Re: [KZRI] Application's [Open]

Started by Astarathia, 08-06-2011

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OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: lncomplete/KaiZal

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17908541

Timezone: GMT+1

Time with HGN: I played the server when I was 15 and was apart of the ecologist team under the alias Borys Pavlo. I am now 17 and want to be apart of it again and I will be a lot more active.

Time Roleplaying: 4 Years.

Time on Server: 2 Years. ( On/Off )

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: SoC / CoP / ScS

IC Information

Name: Vyacheslav Chownyk

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Weight: 160lbs

Height: 180.3 cm

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: AB-

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): None.


Vyacheslav Chownyk born and raised in the Ukraine from a small town called Bazaliya. He came from a well off background with loving parents and great friends. Vyachelsav always had the passion of science from the age of 12, Vyacheslav passed his IGT with flying colours and excelled in most but not if all of his subjects ( Maths: A / Chemistry: A* / Biology: A* / Physics: A / English: B... ).  After finishing secondary school, Vyacheslav managed to get a scholarship to Ukraines #3 top university at the National Pedagogical University MP Dragomanova where he graduated with a degree of Master science in Biology.

After leaving University Vyacheslav worked as an assistant in a small science facility but always thought that his potential could of been used elsewhere. After searching for a long time he came across a government advert in the paper asking for scientist's in biology wanted to be apart of a research team known as the research and development insitute of Kiev, and was to go out to Pripyat which was right up Vyacheslav's alley. Vyacheslav was excited and immediately replied to the advert now anxiously waiting for a reply.

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: The Ecologists are one of the main backbones of the zone, as they discover and learn about various things such as: Artifacts, Anomalys, Unknown biological speicies and make breakthroughs in technology.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Professor Richard L. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: I find being an Ecologist fun as I have been part of the team before, it gives you a chance to meet new people and engage in roleplay and it will also develop my character.

Accepted with two week trial-level 1.

The Annoying Rooster

OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: Annoying Rooster
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29039659
Timezone: GMT -5
Time with HGN: Since LemonadeScript, if that explains it.
Time Roleplaying:5 Years
Time on Server: Since LemonadeScript, once again.
Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All three.

IC Information
Name: Alexander Celtunia
Age: 24
Sex: Male.
Weight: 157 LBS
Height: 5'11''
Nationality: Romania
Blood Type: O+
Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): N/A
Backstory (1 paragraph minimum, more means better chances):Alexander was born in Bacau, Romania. It was a seemingly miedevil town, surrounded by a foggy coastline of observation, aswell as the non-stop drizzle of rain. Alexandra, the Tenth, and Alexander the Tenth raised the only one, Alexander the Eleventh. In a rather more enclosed neighborhood, it was rather a soothing, and comfortable home that they resigned throughout there lives. Alexander the Eleventh attained his education at a public school in Bacau Junior High, seemingly more into physical science, chermistry, etc. The four years of physical science, eventually earned him a degree at Kiev University, in Kiev, Ukraine. Such a far distance, yet the efforts of reaching such rural land ate at his mind every night he went to sleep. Yet, the desire of science ate at his stomach like a tape worm, accepting the offer to attain his degree at Kiev University, in attempt to develop a strong education.

Giving only minor farewells to his folks, he made his departure off to a ferry with a dufflebag of clothing off to Arabus, and then making a one-way trip on a small jet aircraft off to Kiev. As time passes, he eventually arrived at Kiev University. Tired and weary, when he reached the front offices, he was informed that his offer was declined, due to reservations. Rage, and anger inflicted upon Alexander, wondering 'Reservations?.. For who-.. Reservations!?' However, before he could express his emotional breakdown, he was given another offer. Seemingly un-imaginable relief, he was informed that the Ukranian A-S-O-C was looking for scientifical volunteers, not only earning a degree, but assisting a good cause. Coming into facts, and with seemingly stupidity and non-hesitatly agreeing to the offer.

Alexander was given the offer to rest in the dormitory with a man name 'Vladimir Radunsky'. A rather short, but wide fellow, the two had eventually gained a friendly relation. Seemingly shocked that he could fluently understand Alexander, they would question each-other in the middle of the night over Biomedical questions, and discuss politics. Weeks pass, as he was eventually ordered to the comm room. Alexander was abrudtly interrupted with a military officer, who was immediatly discussing to him if he wishes to accept the terms and risks, and if violated to face life imprisoment. Jokingly, Alexander accepts the terms, before being escorted immediatly into a hooded UAZ, as he makes his one way trip off into a man-made hell.

