Re: [KZRI] Application's [Open]

Started by Astarathia, 08-06-2011

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OOC Information

Steam Friends Name:|HGN| Laveshia

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:20845612

Primary Language: German / English (Grew up with both)

Timezone: GMT+1

Time with HGN:About 2 Years

Time Roleplaying: About 4-5 years

Time on Server: Also about 1-2 Years

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Yar, SoC

IC Information

Name: Lenja Markannen

Age: 39

Weight: 125 lbs

Height: 5'6

Nationality: Finnish

Blood Type: A+

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): / / /

Backstory: My story began in the city of Hellsinki, as a daughter of a physics professor, who was my mother and an Lieutenant, who obviously is my father then. My father usually was not at home, nor was my mother so I became independent rather early. As my third year on earth began, my parents sent me into a Kindergarten, where I have stayed for three years, untill I was seven.
With my seventh year I began to go to the primary school and I had rather good notes in mathmatics and biology, and both seemed interesting and easy for me, wich I told my mum. She said I should become something wich combined a bit of both...
Well, it never changed, I always was good at mathmatics and biology, even when I went onto the grammar school. I was about 14 years old, when the acident in Chernobyl happend. And I felt like that would give me a chance to actually learn something new... But I'd have to wait and finish my school at first, and that happend... I finished my school with excellent grades in Mathmatics, Biology, English, Chemistry and my self chosen subject Ukrainian, I did that on purpose to go to Chernobyl one day and atleast understand what the people are saying...
Whatever. After that school I went to another school  with my higher education entrance qualification, to make my Ph.D. in Chemistry. The first try failed, but I could try it again and after those six years I finally was a doctor... But it wasn't enough so I also wanted to get a Ph.D. in Biology and Radiology... Wich would be my ticket to Chernobyl... And after another 10 years, I got both... But my head felt like it would explode as I became older and older...  And soon I forgot about Chernobyl and applied for a job at a local University.
Well, it were some annoying, but still funny years... But one evening, I was watching TV as I usually did in the evenings, and I saw a documentation about Chernobyl, and everything returned...
The next day I asked every other teacher, and even some students where I could apply for a job to get to Chernobyl and examine what happens there... One finally said I should apply for the Research Centre in Kiev... But he said it would be better if I could speak ukrainian, so I did a small refresh course, and then I started writing this... 

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: They want to find out everything about the Zone. Anomalies, Mutants, how, why and where everything happens.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: darkzerxx

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: Because it is a fun, interesting  rp and it still opens some new information in the world of SRP.

Other Information

Define injury RP: If character A gets shot in the leg by character B, character A shouldn't run away like nothing happend. Character A should fall to the ground, and for example try to get the bullet out of his wound, yell in pain or something else.

Define metagaming: Using OOC information IC: (OOC)Character A: Hey Character B I'm coming for you! (IC)Character B: Oh no, Character A wants to kill me, I must hide!

Define metaspeak: Using smileys and short forms like "lol, rofl" etc in IC. Example: *Character A trips over a stone. Character B: Lololol, u n00b fell ova dat rockz.

Define RDM: If a person shoots another person for no IC reason nor the allowance to do that by the other person.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Maybe? I am already.

Will you be active on SRP?: I am?

Recommendations from Ecologists?: N/A
Accepted~ Start as a level 2, damn good application.


OOC Information
    Steam Friends Name:
    ToastehPizza (Roman)
    Steam ID:
    Primary Language:
    Time with HGN:
    A few days, now.
    Time Roleplaying:
    Years and years.
    Time on Server:
    A few days.
    Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?:
    Call of Pripyat.

IC Information
    Valmir Scavnicar
    Blood Type:
    Illnesses/Diseases (If any):
            Valmir was an only child, who lived with his father and was always interested in how things worked. Weather it was taking apart things and re-assembling them, or just studying things closely, Valmir was always intrigued.
            Growing up in the slums of Bitola, Valmir didn't always get to have time to entertain himself. Having a father who was an alcoholic, Valmir had to constantly put up with his incessant pestering about how terrible at everything Valmir was. Trying to ignore it, Valmir spent most of his time outdoors, generally away from his father. Valmir maintained perfect grades all throughout school, graduating from high school with a solid 4.0 GPA. Valmir was 18 then, and promptly got kicked out of his fathers house soon after graduation.
            Living on the streets wasn't easy for him; Or anyone for that matter.
    Valmir was desperate for cash, and thus ended up working for a local man named Reschelo, performing petty crimes such as breaking into shops to collect payments. Reschelo liked Valmir's work ethic, and soon gave him better paying tasks to perform for him. Valmir never turned down a job, and quickly earned Reschelo's respect. After a few months working for Reschelo, Valmir moved into a small apartment. Reschelo continued to give him jobs, and Valmir continued completing them excellently.
            As Valmir got more and more money, he applied to a university in his area and got accepted. Valmir kept to himself about it, not telling much to Reschelo. Being the cold man Reschelo was, he soon suspected Valmir was hiding something and confronted him about it.
    Valmir admitted it, and refrained from talking to his old employer. Reschelo didn't like being pushed away from such a prospering source of money, and had some of his men follow Valmir around and see what he was doing. This went on for a few months; Constant surveillance.
            Valmir was studying for a Bachelor of Science, and planned to work for the government.
    Reschelo was told of this, and decided to finally leave Valmir alone and let him get back to his life. After another few months, Valmir graduated at the top of his class and applied to work in research. He was accepted, and applied to join a research team located inside of 'The Zone'.

