RPR Roleplaying Rating. Mods and players please look.

Started by Redbark, 01-01-2013

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This is an edited post from an old strict mod, but I thought I would bring it back and tweak it. now one, I am not a mod, if it says anything relating to first person modding PLEASE do not worry, thats the strict mod. Also since I am not a mod, this is not ready yet, I am still planning how we will ist RPR, we may make a post with RPR.
MOST things are not official, I want some mods to briefly go over this and tweak it to their ways (Hopefully less strictly) and make sure it can be done.
I made this since I got James's blessing


What is RPRating?

Out of character, your personal RPRating (RPR) is how other players and moderators judge you. When you initially join the server, your RPRating is 0. The scale goes from -10 to +10 (UNLESS YOU ARE A MOD. MODS ALWAYS HAVE 0 RPR).Note: This may judge on abusive powers, for mods they have two terms of rp rating, -5 to 1, 1 is amazing, -5 is bad, if a mod has hit -5, he/she has/may be stripped of adminship

We will seperate each RPR into several groups, these groups are listed from worst, to greatest. Dark, Bright, Sunny. Dark is -3 and below. Bright is -2 to 2. And sunny is 3 and up


1: By limiting your boundaries, stick low, to mid tier items. You can have the occasional high tier item but not too many.
2: By limiting your maximum health below 400. The lower you go, the more interesting.
3: By NOT choosing a character power at all. No OP powers
4: By delivering excellent roleplay.
5: By knowing when to pass the spotlight to another player, rather than trying to hog it to show off your character.
6: By having a beloved and long-running character die, with no hope of resurrection. I am confused whether we should keep this
7: GOOD solo roleplay (RP'ing out your actions even if no one is near you). This does NOT amount to typing every action you do, once per second, two words at a time. One message every three minutes or so describing your actions is a perfect amount. But please note you do not have to do this all the time
8: By making a well-done and interesting (READ: FUN) event that gives others a change to really do some awesome things.
9: Wearing mismatched armor and items in your vanity slot to create a UNIQUE look for your character.
These, for the most part, are cumulative. For example, if you decide to remain at 100 hp despite opportunities to change that, you will CONTINUE to gain RPR.

Other ways include other players saying to us mods 'Hey, this guy is cool. Can I propose we give him a +1 RPR?'. Or the mods can add one automatically, and also if you add +1 RPR to two people then you GAIN +1 RPR.

So how do you LOWER RPR? In other words: What DON'T you want to do? (EXPECT TO LOSE RPR IF YOU DO THESE THINGS.)
1: Running around in full molten gear with 400 hp, a pretty powerful character power and suped up weapons. Playing a character like this (even close to this) will force your RPR to never rise above 3, regardless of your RP skill.
2: Constantly chatting about how powerful your character is.
3: Godmoding against another player.
4: Using PVP to determine conflict resolution.Depends
5: Constantly attacking other characters with no reprieve or IC warning. Depends
4: Complaining, whining, etc.
5: Constantly badgering the Fates for items or boons. (Every time you ask the Fates for something, your RPR drops by 1.)
6: Shitty roleplay.
8: Constantly mining, alone.
9: Being an emo fuck.
10: Constantly badgering mods for authorizations. Asking for said auths will almost always mean a 'no'.
11: Summoning bosses with no IC reason to do so, simply to gain drops (Summoning a boss to 'fight it as proof of might' or some such wash is not a valid answer).
12: Using a Magic Mirror ICly.


Simply put, RPR is the best thing to have.

1: Random underground events are more likely to favor you, as opposed to hinder you. Random underground events can be anything from sudden fissures in the earth exposing treasure to being buffed or debuffed for a random amount of time (Magic underground can be QUITE wild).

2: The Fates (the server shop) are likely to request less of an offering from characters who request boons if the player has a high RPR. Conversely, a player with low RPR may have to do some very disastrous things- if they're even granted an audience at all.

3: If your RPR is high enough, you may be allowed to substitute the Fates for a deity of your choice- one your character worships, or even a demon to come to make a pact with you. In all cases, the 'deity' communicates via server broadcast.

4: You are more likely to be granted authorizations OOCly, such as access to extra character powers or fewer building requirements.


In all cases, these bonuses flux- If you have GREAT RPR one day, and gain a bunch of things, be prepared to have it taken away if you start to be a sucky person.

DON'T TRY TO GAME THE SYSTEM. We aren't machines who have pre-set responses and actions. We WILL find out, and it won't be pretty when it happens.




