles "You guys ready?
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Block out the pain
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov buckles up.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Yeah.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: /Adredline
[RADIO] Steven Rhinehart: *M* Need backup!
snakethefox: [OOC]: Most times you see someone shot, and fall over, it's because they're fainted
Markus Andreev | =(e)=?RENCAMO [LOOC]: One sec.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Movies they are wrong
snakethefox: [OOC]: look it up
Markus Andreev | =(e)=?RENCAMO [LOOC]: Putting Sniper away.
*** Gatlin hits the gas and the car springs to life and jets forward with the force of 200 horses
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: yes, that's true
Vityaz: [OOC]: i got shot in the balls with airsoft guns 50 times with 500fps, it hrut like shit
Vityaz: [OOC]: and i fainted, oh god it was bad.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: And you are comparing this to a gun shot lol
snakethefox: [OOC]: Most people go into immediate shock when they're shot.
Vityaz: [OOC]: why yes i am, cobra. got a problem?
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Crap I hit
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: no lol
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Why would you shot your self in the balls
Vityaz: [OOC]: not me
snakethefox: [OOC]: lol who's in the jeep?
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Common, lets do this, Cobra.
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: I help teh panda!
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: And the dutys don't notice a wounded Freedomer on the ground lol
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: wow I am so good for a prisoner atm
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Fuck this, lets blast through it.
*** Gatlin drives through the gate, knocking it down
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: GO!
Markus Andreev: GO! HURRY!
Gatlin [YELL]: Get in!
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Oh
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov gets in.
Nails: [OOC]: that alarm is pissing me off
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver Pls answer me.
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [OOC]: ROFL CAR
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Is Duty Leader on?
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: why did you kill me
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Dude Silver Can i pls have My Merc exo suit back???
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Yes, I am.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Who did
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: nice job idiot
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: injury rp
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Holy shit, the suspension almost broke.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Rohok, I'd like to apply for Duty
Nails: [OOC]: Hey Rohok u make the apps yet?
Nails: [OOC]: same ^
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: I FOUND A FLASHLIGHT LOL
*** Gatlin gets out
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: I will be posting the apps up as soon as Silver grants me Duty forum moderator.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Who killed Freedom?
Gatlin : Well, we are here
Adamant: [OOC]: who was the military guy that disapeard
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: keep going duty killed me
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: RP THE FUCKING NPP GOD DAMN YOU
*** Markus Andreev puts in a new clip.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov looks.
*** Markus Andreev holsters his gun.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Never been this close.
*** Gatlin looks up at the NPP
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Duty come back AND DONT KILL ME
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Been in Pripyat, but damn.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Duty, we were doing shoot to miss
Gatlin : The radiation has died down....
*** Markus Andreev pulls out his geiger counter.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Ahh, okay.
Markus Andreev: Not by alot.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver , Can i pls have my Merc Exo back?
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov has his geiger beating.
Markus Andreev: Still way too much of a lethal dose...
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Ok, go back, Freedom.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Sorry about that, Cobra.
[RADIO] Frank Lazar: *F* I'm hit someone help I am at the town--- Aauugh fuck
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: yo kaboose
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I am still there
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Ye?
Gatlin : Radiation is in pockets
Gatlin : If we find the right spots, we can make it inside
[RADIO] Frank Lazar: *F* Someone help me *coughs*
Gatlin : The inside is completely free of radiation
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Freedom, go back to that one place..where are you
Markus Andreev: Lets hope...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: I am there already lol
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: lemme see
*** Markus Andreev pulls out his geiger counter.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov uses his custom geiger counter.[/center]


(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: kk
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Damn..
Gatlin : Follow me...exactly...I have a better chance of suriviving.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Worse than Garbage.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: duty come back.
[RADIO] Frank Lazar: *F* Does anyone copy!?
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: :O Silver Please.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: I GAVE YOU ONE ASSHOLE D:
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov gulps.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Almost.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver Please :O
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Scientist
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Where are the Monolith?
Markus Andreev: They don't get too close.