Faction Information
    What are the Ecologists of the Zone?:
    Ecologists are people who perform research on the Zone.
    Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?:
    Why do you want to be an Ecologist?:
    To further develop my character.

Other Information
    Define injury RP:
    Roleplaying an injury, such as ballistic trauma.
    Define metagaming:
    Using OOC information IC.
    Define metaspeak:
    Speaking like this: <13:24:43> "Frosty": Stalker 2: LOL 1 i5 1337s
    Define RDM:
    Randomly killing someone, or a group of people with no IC reason for doing so.
    Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?:
    Yes. (Unless I'm chloroformed.)
    Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?:
    If someone will activate my account, yes.
    Will you be active on SRP?:
    Recommendations from Ecologists?:
    1. Dark
    2. Thanatos
    3. Frosty

Accepted~ waiting for you to get your forum account done.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: Reorp

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22017075

Primary Language: English

Timezone: GMT -6 hours

Time with HGN: 10 months and 28 days.

Time Roleplaying: December of 08

Time on Server: 10 months.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: I have played Shadow Of Chernobyl and Call Of Pripyat.

IC Information

Name: Isaac Brull

Age: 40

Weight: 135 lbs

Height: 5'8

Nationality: German

Blood Type: B+

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): N/A

Isaac Brull was born and raised in a town in Lower Saxony, Germany. The town's name being Dransfeld. Isaac's parents were very close together, The loved each other to the end. They adored Isaac so much ending up getting him into higher quality schools. He went to Pre-k or Kindergarten instead of a Day care in his early years. In his 1st grade year... He was proven to have a higher quality of intelligence than most of his classmates. He had learned to read and write faster than anyone else, along with his mathematics abilities in second grade.
   The boy grew older, and his family soon moved to Göttingen. He heard of the Chernobyl Incident in 1986. At the moment It was just a minor thing on the news. The Ukraine had made announcements of the radiation spreading further from the original exclusion zone. Isaac soon became more interested into the subject of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He did his best to research the subject while he attended school. It desperately wanted to see what Pripyat, and the surrounding areas like Red Forest might look like after the disaster. Isaac was a Valedictorian as he graduated high school.
   Isaac soon moved away from his family. He moved to a land-locked country called Belarus. Belarus had been contaminated with a large amount of Caesium-137, A radioactive isotope which was formed in the Chernobyl nuclear fission reactors. Isaac had already went to college and graduated with Master's degree in science. He had already moved closer and closer to Chernobyl. Isaac had also taken up learning the Ukrainian language to help communicate in this country. He had heard that the military had closed down area around Chernobyl, and no one could get it. He kept researching ways of how to get in, as he didn't want to fight to get through to the area. Isaac heard his best chance was at the Research and Development Institute of Kiev. Isaac applied to the institute and waited for his acceptance or denial into the institute.

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone?:  To Research and investigate the Anomalies, Mutants and artifacts of the zone. All of the happenings in the zone at the moment.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Dark.

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I want to become an ecologist to develop a new character, More in def Role-Play, and to learn even more about the zone and it's people.

Other Information

Define injury RP: RolePlaying and injury. Such as having a broken leg...You wouldn't walk or run perfectly, You probably wouldn't even be walking for awhile.

Define metagaming: Using OOC information for IC reasons. Such as revealing a location to a base/Object, or a person's name and faction.

Define metaspeak: Using "LeetSpeak" in IC chat, or using "Lol,Rofl,LMAO, Etc" in IC also.

Define RDM: Killing or murdering someone for no real IC valid reason, or for an OOC reason.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: I have usually been doing so, Yes.

Will you be active on SRP?: I'm on the server every week, Usually everyday also.

Recommendations from Ecologists?: N/A
Trial~ report to thanatos for gear and assignment.


OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: ILoveHobo
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39121360
Primary Language: English
Timezone: GMT
Time with HGN: A month and a bit.
Time Roleplaying: About 3 months
Time on Server: As long as I've been on HGN
Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: No

IC Information
Name: Pyotr Pakhtusov
Age: 21
Weight: 175
Height: 5'7
Nationality: Russian
Blood Type: A+
Illnesses/Diseases (If any): None
Backstory: Pyotr Was born in a small town in Russia on the 25th of July 1990. He had a normal life as a child and his fravout subject as a child was Science. He went to science museums with his dad. His dad was a scientist. He Got an A* in GCSE science. He then went to college and university. He got top marks in science. He then got a job as a chef but on his father's deathbed, his father said that he wanted him to be a scientist.
                A year after his father's death his mother was so sad in that small town as all she kept thinking about was her husband, so she moved to Ukraine as she heard it was a very good place. Pyotr went with his mother as he had nowhere to go. He found a job as a scientist and he loved it. One day he had to go on a train to do a secret mission. On his way there the train crashed. He spent a year trying to try and get out of the zone but he couldn't do it. He looked around for jobs as all he was eating was the plants and trees he could find. He found the eco base and he liked it as it looked like his science lab. He shortly applied to join the Eco's.