I said this before and I'm going to say it again. This system is not only terribly flawed but it's also depressingly contradicting its own rules. I mean holy shit the most obvious flaw coming right out of the core -- you seriously consider the opinion of players, whose intelligence is usually too undeveloped to make proper decisions. You allow people to express their opinion through a point system -- fine, that's ok, I could care less. However the fundamental flaw is that you're assuming that every single point was made with extreme analysis behind it. Democratic and childish ideas like these will not help you in improving the roleplay(assuming that's what you're trying to do -- it's called 'Roleplay Rating' after all)

Quoteif a mod has hit -5, he/she has/may be stripped of adminship
Really. I don't know who wrote this but it's obvious they're lacking almost any idea of how admining works. Let me explain a common situation: Admin sees rulebreaking and punishes person 1. Person 1 tries to argue the objective situation and wastes 15 minutes trying to prove nothing, Person 1 has a clique and they all give - points to the admin because they see things only from one point of view. Good game, your system just got rid of an admin.

The first 'rule', so to say, that you must obey in order to increase 'Roleplay Rating' already tells me that this actually isn't about roleplay at all.
Quote1: By limiting your boundaries, stick low, to mid tier items. You can have the occasional high tier item but not too many.
It has nothing to do with roleplay. Instead you could do something to limit the amount of gear script-wise if you're worried about the amount in circulation. And is this really the biggest issue in your server? After reading the OP I really doubt it.

This is what you must do to lower your 'Roleplay Rating'.
Quote1: Running around in full molten gear with 400 hp, a pretty powerful character power and suped up weapons. Playing a character like this (even close to this) will force your RPR to never rise above 3, regardless of your RP skill.

Alright but you're forgetting the fact that powergaming is a bannable offense. Why do you waste time on points when the rule breaking is so blatant?
The rest of the rules are focused on OOC issues which have nothing to do with roleplaying capabilities. Using a 'Magic Mirror' determines whether you're a bad roleplayer or not? Okay.

Simply put, RPR is the best thing to have.

Get. Out.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 01-01-2013
I said this before and I'm going to say it again. This system is not only terribly flawed but it's also depressingly contradicting its own rules. I mean holy shit the most obvious flaw coming right out of the core -- you seriously consider the opinion of players, whose intelligence is usually too undeveloped to make proper decisions. You allow people to express their opinion through a point system -- fine, that's ok, I could care less. However the fundamental flaw is that you're assuming that every single point was made with extreme analysis behind it. Democratic and childish ideas like these will not help you in improving the roleplay(assuming that's what you're trying to do -- it's called 'Roleplay Rating' after all)

Quoteif a mod has hit -5, he/she has/may be stripped of adminship
Really. I don't know who wrote this but it's obvious they're lacking almost any idea of how admining works. Let me explain a common situation: Admin sees rulebreaking and punishes person 1. Person 1 tries to argue the objective situation and wastes 15 minutes trying to prove nothing, Person 1 has a clique and they all give - points to the admin because they see things only from one point of view. Good game, your system just got rid of an admin.

The first 'rule', so to say, that you must obey in order to increase 'Roleplay Rating' already tells me that this actually isn't about roleplay at all.
Quote1: By limiting your boundaries, stick low, to mid tier items. You can have the occasional high tier item but not too many.
It has nothing to do with roleplay. Instead you could do something to limit the amount of gear script-wise if you're worried about the amount in circulation. And is this really the biggest issue in your server? After reading the OP I really doubt it.

This is what you must do to lower your 'Roleplay Rating'.
Quote1: Running around in full molten gear with 400 hp, a pretty powerful character power and suped up weapons. Playing a character like this (even close to this) will force your RPR to never rise above 3, regardless of your RP skill.

Alright but you're forgetting the fact that powergaming is a bannable offense. Why do you waste time on points when the rule breaking is so blatant?
The rest of the rules are focused on OOC issues which have nothing to do with roleplaying capabilities. Using a 'Magic Mirror' determines whether you're a bad roleplayer or not? Okay.

Simply put, RPR is the best thing to have.

Get. Out.

I am hungover so I will make this short, the last thing "RPR is the best to have" was kami's point of view,I clearly disagree, I just did not see that. The mod part I added  because I was tired and stuff.

And Jake, the gear, people (not making names) actually roleplayed in molten armor, I forgot to write that you can have the OOC molten, but not the. Idid say you can have the occasional ooc HIGH TIER item.

ANd yes this system is horribly flawed, as much as I read it through it was hard for me to understand shit, every flawed thing I tried to make up with a solution but I could not. And also keep in mind some of this is Kamimaia's work, some olf which I did not edit because I was tired, and drunk.

And jake, running around with 400 hp and stuff, I forgot to cross that out, as you can see I corssed out the part with keeping 100 HP makes it more interesting or something, THAT was clearly a mistake.

And as said, keep in mind some of this is kamimaia's work... And also I have a blistering headache so any spelling error I made, I don't give a fuck about.












how about we let people RP and expect them to do this anyways


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-01-2013
how about we let people RP and expect them to do this anyways
Your beginning to grow on me Uleg
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum




Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-01-2013
how about we let people RP and expect them to do this anyways

I prefer this now actually. just please... No one rping in Molten armor or very high tier items


RPR is a horrible system. Screw it. Just...screw it.