Gatlin : Not...sure....
Markus Andreev: Their most likely inside.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Yeah, I know, I like scientist
*** Markus Andreev hears a gauss rifle go right past their heads.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Leader is in lab 24/7 rarely goes out into the field
Markus Andreev [YELL]: Sniper!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver Can you Please Give me my Merc Exo Suit back!?!?
*** Gatlin  drops down
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov falls down.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: my old suit :P
*** Gatlin  blind fires with his mossberg
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: P228 :P
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: OK Who steals tires, really?
Gatlin  [YELL]: Take him out!
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: need help?
Adamant: [OOC]: I know who
*** Markus Andreev hears the gauss rifle fire directly pass his foot.
Neo: [OOC]: The great tire banditos?
Gatlin  [YELL]: Shit!
*** Markus Andreev follows the tracer round.
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: There he is!
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: On the roof!
Gatlin  [YELL]: Take him down!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: SILVER
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Please May i?
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: RP sivler :P
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Ducky Where is silver
Nails: [OOC]: brb
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: He isn't responding
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: i must speak to him in LOOC
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Oh
Neo: [OOC]: I found a tire on the edge of the map. xD
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: We are roleplaying being attacked by a roleplayed Guass gun armed Monolith
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Is he down?
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Someone jacked my tire ._.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Please don't kill us :( We have come way to far
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: Lol
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: God damn!
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Covering fire!
Gatlin  [YELL]: Take this asshole out!
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: He's down!
Gatlin : I am surprised
Gatlin : We rushed forward, and didn't die of radiation...
Markus Andreev: If anyone gets in my way at this point...
Gatlin : Check your counters...
Markus Andreev: I'll fucking kill them.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov checks it.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: It's..alright.
*** Markus Andreev checks it..
Markus Andreev: It's too normal..
Markus Andreev: We need to get inside.
Gatlin : Something strange is going on...
Gatlin : Follow me...
Gatlin : We are almsot inside
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Is this...Zone..Baiting us?
Gatlin : The entrance is in sight
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Or the Monolith Crystal?
Gatlin : Guys...
Gatlin : We are about to get into deep shit
Gatlin : No matter how much you are tempted...
Gatlin : Do not look for the Monolith...
Gatlin : It exists..and it is very, very real
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov stares.
Player Gamiro has joined the game
Aleksandr Aksyonov: But...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Our dreams.
Markus Andreev: I don't care about my life at this point.
Gatlin : I havee seen it...many times myself...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: They could come true..
snakethefox: [OOC]: whoever keeps stealing things randomly from peolples prop houses, at least provide some story or rp
Markus Andreev: My sister is right there.
Markus Andreev: If I have to die to save her life.
Markus Andreev: So be it.
Adamant: [OOC]: I felt like stealin shit /end
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: he's the tyre bandit
Gatlin : It is a murderer...a decetful liar...
Gatlin : Now, follow me, exactly
Player Reece has joined the game
Neo: [OOC]: I found a tire in the middle of the woods
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov nods.
Neo: [OOC]: Might be the same one. :3
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Gatlin, wait.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Wait.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Pocket of radiation.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov has his geiger beeping.
Gatlin : I can sense it, my sensors are going wild
*** Gatlin  side steps 20 feet
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver
Gatlin : We good yet?
Aleksandr Aksyonov: It goes normal.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: It's a bit raised, but good enough for travel.
Gatlin : Nothing deadly, those Merc suits were made well
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Hehe.
Gatlin : We are here...
*** Markus Andreev cocks his gun.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov stares.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: It's almost pitch black.
*** Markus Andreev pulls out the PDA.
Player McGraveDigger has joined the game
*** Gatlin  kicks open the door, the echo ringing throughout the entine pitch black complex
*** Gatlin  pulls out his Sig and screams "WATCH OUT!"
Markus Andreev: BLOODSUCKERS!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: What!?