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: They research the Zone. They investigate about Suckers and all things that happen in the Zone.
Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Darkzerxx
Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I would like to give people jobs and also it seem fun. Also Eco are not on much.

Other Information
Define injury RP: Injury RP is where you act like its happened in real like. In other words if I get shot in the arm I wouldn't be able to use it, if I got shoot in the foot then I wouldn't be able walk on it.
Define metagaming: Metagaming is where you use OOC in IC so if someone asked me in OOC where I was and I said I'm at freedom I would be metagaming.
Define metaspeak: Metaspeak is where you use text langue such as LOL LMAO or :P :D and ;)
Define RDM: RDM is random death match, in other words when you shoot someone for no reason and they both haven't agreed to shoot to kill.
Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes
Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Yes
Will you be active on SRP?: Yes
Recommendations from Ecologists?: None
Trial- level 1


OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: INA7HAN
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:21050188
Primary Language: English
Timezone: GMT
Time with HGN: 2 weeks or more.
Time Roleplaying: About 1 year
Time on Server: 2 weeks or more.
Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Yes SOC, Clear sky and Call of pripyat


IC Information
Name: Victor Petrov
Age: 32
Weight: 160
Height: 6'3
Nationality: Russian
Blood Type: A+
Illnesses/Diseases (If any): None
Backstory: Victor was born and lived in Pripyat intil he was 6 years old. He was a very intelligent person and wasn't good at sport, he didn't fit in with his other classmates because he was so smart and was bullied for that reason. He moved away from Pripyat aged 6 and went to St. Petersburg in Russia. The year was 1986 when chernobyl went into meltdown and shocked the world. His father worked at the University there called the Herzen state pedagogical University of Russia as a proffesor. Victor revised all the time for his tests to get the best grade possible he admired his Father greatly. He had no mother as she had died in child birth so he only had his Father as his other family members died in Pripyat along with his only friend.

After finishing his Tests and getting his results which were mostly A*'s except for English which he got an A and Sports which he got a F. He went on to college to do A levels in Biology, Chemistry and Physics he again pleased his Father and his teachers as he got more A's. He then went to the same University his father worked at while he was there he was hearing more and more about this so called Zone. After 1 month in University he told his Father he wanted to try and get into Kiev Reaserch and Development Institute which worked in the zone. His Fathers reply was"I'm am very proud of you son you have not dissapointed me yet and i'm sure if you make it in you will discover millions of intresting things i will support you all the way" with these proud words in his heart he continued to revise constantly for his tests and after completing his degree and getting more A's he signed up for the Ecologists aged 32.


Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: They research the Zone. Collect artifacts to study, study mutants anomalies to understand how the zone was made and to increase Russia's technology
Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Darkzerxx
Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I never see any online and would like to rp as them giving jobs to people when needed to enhance the rp experiance.


Other Information
Define injury RP: Injury RP is where if you are shot you act it out with /me's instead of running around acting like you havn't been shot, so if you have been shot in your hand you can't pick up or grip things like weapons with it.
Define metagaming: Metagaming is where you use IC infomation in OOC so if someone asked me in OOC where a trader is and I said At the mansion It would be metagaming.
Define metaspeak: Metaspeak is where you use text language like LOL OMW BRB AFK, In character
Define RDM: RDM is random death match, It means if you kill somebody or shoot thenm for no reason and without them accepting the fight.
Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes
Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Yes
Will you be active on SRP?: Yes
Recommendations from Ecologists?: None
Trial- level 1

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Age: 22, he moved out of Pripyat when he was 6.
It happened in 1986. The server timeline is 2011/2012.
Your character was born in 1980. Now go study math.
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Steven :D

Quote from: lolKieck on 06-07-2011
Age: 22, he moved out of Pripyat when he was 6.
It happened in 1986. The server timeline is 2011/2012.
Your character was born in 1980. Now go study math.
When you join the server it says 2015.


Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2011
Quote from: lolKieck on 06-07-2011
Age: 22, he moved out of Pripyat when he was 6.
It happened in 1986. The server timeline is 2011/2012.
Your character was born in 1980. Now go study math.
When you join the server it says 2015.
It's very complicated tbh, but admins settled to 2011/2012, after CS, before SoC.
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Quote from: lolKieck on 06-07-2011
Age: 22, he moved out of Pripyat when he was 6.
It happened in 1986. The server timeline is 2011/2012.
Your character was born in 1980. Now go study math.
Ok im sorry i got confused with dates i think the correct age is 32 but other than that did you think app was ok?