I mean, why was it needed in the first place? Was it solving a problem? No. Was it helping people? No.

My point is, it makes no sense for it to even EXIST. The only way I can see it helping is getting players better gear from doing the right things. And I'm pretty sure there's a process for that. It's even streamlined.

Player asks Mod/Admin for item -> Mod/Admin Ponders
                              Player is denied item<-|->Player gets item

With RPR, this is how it works:

Player asks Mod/Admin for item -> Mod/Admin cuts down Player's RPR by 1 -> Player asks why -> Mod/Admin cuts down RPR again -> Player slowly, over the course of three weeks, gains back RPR -> Player asks for item -> Player is docked RPR again -> Player never gets item even if he/she deserves it and the item is for IC purposes.

Also, the only OTHER thing I can think of, off the top of my head, is Magic Underground. Which...I can see going a little like this:

*Player is mining away
*Mod walks in, looks at player's low RPR
*Player keeps mining, towards an opening
*Mod places TNT trap on the ground
*Player explodes


*Player is mining away
*Mod walks in, looks at player's high RPR
*Player keeps mining, towards an opening
*Mod places a Shadow Chest filled to the brim with high-level equipment
*Player discovers chest, becomes OP instead of modestly mining for iron.

TL;DR: RPR is a bad idea. Why would you bring it back?



I did have a plan to make things a bit more simple.

Most people just get on to whoard gear and then leave.

First week: Dungeon is raided and stripped. Land looks even worse than it did when it was made due to reckless mining. Tried to have people band together in a small settlement, people built halfways across the world.

So, In theory:
1.Make higher tier bars impossible to craft. the ore can be mined, but it wouldn't really do much for you.

2. Create a better system than RPR. While it is flawed, it could be remastered to be a lot better. (Like with the idea of the Fame/Infamy system i had planned to work on before my laptop messed up.)

3. Tournaments to obtain specific gear/weapons, a chosen few who can spawn items to sell (with a nice throwback for those who decide to spawn nicer things for themselves.)

4.Ban people who suck at Roleplay and cannot/will not improve themselves. Same goes for gear whores.

5.Band together. seriously. Terraria isn't Minecraft, there isn't enough space to build everywhere. (Would have been nice to have a multiple map system)

Feel free to scrutinize/tear apart these Five ideas at will. I would like to hear Criticism.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.




Quote from: James Almasy on 01-01-2013

I did have a plan to make things a bit more simple.

Most people just get on to whoard gear and then leave.

First week: Dungeon is raided and stripped. Land looks even worse than it did when it was made due to reckless mining. Tried to have people band together in a small settlement, people built halfways across the world.

So, In theory:
1.Make higher tier bars impossible to craft. the ore can be mined, but it wouldn't really do much for you.

2. Create a better system than RPR. While it is flawed, it could be remastered to be a lot better. (Like with the idea of the Fame/Infamy system i had planned to work on before my laptop messed up.)

3. Tournaments to obtain specific gear/weapons, a chosen few who can spawn items to sell (with a nice throwback for those who decide to spawn nicer things for themselves.)

4.Ban people who suck at Roleplay and cannot/will not improve themselves. Same goes for gear whores.

5.Band together. seriously. Terraria isn't Minecraft, there isn't enough space to build everywhere. (Would have been nice to have a multiple map system)

Feel free to scrutinize/tear apart these Five ideas at will. I would like to hear Criticism.
Not so much criticism as it is my comments.

1.Making them impossible to be craft... Just wondering how you'd do that? And what would people who make a living off of mining (miners.) do without being able to make bars?

2. I would really like to see your system, because the RPR has a whole lot of flaws that can be abused and twisted to fit people's wants... It could possibly just make all of our problems worse.

3. We would really need some good people to decide who gets what, but I support the tournament idea.

4.Gear whores could just be punished severely, maybe bad probation and alot of setbacks. But the people who are just really bad at roleplaying, (Pretty sure we all know what RPing entails and what good RPing is.)  and choose not to improve themselves in any way should be banned. This might be a rude example, but Assassin was a pretty bad RPer, but Kami... Trained him, and he has improved greatly, so it's quite obvious that people can improve within a week or two without too much trouble.

5. This is a really good idea. Out in the country theres a crapload of really rule-breaking houses and such. GIGANTIC HOUSES... And the multiple map system would be amazing, if we could implement it successfully without too many problems and what-not. The problem is is that those supremely crowded towns are hard to traverse.


Quote from: James Almasy on 01-01-2013
3. Tournaments to obtain specific gear/weapons, a chosen few who can spawn items to sell (with a nice throwback for those who decide to spawn nicer things for themselves.)
With this I think it shouldn't be a tournament per say as in not just a flat out PvP match because terraria PvP gets makes it so that the person with the best gear wins when gear may be worse to suit a person's character, meaning they will lose these tournaments.