*** Gatlin  fires at a bloodsucker!
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov blindfires.
snakethefox: [OOC]: Whoever I just payed to get that guy, I want his body too
Nails: [OOC]: yeah we are
*** Gatlin  rears his hand back and punches one of them in the forehead, stumbling it
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov fires, dropping his clip and getting a new one.
*** Markus Andreev pulls out his Vintorez, charging the bloodsuckers.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Nails :D
Adamant: [OOC]: we found a body
*** Gatlin  reloads and shoves the Sig right into it's mouth
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Markus!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: where you at
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Shit!
Gatlin  [YELL]: Shit! GO!
Markus Andreev: It's dead.
*** Gatlin  whips around and pistol whips one that was cloaked behind Gatlin, smashing it's skull
Gatlin : I fucking hate mutants...
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: SILVER**
Markus Andreev: Shes under us..
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: i gotta go in 2 mins >:(
Markus Andreev: Lets go.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: I need to talk to you about a few things
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: Building is stairs
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Silver is playing doctor with some military dude.
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: WE WILL HURRY!
Adamant: [OOC]: I found target practice for mercs
Gatlin  [YELL]: COme no!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Why dosn't he ta;l
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Talk*
*** Gatlin  rushes down the stairs
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: rofl
Markus Andreev: Oh my god..
Vityaz: [OOC]: mercs are at Chernobyl NPP
*** Markus Andreev stares at the Crystal.
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: hello man!!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Don' it.
Gatlin  [YELL]: Dear god! No!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: that yo..shit.
*** Markus Andreev pulls out his Geiger counter.
Gatlin  [YELL]: Don't! Fall for it!
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: ur sister is frozen LOL
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: Nuuu
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: statue
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: statue.
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: I want to her to be alive D:


*** Markus Andreev holds onto his head.
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: FUCK
Markus Andreev: UGH...
Markus Andreev: MY...
Markus Andreev: HEAD..
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus!
Markus Andreev: CO- CONTROLLER...
*** Gatlin  looks around
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov slaps his mask.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Where the fu-
*** Gatlin  equips his Mossberg and walks towards the Controller
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov 's vision goes to the controller.
Gatlin : let you...kill...
Markus Andreev [YELL]: MY FUCKING HEAD!!!!
Gatlin : My....comrades.....
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: Ahhhhg!
Gatlin :
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [OOC]: ROFL
*** Markus Andreev becomes zomiefied for a second.
*** Markus Andreev picks up his pistol.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: LOL
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: I need to speak with you
*** Markus Andreev raises it towards his head.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov bashes Markus's face.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Privatly.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Stop!
*** Markus Andreev falls down.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: LMFAO @ fail
*** Gatlin  puts the Mossberg in the mouth of the Controller "Good-bye...."
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov goes through his bags.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Shit...wheres the pills...FUUUUCK.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov falls.
[RADIO] Steven Rhinehart: *Open Frequency* Duty..Leader..get over 'ere..
*** Markus Andreev sees Gatlin kill the controller.
*** Gatlin  pulls the trigger, the brain mattter of the being painting the walls.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Hg...hg..
*** Gatlin  drops to the group, holding his head.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov grabs his head.
*** Markus Andreev grabshis gun.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Fuck..
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus...
Markus Andreev: She-.
Markus Andreev: She-s...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: You almost became one of them..
*** Markus Andreev falls down the stairs.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus..fuck!
[RADIO] Steven Rhinehart: *Open Freq* Duty Leader..Get over to the..*cough*..tent..
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov rushes down the stairs.
*** Markus Andreev looks to the left.
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov crawls down to Markus.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Can you please not...
*** Gatlin  gets up and jumps down the stairs
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus, what's wrong!?
*** Markus Andreev shvoes Alek out of the way.
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [OOC]: No, stop bugging me
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov hits the wall
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Rohok get over here
Gatlin  | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: I hope she is alive :/
*** Markus Andreev picks up the girl ont he floor.
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: But its about me Getting Pk'd
*** Markus Andreev puts his hand on her neck.

(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: ROHOK
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov stares.