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive



OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: Brandon Lent

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25572027

Primary Language: English

Timezone: EST (GMT-5)

Time with HGN: ~9/10 months

Time Roleplaying: Five years as of right now.

Time on Server: ~10/11 months, I didn't join the forums until after I played.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All three.

IC Information
Name: Boris Lazarev

Age: 32

Weight: 195 lbs

Height: 5'11

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: O-

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): N/A

Backstory: Boris was a Ukrainian-born man who had dreamed about becoming rich all his life. When the Chernobyl reactor exploded, his father, Viktor Lazarev, one of the workers of the Power Plant in charge of the cooling systems, was killed. He was still rather young, and did not know what to make of his father's death, as he didn't quite understand the concept of death completely. As he grew older, he eventually heard of "The Zone", which was  what had become of the area around the reactor site, where his father died. He wanted to get in, but feared conflict with the Ukrainian Military, and refused to sneak in illegally. He was rather interested in Science, something that his father told him stories about when he was young, so when he heard about the chance to join along with a government sponsored ecologist mission, he signed up quickly. Though he wasn't the most experienced, he was just able to pass and be part of the Ecologist team that was going to venture into the zone. All he needed to do was listen to their orders, and he would be that much closer to discovering the shrouded information surrounding his father's death at the Chernobyl Incident.. All he needed to do was listen.. He made it sound so easy, but it was anything but..

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: The Ecologists are a group of government sponsored scientist explorers who have entered the Zone in order to study everything revolving around it. The Ecologists are willing to pay large amounts of rubles that the government supplies them with to give STALKERs missions to get them things like artifacts, rather than going out themselves and risking death by anomalies, bandits, or mutants.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Darkzerzxx

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I want to join the Ecologists because they don't seem to have very much action on the server, and I would love to be somebody who could could give the many STALKERs who have things like artifacts a chance to sell their rarities, as most STALKERs seem to wait until Ecologists are on, rather than trading to traders or other STALKERs. I also want to explore different kinds of roleplay, and I think that I would make a good Ecologist.

Other Information
Describe Injury RP: Injury Roleplay is when you roleplay your injuries, as when you are shot in a limb, for example, you have to repair that limb through proper /mes and whatnot. This enables greater immersion for everybody, as nobody can survive being shot with an entire clip in the leg and continue to run.

What is Metagaming: Metagaming is using out of character information in character, as when you see something in OOC, you can't use it in IC.

What is Metaspeak: It's metagaming, but backwards, using OOC information IC, such as referencing something you hear in Teamspeak, but In-character.

Describe RDM: Random Deathmatching is when you kill somebody with no roleplay whatsoever. This can be shown when Stalker A randomly walks up to Stalker B and shoots him in the head, steals his stuff, and runs away with no actions.

What is the difference between RDM and STK: Random Deathmatching is shooting to kill somebody without a reason, where Shooting to Kill is agreed upon, and it is used when there is a confirmed roleplay fight, rather than a random act.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: I visit the forums every day

Will you be active on SRP?: I'm on every day.

Recommendations from Ecologists?:

Accepted! 4 Months is enough sweetheart.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: ClayMaker95/|HGN| Ping-Pong
SteamID: 0:0:17227164
Age: 14
Time Zone: Eastern Time Zone, U.S.A.
Do you have ToolTrust: Yes.
Have you ever played the STALKER games: No.
Were you referred, if YES state who: |HGN| Pawx
Other Comments:
Please list and read ALL the ecologist rules:
In Character Ecologist Rules
- Scientific teams shouldn't leave the secure area around the bunker without a proper escort (x1 merc at least)
- Lab teams work with dissection, analysis and application of discoveries, but will often be asked to exit and assist Field Research teams.
- Field teams work with observing anomalous actives and mutants in the natural environment while bringing samples back for the Lab teams, roleplay accordingly.
- You can hold LIVE specimens, however you MUST have at least a 4 man security detail up to military standards PER live sample and they MUST be held in the containment area.
- Your scientists first, your not a stellar shot, your not going to be able to super-suppress your injuries. Roleplay accordingly
- Ecologist CAN NOT use their paychecks to buy equipment from traders, any ecologist found with any equipment that has NOT be bought from the Kiev Warehouse may be subject to removal from the zone.

Out of Character Ecologist Rules
- Work with Mutants and Monolith OOCly to create missions and roleplay experiences
- Work with Military, they are REQUIRED to respond to your distress calls. If military fails to respond place a 'Incident Report' on the ecologist board, if you survive the encounter.
- You are a scientist brought in from outside of the Zone. You have little to no knowledge of actions inside of the Zone except for reports from Ecologists, Military and rumours.
- Remember that the rules will change to address new issues and to check on them from time to time or when told to.