I'd suggest more of a quest type thing instead as that would encourage RP rather than straight up battling.

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


If you do make multiple maps, you could make it so each map is owned by a different group or each one is a kingdom or something.



My question would be what is the Tier cut-off. Would we allow up to Jungle, or Necro. My guess is though if we our trying to remove gear whores our best bet would be to limit gear at Gold. Seeing as that is the cut off of real ore in terraria, as all other on is specific to game. Also these merchants with the ability to spawn items would they just be mods or are they also going to include trusted players?
Terraria Name: Davos and Viscera


I think merchants should have to gather the gear themselves, otherwise they're just getting free money. If they're mods I guess that really wouldn't matter.


Quote from: lumberjackingHAM on 01-01-2013
My question would be what is the Tier cut-off. Would we allow up to Jungle, or Necro. My guess is though if we our trying to remove gear whores our best bet would be to limit gear at Gold. Seeing as that is the cut off of real ore in terraria, as all other on is specific to game. Also these merchants with the ability to spawn items would they just be mods or are they also going to include trusted players?

Gold would be the cutoff. the others will have to be sold. and it's not just money that matters.

And the Merchants will be mods and trusted players. on the point of 1 salesman to 10 people.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: lumberjackingHAM on 01-01-2013
My question would be what is the Tier cut-off. Would we allow up to Jungle, or Necro. My guess is though if we our trying to remove gear whores our best bet would be to limit gear at Gold. Seeing as that is the cut off of real ore in terraria, as all other on is specific to game. Also these merchants with the ability to spawn items would they just be mods or are they also going to include trusted players?

I think a Gold-Tier cutoff could be interesting. It would definitely make it a more believable setting, for sure. It would also create a nice class system too, on a tangent.
Gold- Highest Class
Silver- Higher Class
Iron- Middle Class
Copper- Lower Class
Wooden-Lowest Class
But, it would be hard to enforce this. Then again, if James can restrict the crafting of ores, we could also limit the crafting of Pickaxes. And then we could have designated Blacksmiths that are trusted Players, or something. Because people wouldn't have Pickaxes, they wouldn't be able to make their own Furnaces or Anvils also. Players would start off at Wooden Tier and work upwards.

If you guys are confused by that, as I'm really bad at explaining, here it is in point form:
-Cutoff at Gold would make a Class system as a side effect.
-If James can restrict the crafting of Ores, Pickaxes would be scarce
-Designated Blacksmiths that are Trusted Players could help others go up a class.
-All Players would start at Wooden Tier.

Quote from: Ragolution on 01-01-2013
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-01-2013
every story needs conflict
Also, stop doing this. It wastes space and contributes absolutely nothing. Go copy eachother's posts somewhere else, please.

(Edit: Got Ninja'd. My ideas might clash with James' XD)




Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


I wasn't a bad roleplayer I just decided to stick with one of my characters that jut didn't fit well with the world. How she "fixed" me was by telling me to use punctuation and to use characters i had already used well like my dnd characters. She fixed nothing about me other than grammer. What she did was ban a character of mine so I would have to pick a better one rather than just ask me to try a different character.

Also I  like the idea of people being limited gear wise but there should be ooc weapons to deal with mobs messing with the roleplay. Also we need to fix the roll system so that your abilities matter because right now it is unfair if your character is specialized to attack with a certain weapon because a man with no training has a 50/50 chance of beating him.


Quote from: max0596 on 01-01-2013
Quote from: Ragolution on 01-01-2013
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-01-2013
every story needs conflict
Also, stop doing this. It wastes space and contributes absolutely nothing. Go copy eachother's posts somewhere else, please.

You are now bonafide, legtimately retarded.

When I quote a post without editing, commenting or otherwise marking it I am trying to emphasize the fact that I support that post. If that's too hard for you to understand we can install a Like button on HGN so your eight-year-old mind can grasp the concept of concurrent opinions, reinforcing facts or generally agreeing with someone other than yourself and meanwhile you can TRY not being a pretentious asshole who needs to stop pretending everyone in Aceon is trying to steer them awry.

Get fucked.


Quote from: Ragolution on 02-01-2013
You are now bonafide, legtimately retarded.

When I quote a post without editing, commenting or otherwise marking it I am trying to emphasize the fact that I support that post. If that's too hard for you to understand we can install a Like button on HGN so your eight-year-old mind can grasp the concept of concurrent opinions, reinforcing facts or generally agreeing with someone other than yourself and meanwhile you can TRY not being a pretentious asshole who needs to stop pretending everyone in Aceon is trying to steer them awry.

Get fucked.

I, for one, welcome our new Aceon overlords.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.