*** Markus Andreev puts his geiger counter down on her chest.
*** Gatlin  holds his breath
*** Markus Andreev smiles.
Markus Andreev: Shes alive.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: We need to get OUT OF HERE>
Gatlin  [YELL]: screams "FUCK YES
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Take her.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: So we can get the fuck out.
*** Gatlin  listens
*** Markus Andreev hears hundreads upon hundreads of roars.
Markus Andreev: Oh.
Markus Andreev: Shit.
*** Gatlin  listens to moans and roars
Gatlin : OH SHIT
Gatlin : Horde!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Look, I know a shortcut..- Fucking a.
Markus Andreev: Bloodsuckers, hearly an entire army.
Gatlin : Lets get the fuck out of here! THE MONOLITH IS AWAKE!
*** Markus Andreev pulls out his Vintroez.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: I don't think those are bloodsuckers, Markus!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Fucking rats!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Lets go!
Markus Andreev: Get her out of here.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: I don't know what it is!
Markus Andreev: I'll distract them.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: I don't care, go!
Gatlin : Hold on
Gatlin : Here, let me take her
Gatlin : I am stronger than both of you
*** Markus Andreev hands Gatlin his sister.
Markus Andreev: Gatlin.
Markus Andreev: No matter what you see.
Markus Andreev: No matter how bad it is.
*** Gatlin  carries her on his back.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Just GO!
Markus Andreev: Get her and him out of here.
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: GO.
Markus Andreev | =(e)=?RENCAMO [LOOC]: wait.
*** Gatlin  nods "I understand"
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Markus, distract, and then fucking run.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: To us.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: We'll get the car to the entrance.
Gatlin : You guys ready...this is the final stand...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: You fucking run out of here..
Gatlin : We need to get to the car...
*** Markus Andreev kicks down the door.
Aleksandr Aksyonov: I'll go to the car, just get safe!
*** Gatlin  runs out, towards the car
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov gets in the car.
*** Gatlin  puts Rosenia in the back seat then gets in the driver side
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Go Go go!
Gatlin : I hope...he iis...going to make it...
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Start the damn car, just go!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Fucking drive to him!
Aleksandr Aksyonov: Do it!
*** Gatlin  stats the car
*** Gatlin  drives
Aleksandr Aksyonov: The car can survive.
Gatlin  [YELL]: Get the Fuck in!
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: GET IN!
*** Markus Andreev jumps in but gets pinned by a Bloodsucker.
Markus Andreev: AHHHH!
*** Aleksandr Aksyonov fires out the window.
*** Markus Andreev grabs one of it's tentacles, ripping it off.
*** Gatlin  one hands mossberg out the window and puts it against the bloodsucker's head and pulls the trigger
Aleksandr Aksyonov [YELL]: GET IN!
*** Markus Andreev shoots it into the head, jumping int he head.
Gatlin  [YELL]: Lets go!
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Rp my self getting attacked by a blood sucker on the way back to base lol hear me go crazy over the radio XD
*** Gatlin  runs over mutants, crushing them
[RADIO] Frank Lazar: *OF* What the hell wa- Shit! Fuck Fuck fuck I have no luck!
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver , If i leave OB Fragger says he will PK me and im not alllowd to hire Mercs to Protect me.
Reece: [OOC]: Lol
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Of = Open Freq
Reece: [OOC]: Thats BS
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: I know
Player ??˘???G?SF?Killpact has joined the game
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Thats why i wanted to talk to you silver
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Can you please talk to him.
[RADIO] Frank Lazar: *OF* Shit Bloodsucker!


Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: g2g bye
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: post on FORUMS
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: SHIT
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: NAOWWW
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: By :P
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: I WILL
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: byee
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: best rp ever
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: See ya, offically
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: xD
Aleksandr Aksyonov | Vityaz [LOOC]: :D
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: Luv ya
Vityaz: [OOC]: hppe this lr300 saves
Vityaz: [OOC]: bai
*** Gatlin opens door and gets Markus's sister out
Player Vityaz left the game (Disconnect by user.)