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: Ecologist are a group of scientists, hired by the goverment of Ukraine, to study the Zone's natural landscape, habitat, etc.
Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Professor Richard L. Vangraff
Why do you want to be an Ecologist:  Well why not? I relativly enjoy roleplaying, making jobs, events, etc. And maybe give some players thoughts to benefit the roleplay, rather than just benefit the character. Science is the key.

One week trial. Don't let me down.

And I always thought there were such thing as 'Real Cartoons'.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: PhoenixRhapsody

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:26014769

Timezone: (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)

Time with HGN: A few months on the steam group, until I recently removed it when I reinstalled my OS.

Time Roleplaying: A year.

Time on Server: A few days

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: No.

IC Information

Name: Sonya Vladov

Age: 32

Sex: Female

Weight: 56.38 kg

Height: 167.65 cm

Nationality: Belurusian

Blood Type: O positive (+)

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): Pervasive Development Disorder

Backstory (3 paragraph minimum): Born and raised in Vitebsk, Belarus, Sonya was just another of its many citizens. She was, however, extraordinarily brilliant. She studied hard because her family did not have a whole lot of money. She worked cleaning tables at age 12 to help support her family along with both of her parents.

After grade school, she was accepted to Bashkir State University, where she studied organic chemistry as her major with a pre-med minor. She then graduated with the approximate equivalent of summa cum laude from her class, which got her an exclusive scholarship into Vitebsk State Medical University. She then graduated at age 30, having earned Her Doctorates after her dissertation on micro-evolution and the effects on a closed habitat.

She then spent the next 2 years working in the hospital three blocks from where she had grown up, as a researcher. Sonya heard about the need for researchers in the Zone by one of the Attending at her job, and decided to move out to where she could help. It was not hard for her to find a means to get into the Zone, but she did have a hard time getting her personal property in.

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: The logical thinking part of the Zone's inhabitants, who research and inform.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Darkzerxx

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: I used to take med classes in high school, so it would be an easy RP experience. I would also learn from the experience.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: 9i800

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:4468082

(UTC) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

Time with HGN: 3 Years.

Time Roleplaying: 6 Years.

Time on Server: 2 Years.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All Three.

IC Information
Name: Viktor Schwetz

Age: 23
Sex: Male
Weight: 168 Pounds
Height: 5'8
Nationality: Ukraine
Blood Type: A+
Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): None At All

Backstory (3 paragraph minimum):
Viktor is a young man with a huge amount of intelligence when it comes to his interest but there you ask what is his story and why on earth did he come to this hell hole we now know as the 'Zone'. Viktor was raised in a wealthy family in the capital of Ukraine, Kiev and he at a young age was placed into an institute to study a PhD in Biology.

He was found to have a huge interest in sciences when he first studied it as a core curriculum in his first school thus gaining attention from not only his teacher but his parents who like said put him in a institute to study for a PhD in Biology. Viktor had a role-model who most of us know as 'Charles Darwin' and Viktor loved finding different living creatures to learn about, He usually travelled around the forests when took outside of Kiev to inspect the wildlife such as tracking bears and making notes of their preferred habitat and sketching out food-chains along with locations of where this bear would have to travel in order to catch a meal.

When Viktor graduated in his course he received a letter in his family home to a completely new place known as the Kiev Zone Research Institute, as soon as Viktor read that letter he was confused as he thought the institute was closed down by the Millitary, he went off to inspect this facility and was situated with a group of people similar to him having different interests including radiology and physics. They were explaining the 'Zone' to the group of young potentials forcing them to sign documents to never discuss any of the photos or information they saw which included anomolies, and in some photos, Mutants.

Coming to the end of the tour and discussion they then guided the group to a desk table where 'Recruiters' were sat waiting for them to fill in forms and they explained that they could become the institutes next finest team of Scientists to be thrown into the Zone with equipment. Most of the young men left the building without an interest due to the location, Viktor on the other hand was interested in the opportunity, He felt that he could accomplish the same amount of work his role-model Darwin did by just going to this 'Zone'. Soon after that Viktor had to go through yet another course with such subjects as survival and more importantly biology again but this time with Ukraine's finest to teach him, it wasn't long after that for Viktor to be then exported into the Zone itself to be part of experiments requiring his co-operation and skills. 

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: They are the Zone's eggheads, hired by the Kiev Zone Research Institute studying mutations and anomolies.
Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Darkzerxx AKA Professor Richard L. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: Alot of interactive roleplay is involved which will help when the servers population is low. That gives me the opportunity to involve others who want something to do when it comes to requiring
specific things like protection or an item or just to simply send a message etc.