-In Character Information-
Name: Marko Kiel Drubich
Age: 50
Nationality: Ukrainian
Date of Birth: January 12, 1962
Sex: Male
Height (cm): 180 cm
Weight (Kg): 80.4 Kg
Degree: Biology, Botany, and Mathematics
University of Degree: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Desired Position: Team Member
Background: Top of his class in 1983, majoring in Biology at the University, Minoring in Mathematics. Known to give good reports on his work, Dr. Drubich had always had a fascination with life in general, mainly when said life was mutated.
Marko Drubich was born in Chernobyl, Ukraine on January 12th, 1962. At the age of 14, him and his parents moved to Kiev, luckily avoiding disaster on April 26th, 1986. Saddened deeply by the loss of his friends in Chernobyl, Drubich had never talked to anyone until the age of 28, that of course was after he had earned his degrees in Biology and Mathematics. But the course in which he had had a social life quickly ended, as he went off to study Botany at the University again for two years, he then lived in the wild for a short five years. By the age of 35 his time in the wild had ended, he found it extremely hard to adapt to civilization once more.
Drubich, to this day, continues to wonder about the Zone Of Alienation. By the age of 44, the second explosion in the Zone had occurred, his attention set on the Zone at this point. He decided to work for six years, earning money to finally buy enough equipment for the Zone, then he learned of the Ecologists who enter the Zone. He decided to take the legal route instead of illegally passing through Slavutych Station to the Zone. Seeing that the Ecologists could use his help, he decided to sign up.
Welcome back- lvl 5
SRP Characters-
Andrick Nesterov - Outsider (No Trace, assumed dead)
Typhoon - Loner (No Trace, assumed dead)
Tolga Ostrovsky - Loner (With his brother)
Marko Drubich - Ecologist Elite (Whereabouts Unknown)


OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: CC

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9128883

Primary Language: Ukrainian

Timezone: Eatern Standard 

Time with HGN: a few months..Maybe 4/5?

Time Roleplaying:4+ years

Time on Server:4/5 months?

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All of em

IC Information
Name:Kristoph Volenski


Weight: 183



Blood Type: 0-

Illnesses/Diseases (If any):None..So far

Backstory: Kristoph grew up in a middle-of-nowhere town in the Ukraine; He actually worked on a run-down barley farm, working hard with his father trying to keep the money going for the family while also dealing with school on the side. The family had been making it by the skin of their teeth seeing as the soil in their land was not well fertilized not was the land good in the first place. yet there was a glimmer or hope for them and Kristoph saw it; He had always been a bright one and had been determined to make it big so that his family wouldn't have to suffer and break their backs every morning just to get scraps of food on their table. Eventually Kristoph had made his way out of his formal education and had made it to the Bogomolets National Medical Academy where he worked as hard as he could to top the rest of his colleagues.
   A few years into his study into the sciences, Kristoph was approached by a group of scientists whom asked him whether or not he was interested in going on an expedition into what is now know as the "Zone" he would be able to work right away and would be able to get a great salary in turn. He was told that he was going to be doing field work for them and that it would not be a pleasant nor easy trip or experience. Kristoph thought back to his family in the back of his head; He then accepted the task unflinchingly not knowing what he was about to get himself into..  Kristoph was always a quick learner and a guy who was good with his hands when the time called for something as such, which has gotten him out of several occasions in his endeavor in the Zone and continues to do him well. He is now hoping that he will be able to continue his luck streak and keep his destitute family above the water back at home. 

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?:The ecologists are there to better learn the Zone and study it.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?:Dr.Richard L. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I think it'd be a new experience and maybe it would bring interesting RP to the table for the servers to have an active ecologist

Other Information
Define injury RP:If you get shot, roleplay the pain. You are not an indestructible man-tank

Define metagaming:The use of information out of character, being used in character.

Define metaspeak: LOL ROFL OMG :3

Define RDM:Killing someone without roleplay or just no reason at all

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yeppers

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Sorta

Will you be active on SRP?: You bet

Recommendations from Ecologists?: Nope

Accepted. Level 1. Too bad your soil wasn't federal.


OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: Crispy

Steam ID: (I'll get it tommorrow. Promise)

Primary Language: English. But I do speak Italian and Spanish...Me gusta Taco's. That's it baby, right there.

Timezone: I'm on the Eastern Front, 'bout to bit hit with a very pissed off Lady named, Hurricane Irene. Think Mother Nature didn't let her go to the prom...when Katrina did. Est, GMT-5 would be mine.

Time with HGN: 'Bout two weeks, roughly.

Time Roleplaying: Oh, man. 'erm...two years?

Time on Server: ...two weeks.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Own them all, bub. Clear Sky's rather glitchy, if I may say. SoC's the best. Complete Mod FTW.

IC Information
Name: ''My name is Kieron Polensky.''

Age: ''I am nearing thirty-nine.''

Weight: ''I weigh approximately one hundred ninety two pounds.''

Height: ''Last time I messured myself, I was six feet tall.''

Nationality: ''Born right here in sweet old, Mother Russia.''

Blood Type: ''My type of blood would be Oh-Negative.''

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): ''I have small flakes of anxiety and a minor case of Insomnia from staying up too long. It dosen't effect my work.''