*** Gatlin carries her in his arms down to the bunker
*** Markus Andreev falls to the floor.
Gatlin : No time to rest...
*** Markus Andreev begins to the puke.
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: That's right, got my damn tire back.
Markus Andreev: Radiatio-...
Gatlin : I are tired..
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: The music made it even better.
Markus Andreev: Radiation poisining....
Adamant: [OOC]: naw thats mah damned tire
Gatlin [YELL]: Fuck!
*** Gatlin lets his sister down and pins Markus down
Markus Andreev: Get inside... Monolith on the way...
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Lies, it was stolen from me, I dare you to attempt to retrieve it ^^
*** Gatlin starts clawing away at his clothing, ripping it off of him
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: what got stolen?
Gatlin [YELL]: I got some anti-rad! You will be fine!
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Stole my tire.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Cant switch characters.
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: nothing
*** Markus Andreev shows him the geiger counter.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Nvm
Markus Andreev: Too... high.
Gatlin : No....
Markus Andreev: Get out of here... save her and yourself....
Gatlin : ....Not...after...
*** Markus Andreev grabs his hand.
Markus Andreev: Find... your family.
*** Gatlin nods "No, you never heard the full story of my past..."
Gatlin : I was born in Australia...I was raised in the outback, I moved to England to go to college...
Gatlin : That is where I met my...wife
Gatlin : We got married, and had 2 beatiful children...
Gatlin : Times were hard....
Gatlin : I came search of fortune...they promised me they would wait...
Gatlin : They didn't....they moved and left me after only six months...
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Anyone wanna buy a SEVA suit for 50000000000 billion million?
Markus Andreev: Gatlin..
Neo: [OOC]: millicents?
Markus Andreev: Grab my hand.... and pull me up.
Gatlin : There is no family left for me...
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Oh sure, that's just pocket change for me.
*** Gatlin grabs his hand and pulls him up
snakethefox: [OOC]: More like MiliSENSE amirite?
*** Markus Andreev puts in a new clip for his pistol.
Markus Andreev: Listen to me.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Yup, yup. I just want my e-penis to be larger than Reece's. HIm 'n his 75k RU.
Markus Andreev: We're in the Eco's house.
Markus Andreev: Find anti-rad.
Markus Andreev: Tons of it.
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: i wanted to explane
Markus Andreev: I don't have alot of time..
snakethefox: [OOC]: SOmeone is an Error
Markus Andreev: NOW GO.
*** Gatlin nods and runs down stairs
Neo: [OOC]: That was highly amusing
Gatlin [YELL]: Your in luck!
Neo: [OOC]: Two random military people came into that little shop and killed the guy selling me a washing machine
Gatlin [YELL]: There de-radifer is running!
Gatlin [YELL]: Come on!
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: LOL
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: LOL
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: XD
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: its injustice
*** Markus Andreev runs towards Gatlin.
*** Markus Andreev gets shot into his leg by a gauss rifle sniper.
Markus Andreev: AH!
Neo: [OOC]: Was it you?
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: don't prop DM
Gatlin [YELL]: Your fucking kidding me! We have the worst luck!
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: yes
Markus Andreev: Gra-.
Markus Andreev: Pull me!
snakethefox: [OOC]: Whoever is stealing, can you slow it down a bit? Rememeber NLR? Quit stealing from my house over and over again.
*** Gatlin drags Markus out of the way
Neo: [OOC]: Well, you did claim you were "on the run"
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: hello
Gatlin [YELL]: I need to go grab your sister!
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Any traders?
Markus Andreev: No, get the de-radifier ready.
Markus Andreev: I'm getting her.
*** Gatlin nods "Okay"
*** Markus Andreev limps to the door.
Adamant: [OOC]: rofl
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: neo come meet me in my washing machine shop
Neo: [OOC]: But I just died from tripping on a rock. :X
Gatlin [YELL]: It is ready! Just walk through here!
Adamant: [OOC]: I CAME
*** Markus Andreev feels a painful shock, falling to the ground.
Gatlin : It is painful...
