Anyone looking for a host for their servers?

Started by Cackhole, 26-12-2012

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Hypergaming Network is not looking for additional server hosting. Thankyou. Locked.

Hey yo, sorry if I put this in the wrong subforum, feel free to move it as you wish.

Hey yo, I'll start out by saying that I work for a company that sells game servers for a lot of popular games.
Note:If this isn't allowed, I apologize, and feel free to move it to whatever section this thread needs to be in.

That company, is Embercore. Top notch hosting, elite support, and we make it our top priority to give our customers more than they paid for.

I just spoke to my buddy (the CEO at Embercore), and I actually managed to get anyone who uses my code "discount code removed" 25 percent off of their purchase.

Just head on over to the "Order' page, Select your game (Different games, different server prices) (Prices starting at $10, but remember, we do NOT charge by the player slot on any of our servers. You can also select certain services if you do not want them, but they are recommended. Be sure to enter in "discount code removed" to get your limited time discount!)  After you purchase your server, you need to contact support, and tell them how many player slots you'd like, and it will be upgraded.

I'll include the site here that explains where the servers are, and the specs for them. (2x Xeon Quad L5420 processors with a combined processing power of 5.3GHz) If you have any questions, feel free to PM me, or post here, or use the livesupport that's on the Embercore site.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The servers slots are actually unlimited, we don't charge by the playercount, you order your server, and afterwards you contact support and tell them that you want more player slots, and you tell them a number. Any number you want, seriously, and in as little as two seconds, your server gets upgraded.

P.S: We're doing this because we got tired of hiring some hosts, and then getting screwed over because they didn't offer what they promised, that is the exact opposite of everything we stand for, we make sure to make everyone feel like theyre ripping us off, not the other way around. For those that stuck around and checked into us, you have my gratitude, to anyone who ends up purchasing a server, I look forward to doing business with you.

P.S.S: We'd like nothing more than to save the owners of this community some money, if they have servers and are overpaying for them. It's things like that warm our heart. If anyone would like some more information, you can contact me at email address removed
Thanks for you time.