Backstory: ''I was born and raised in the city of Chec'zon, it's medium-sized and sutch a beauiful artifact of Russian and Soviet Engineering. It's the most star-appraised city, standing high next to Moscow. It's buildings glimmer and shine off the frosted sun as gentle snow pieces touch down on your nose. I was born of Stephani' Polensky, my mother. And as for my father, a great Geologist who worked at the University of Chec'zon as a professor. He had always urged me to move into one of the finest schools that bore there. And so after I completed my High-School years, graduating top of the class, with honors may I say. I was given a two year scholorship to the University, packing my bags I was out the door. After arriving, I filled out my paperwork and such, flashed my identification and followed the Dean down to the Male's dorm. I heard music from inside, very peculiar. She opened the door after knocked once and stepped aside, giving a small yell at the man, not in a harsh tone. ''Jenkans, turn the music down, will you pleeease. This is Kieron Polensky, your new dorm partner.'' Before smiling and closing the door, her heels clicking down the hall. I glanced at Jenkans, then towards the music player. It was a nice, peaceful song. One of those hits from a man named Wolfgang, a German fellow from the Eighteenth century. And so I stumbled to the bed, plopping mu luggage atop. I threw the zipper to the left, running it down the the Duffel's length as I stood straight, removing the clothing and hygene products, along with notebooks, pens and small equipment for research. I stacked them inside my drawers after re-folding them, and sorting them. I began to take notes of my journal and had nice conversation with Jenkans, a very talented man, but his mind-set is rather disordered. I arrived at my Scientific studies class the next morning, afterwards attending Mathematics. I studied some forms of Astrology from Misses Skloff. But, it just wasn't my desire. It was truly amazing though. No, no. I decided to study Minerals, and now...that I look back at it...Wow. It would help me greatly in my study of artifacts. Think about it, the radiation and particles retrieve the minerals from the ground. And based on the effects of that anomoly, it pastes them together until the nuclei divides, causing a minor mutation, to a more severe mutation in the particale cells. Mineralogy is truly an amazing study. So, I shall continue with my story, forgive that display. After attending my lower semesters and classes, time moved on. Jenkans and myself graduated highly the next years and began our work at the Lupus Research institute as partners. I myself was a Field-man, I worked outside the lab' and stayed outside. Fresh air's a very rare form. The land surrounding was beautiful aswell, what a great forest and chunk of land. The gentle, cool streams that winded down the middle of the shaved grasses, which stuck up so up-right and danced in the wind. It truly made a man's eyes sparkle with love, and compassion. So, as I was...collecting mineral's from the deposits we set up. I'd analyze in the lab' after taking a few samples of such. But, soon graver things happened. After the Incident in Chernobly, it greatly disturbed our work. Money was lost, Research came to a halt and people...just went. The Institute soon closed it's last tent curtain, and so I was out from work. I strayed back to the University as a minor professor. I'd usually cover for the Mathematics, Astrology, Mineralogy, Scientific and Research classes when they plausible professor couldn't show. It was a slow job, not much work until...three months later...It was two o' clock in the morning, a call struck me on the phone. I picked it up, placing it to my ear. On the other-line was Jenkans, ''Kieron, Kieron!'' I frowned, my brows furrowing as I respond hastily, ''What's wrong, Jen'?!'' I heard excitement afterwards, along with laughing. I narrowed myself as he spoke once more, ''There's this new Institute. Looking for people who know about minerals, and some sort of artifacts. Land-forms and mapping are needed. You've got to know how to do this. I'm going, it's called the 'Kiev Zone Research Institute.'' I nodded slowly, before a word striking my mind, I turned back asking him, ''...Zone?'' I heard some pondering around, his voice slightly shakey and dimmed, ''The disaster zone...of the accident. You...know...that...t-...that accident.'' I sighed, pressing the phone closer to my ear as I rolled lightly in bed, tears forming in my eyes for the many of people burdened there, ''...I...I know. I...we'll find out...we'll do things right. I'll do it, Jenkans...I'll be down tommorrow to fill out an application.'' And so, I took off the next morning after hopping in the shower, brushing my hair and placing my neat clothes on. Downed some Orange Juice, stepped into my car and began to drive to my parent's house. I walked inside, greeting them both and told them the great a sense. They smiled, we have some lunch after a sit-down and some coffee...and I drove down to this facility. Sitting here right now infront of you, Jenkan's is in the other room, I'm guessing.''

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: The Ecologist's main goal is finding out as much as they can of the Zone. Whether it would be studying artifacts and paying un-knowning Rookie's to jump into an Anomoly, they will shell the rubles out to gain any knowledge over the Zone. They'd like to basically understand how everything came to be, so they can not only improve it in ways, but use it for their own personal benefit. What they do ranges from Expeditions, to paying STALKERs to retrieve artifacts and possibly tame a mutant dog, or it's limbs. Or even escort them or send them to fight a certain mutant. Heck, they'll even experiment on them. The Ecologists are mostly neutral, and they're good in pay. Not the best fighters, but they've got a brain. And that alone, with rubles, will get you what you need in the Zone. Protections, artifacts, name it.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Darkzerxx.