Markus Andreev: U-ugh...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: That works
Gatlin : But it whipes the rads off of you.
*** Markus Andreev holds onto his leg.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Forgot we could do that.
Gatlin : You, and your sister...are fine..
Gatlin : Well. except for your leg
Player Neo left the game (Disconnect by user.)
*** Gatlin grabs both of them and slings them over his shoulders "Years in the zone, you develope quite a lot of muscle"
Adamant: [OOC]: man I saw a perfect opportunity there
*** Gatlin lays his Sister down
Gatlin : Here, get in this tank...
Gatlin : Don't worry about breathing, it is oxygen enriched
Gatlin : If you stay in there for a hour or two, you will be fine
Gatlin : Stem cells are already working on that wound.
Gatlin : These egg-head sure do know their stuff
Markus Andreev: .....
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Shit son, I gotta get rollin' on outta here.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Late as hell.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Cya, Rohok.
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: RP several hours passing? :P
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Same lol
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: wait Rhok
*** Markus Andreev lays in the tube, falling asleep.
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: QUick draw I am going too
*** Markus Andreev wakes up from a night-mare.
*** Gatlin walks off to the barraks, wanting to sleep
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Someone saw draw
Adamant: [OOC]: the*
Gatlin | Molested Rubber Ducky [LOOC]: Morning now
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: say*
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: someone say draw
Markus Andreev: Bl-blood-bloodsuckers...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: ANYONE
Markus Andreev: They we're everywhere.
*** Gatlin drags Markus out of the tub
Player ??˘???G?SF?Killpact left the game (Disconnect by user.)
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: lol
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: DIE BITCH
Gatlin : No, they are all gone Markus
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: onwed
Gatlin : We killed them, we killed them all...
SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har): [OOC]: Cya lol
Markus Andreev: That stone...
Markus Andreev: That stone fucked with my head.
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Ha. Okay, guys, for those interested in Duty, I promise to have apps up by tomorrow.
Player SGT.Cobra=TS=(Rawr Har) left the game (Disconnect by user.)
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Yessir.
Adamant: [OOC]: ah thanks.
Gatlin : It will haunt you for a long time, for the rest of eternity, I am to suffer from visions.
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Rohok, check SF>
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [OOC]: keep that shit up Kach, and say bibi to ur phystrust
Nails: [OOC]: ok hurry up Rohok :D
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Added you.
Adamant: [OOC]: With my expertise im sure we'll make an exxcelent team
Markus Andreev: What happened to my sister.
*** Gatlin looks at Markus's sister
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: I will say that it's going to be a little different than you're used to, though.
Gatlin : She got a bad rad dose....
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: That's cool.
Gatlin : And passed out...
snakethefox: [OOC]: Someone kick Kashmir Petrov, he doesn't know how to RP
Rohok Teyar: [OOC]: Alright guys, fun RP'ing tonight, catch y'all later.
Player Rohok Teyar left the game (Disconnect by user.)
Adamant: [OOC]: last app I filled out admin app and got accepted
Gatlin : But...she is still alive...the monolith might have kept her safe.
snakethefox: [OOC]: he keeps taking stuff from my house, and wont RP
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Shit, you're an admin?
Adamant: [OOC]: no not here
Markus Andreev: ....
Adamant: [OOC]: I was on PE
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: Oh.
snakethefox: [OOC]: NOW
Adamant: [OOC]: Pulsar effect
Markus Andreev: We're still stuck here...
(P-P) Communist Panda: [OOC]: I am on a couple places.
snakethefox: [OOC]: he just prop killed me
Markus Andreev: Too many Millitary to escape.
Gatlin : No, I can get you out of here
Gatlin : You were right...being powerful does have it's perks
Markus Andreev: You didn't take my path.. did you?
snakethefox: [OOC]: he literally tore my house apart
Markus Andreev: Inside it's all corrupt...
Markus Andreev: Outside....
Keplaffintech: [OOC]: hello
Markus Andreev: Spetznaz....
snakethefox: [OOC]: Name was Kasmir Petrov or something
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: well that's what you get for not insuring
Fyren338{=IRP}/PBRP: [OOC]: Keplaffintech
Gatlin : Outside...I am a bartender
snakethefox: [OOC]: Someone kick that bastard, he's fucking with all the props on the map
Gatlin : Inside...I am the most dangerous man in the Zone
snakethefox: [OOC]: rearranging them, stealing them
Ѕтυям̈́эн: [OOC]: he lost his phys trust, dw
Markus Andreev: Gatlin.
Gatlin : Yes?
Markus Andreev: You never told me something.
Markus Andreev: If your family left...
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Silver
Markus Andreev: Why did you come back?
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Can i please get my suit
Gatlin : . . .
[HGN]|Scion|ﮖil√ĕřKňight: [OOC]: stop minging and kaboose no
*** Gatlin looks up at the celing
Adamant: [OOC]: asking will only delay it
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: Why?
Gatlin : The Zone calls to me, it is my home...
[HGN].. Kaboose....: [OOC]: It disapeard.
Gatlin : The only place, where I
Gatlin : This is where I have lived
Gatlin : And this is where I will die...
Markus Andreev: I can't have my sister here..
Markus Andreev: If she stays I can't protect her....
Gatlin : When she wakes up, she can make that descion for herself...
*** Gatlin looks down at Markus's sister as she starts to come through
Markus Andreev: Tell me her desision...
*** Gatlin ndos
*** Gatlin talks to Rosenia "Hello" she replies "Who? What?...where am I?"
Gatlin : You are in a freelance Ecologist base, you are very lucky to be alive.
Gatlin : Rosenia: Last thing I remember is...being in the NPP and blacking out
Gatlin : Yes, we found you there, you had been frozen in time, for about a year now
Gatlin : Rosenia: How did you know where to find me?
Gatlin : Your brother, he has been looking for you...for a long time.
Gatlin : He has given up many things to find you and he wants to know
Gatlin : Do you want to stay in the Zone?
Gatlin : Rosenia: . . .
Gatlin : Rosenia: is my duty as a ecologist...
*** Gatlin nods "I will tell him..."
Markus Andreev: I heard..
Gatlin : Oh...
Markus Andreev: Jus-...
Markus Andreev: Make sure she gets back safely.
Gatlin : No wait!
Gatlin : Markus
Gatlin : Why not, stay here, with her?
Gatlin : Just keep her away from you know...Military and the NPP area
Markus Andreev: I need to stay in The Zone..
Markus Andreev: This place...
Markus Andreev: It haunts me too much to leav.e.
Gatlin : That is the story of the Zone.
*** Gatlin turns around and Rosenia is right behind him
Markus Andreev: I can't protect her either...
*** Gatlin walks out of the way and she tackles Markus hugging him
Markus Andreev: The Millitary would kill me and her if they found out.
Markus Andreev: Rose...
Markus Andreev: Go back home... you can't come back here.
Markus Andreev: Go back to your Eco friends.
Markus Andreev: Roseina : When will I see you again...
Markus Andreev: Just.. forget about me...
Markus Andreev: Don't try and find me or anything...
*** Gatlin slaps the fuck out of Markus
Gatlin : She can always come back to see you, ya fucking idiot
*** Markus Andreev takes the slaps.
Markus Andreev: No.
Markus Andreev: She can't.
Gatlin : Why the hell not?
Markus Andreev: Shes a Millitary ecolighists.
Markus Andreev: If they find out about us.
Markus Andreev: They will kill her.
Markus Andreev: And me.
Markus Andreev: And maybe even you.
*** Gatlin gets punched in the gut by Rosenia but her hand just bounces of the suit "DON'T HIT MY BROTHER!" she creams
Gatlin : That, is where I come in...
Gatlin : I am just saying...if you ever want to safely see her again, I could do it...
Markus Andreev: No... you couldn't.
Markus Andreev: It's too dangerous...
*** Gatlin listens to the beeping in his pocket
Gatlin : What the fuck?...
Markus Andreev: Isn't this place radiation free...