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: Well...sometimes I like to create small events in the much more...dead hours. Most people don't have an Ecologist so, I'd hop on mine if I had one myself. Get a mutant, some Military possibly...and you're all good to go. It's to just basically expand not only MY roleplaying techniques, but the roleplaying experience for others in a fun matter. Plus, I've always had an interesting thought for Science. Back in my Nineth Grade Physics and Science Study class, Miss Johanson said I always did good in it. And I'd do better if I wasn't so lazy. But yeah, /brag-end.

Other Information
Define injury RP: I'll give you an explanation, and an example. Injury roleplaying, is when you aquire an injury of any kind. Whether it be a bullet, falling from a roof, being pounced on, you'd roleplaying getting a wound, hurt, broken limbs or something of that sorts if it fits. It could be a little scrape with blood, and you whimper lightly, or a huge bloody gash where you SCREAM bloody murder as he hold it. You're not god. Injury roleplaying is essential. Here's the example. **Guy X focuses the weapon on Guy Z before wrapping his hand tightly around the grip, firing a shot towards Guy Z's head.      **Guy Z falls to the floor, the round missing his head but striking his upper shoulder.     **Guy Z begins to scream as blood flows from the wound, kicking his legs as he crawls and props himself against a wall, pulling out a bandage as he still screams and striking it on.   /Y ''E-E-agh-...F-FUCK!-I-...*GASP*-...I-It BURNS! AH!''    That's that.

Define metagaming: It's when you're told something in OOC, or see something OOCly, and pull it in IC from your arse, utilizing it to complete your task or job, or whatever it may be. It's an incredibly great charge and you shouldn't think about doing it. Not only are people pissed and you get into an arguement, just...why? There's no reason to ruin someone's RP. Example: Guy X [LOOC]: ''Yeah, I'm hunting Guy A, going to kill him.''    Guy Z [LOOC]: ''Mkay.'' **Two minutes later.** Guy Z [IC]: ''Guy A! Guy X's coming to kill you, run forest, run!''    Kudos for Forest Gump.

Define metaspeak: It's like, when you speak in internet slang in IC. Example, ''hey new, lol. yur so stoopit, i pawned you.'' in IC. The misues of LOL, LMFAO, Pawnz, misspelled words purposely. All of those count as metaspeak. Example: **Guy Z accidently bangs his crotch on the bar counter.   Guy X [IC]: ''hahah u gotz owned, n00bie''    Seriously, don't do it. No-One will take you seriously.

Define RDM: **Bang, ''AH!'' BOOM, ''Ergh!'', Bang BOOM, ''My leeeg!'' Bing, Boom, ''MY GEAR!!!''** That is he fresh smell of heated lead coming towards you for no exact good reason. Maybe even OOCly or some douchebag idiotic Rookie, Stalker or Bandit's pissed off. It's not cool at all. Random Deathmatch is basically going up to a person and Shooting to Kill. For an...Example...hmmm: Guy Z [LOOC]: ''Lets S2K.''   Guy X [LOOC]: ''Ok.'' <------This is fine and good. They both agree'd and only those parties will Shoot to Kill. This, however, is not -----> **Guy X sighs, downing the last cup of Vod-...**Sound when you die and black and white screen, accompanied by gun-fire.**  ''YOU HAVE BEEN KILLED BY AN AN-94. THIS PROBABLY ISN'T RANDOM.''   Everyone [OOC]: ''Wtf, why is he killing everyone, don't loot, OH NOEEEES, mah gear! Newb killer! REPORTED.''    Don't RDM, be a nice, loving player today!

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: If I did the crime, I'll be doing the time. Everything I do, whether it be a /me, OOC, IC. Anything from my name, is me. So, yes.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: I am already.

Will you be active on SRP?: I think I'll quit right after I'm accepted. OF COURSE I WILL!

Recommendations from Ecologists?: Reorp.

On trial, Level 1.   Trial failed.



OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: StickyWicket

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:19944724

Primary Language: English

Timezone: Eastern standard time

Time with HGN: 3 months

Time Roleplaying: About 3 years

Time on Server: 3 months

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Beaten all 3 of them.

IC Information

Name: Igor Witte

Age: 38

Weight: 178lbs.

Height: 5'11"

Nationality: Ukraine

Blood Type: O+

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): None

-Sent to Thanatos on SF-

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: Scientists sent it from Kiev to study the zone. This includes mutatns, anomalies, and artifacts.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Dr. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: Because there is only one ecologist on the roster that is not a faction leader. And because I think I would be a great addition to the team.

Other Information

Define injury RP: Injury RP (IRP) is realistically acting out your wounds when you are hurt.

Define metagaming: Metagaming is using information found OOC for IC uses.

Define metaspeak: Metaspeak is using "internet language" ICly.

Define RDM: RDM is Killing someone without RP or agreeing to a STK/STM.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: I will!

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Juh.

Will you be active on SRP?: Indeed I will.

Recommendations from Ecologists?: Thanatos, and CC.

Accepted, alright app!