*** Gatlin reaches in and pulls out Rosenia's PDA, a message is being displayed by one of her ecologist friends.
Gatlin : Yes
Gatlin : This is the cleanest place in the Zone.
Markus Andreev: ...
Markus Andreev: Roseina...
Markus Andreev: You need to go back.
*** Gatlin hands Rosenia her PDA "You might want this back"
Markus Andreev: Never. Ever. Ever. Try and find me...
Markus Andreev: Rosenia : Why?
Markus Andreev: Rosenia: It's too dangerous... just... go.
*** Markus Andreev hears her walk to the door then when she opens it...
Markus Andreev [YELL]: Rosenia : NO!
*** Markus Andreev hears the shot of a Gauss Rifle.
*** Gatlin holds Markus back
Markus Andreev: YOU MOTHER FUCKERS....
Gatlin : You get Rose...I will take care of this....
*** Markus Andreev knocks off Gatlin.
*** Markus Andreev walks out.
*** Gatlin has a Monolith by the throat, holding him a clear 3 feet off the ground.
*** Markus Andreev sees Gatlin infront of him.
Markus Andreev: Sh-..
Markus Andreev: She's dead..
*** Gatlin draws his p228 and hands it to the Monolith "I want to see you do it...."
*** Markus Andreev grabs his Gauss Rifle.
Gatlin : The Monolith puts the P228 in his mouth and pulls the trigger.
*** Gatlin drops the Monolith.
Markus Andreev: Gatlin...
Gatlin : Yes?....
Markus Andreev: She's dead...
Gatlin : It can't be...
*** Markus Andreev sets down the womans body.
*** Gatlin looks down at her
*** Markus Andreev hears her still gargleing out blood.
Markus Andreev: I'm sorry.
Gatlin : At least...she knew you came for her...that you....remembered...
*** Markus Andreev cocks the back of his Marakov.
*** Markus Andreev points it down to his sisters head.
Markus Andreev: I love you..
*** Gatlin looks at Markus then closes his eyes
*** Markus Andreev pulls the trigger.
*** Gatlin opens his eyes
*** Markus Andreev hears the body completly hit the floor.
Markus Andreev: ...
Gatlin : isn't your fault...
Markus Andreev: ....
Markus Andreev: Everything in this world..
Markus Andreev: My family..
Markus Andreev: My sister...
Markus Andreev: Sins...
Markus Andreev: Is my fault..
Markus Andreev: Period...
Gatlin : Repentance my friend...
Markus Andreev: I can't repent...
Markus Andreev: I just killed my own blood...
*** Gatlin points to the Monolith "It is their fault for your sister...not yours..."
Gatlin : She was suffering....
Markus Andreev: People have survived Gauss Rifle shots....
Markus Andreev: I could of saved her...
*** Markus Andreev lifts up her body.
Gatlin : Are you leaving, this place?
*** Markus Andreev gives Gatlin the body.
Markus Andreev: Make sure she has a popular funueral..
*** Gatlin takes ahold of her
Markus Andreev: Please...
*** Gatlin nods "I will..."
=(e)=?RENCAMO: [OOC]: Sorry for my epic fail roleplay, Gatlin.
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: Lol wut?
Molested Rubber Ducky: [OOC]: I never even got to fuck her :/



Epic roleplay was epic, sadly you left when the Bloodsucker came.
Tyler Jackson - Sergeant - "Breaching with C2, sir."

Kree - Slaver - "Go to hell you piece of shit."

Ispraven - Aces - "In the cold and dark shadows, I sneak. In the the bloody raging chaos, I cause. I am a Club."

Micheal Westen - Ex-Spy - "Don't I get tied down to the chair? Don't go soft on me now, Carla."


DAMIT!!! Why do all the faggot minges come one when i play... Only if i didnt have school i would have been there...


Quote from: RENCAMO Epic roleplay was epic, sadly you left when the Bloodsucker came.
Yeah, I heard you in vent :P



holy shit, how long did this rp go?
Rusty - Returned to the Zone