OOC InformationSteam Friends Name:|HGN| Smithy

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:12501243

Primary Language: English

Timezone: GMT 0

Time with HGN: Year - two years

Time Roleplaying: Five years

Time on Server: Don't keep count of time. Enough.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?:All but clear sky.

IC Information

Name:Pyotr Kyznetsov

Age: 25

Weight: 13 Stone

Height:Six foot

Nationality: Ukranian

Blood Type: O-

Illnesses/Diseases : N/A

Backstory: Pyort Studied at an university, Studying scientific elements, he was offered several contracts concerning 'The zone'. He turned down each contract as it past infront of him, Unknowing iof the dangers and lack of knowledge leaked from it. Where Pyort was stationed he knew little about 'The Zone' also others around him knew little of it, only that it was a restricted area based around the cherynobl accident.

Pyort became more and more intreguied by 'The zone' as he began to hear reports of mutantions within the human tissue and the obviouse effects that began to pour from the zone. Finally another contract made its self into Pyorts hands, with a well worth offer, Get infromation of the zone, bring it back for the employee and recieve a handsome reward. He looked over the contract, Picture shots from inside the zone and looked over the final dangers of which he could not of inmagined, Thinking it over for several days.
Pyort Accepted the contract over the area of a week and began his side arm training and a very basic training in Assualt rifle, and began to collect his equipment. He walked up to the employees agent, equipped with a Mercenary Suit, LR300, Sig 220 , Several medical supplies and military grade kits and 10,000 Rubles.
The day had dawned and Pyort was expected to start his journey into the zone. Before he could enter the agent guided him a military outpost where he had to bribe them with 5,000 rubles, leaving him five grand down and only with 5 grand left. As hisgent left him he fixed his gasmask up and set off into the wilderness that they call ' The Zone'
He met a group of men armed not well equipped but still armed, also wearing masks and gasmasks. He ventured on with them for a while, until their attitudes changed and began to become more agressive upon his questioning of the zone. He then found a Stalker named 'Raven' and ventured on, looking for others of the zone during an empty time. Eventually he set up on his own, begining to set up his personell document and began to write in it, naming it 'Wonders of the zone'.
He finally found a base of operations for a certain 'Freedom' Group, Who claim they don't want the knowledge of the zone to be kept a secret and wish all to be aware of it. He set up at the bar, asking questions about the zone, stalkers, anomalies, emissions.. The trader was very useful, his name 'Night' and was guarenteed credits in the document. Night also insisted he go speak to the Ecologists near yantar in their bunker.
So Pyort Took up two stalkers byu the bar asking them if they require a job, and asked if they would be willing to arm guard him to the Ecologists Bunker. That is where he was offered a job due to the sheer determination of wanted knowledge. (I hope)

Faction Information[/u]
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: The ecologists of the zone ar basically the brains in the whole area, studying effects and changes in the zone. This includes, Mutants, anomalies, Emissions, radiation measurements, giving stalkers tasks such as arm guarding, fetching materials - And others.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?:  Dr. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I've took sudden intrest into the Ecologists as i have noticed they are not very active and i wish to help that, i also liek the passive RP and the chance to enhance some of their roelpaly including others into the equation.

Other Information
Define injury RP: Roleplaying an injury that has happened recently or a while ago, for example, recently- A shot to the leg. ** The man drops to one knee begining to crawl into cover. A while ago- A radiation effect ** The man begins to see strange ellusions within the distance and drops to one knee rubbing his head.

Define metagaming: Using Out of character knowledge for In character knowledge, for example... Hearing someone over team speak planning an assualt and then you plan a counter attack.

Define metaspeak: Using incorrect spelling In character, for example "U" As "You" or "1337" Instead of "Leet"

Define RDM: randomly STK'ing someone without RP.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: I agree, i will take responsibility for all my actions.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Yes

Will you be active on SRP?:Yes

Recommendations from Ecologists?:None since i haven't seen anyone on recently and part of the reaason i am applying.

KIA, Body not found. PDA Discovered.
Kergert - Initiate Kergert Active.
Location unknown.
The Jester
Active/Alive - Location zone sector
Urban Mercnary Suit|Groza|Vogs attached


OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: |HGN-FOSV| Spades Neil
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30501208
Primary Language: English
Timezone: EST
Time with HGN: Since March of 2011.
Time Roleplaying: Like, five or six years...
Time on Server: SRP? Meh, been around since last summer.
Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: SoC and CoP

IC Information
Name: Dr. J. Anderson Neil (Yes, I'm making a character based off myself. Neil with it. <3)
Age: 32
Weight: 61.82kg (136lbs)
Height: 1.7m (5'10'')
Nationality: American (if you'll allow this...)
Blood Type: O+
Illnesses/Diseases (If any): Muscular Dystrophy, CMT, Aspergers Syndrome
Backstory: Neil was born with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) which is a common inherited neurological disorder affecting approximately 1 in 2,500 people in the United States. A typical feature includes weakness of the foot and lower leg muscles, which may result in foot drop and a high-stepped gait with frequent tripping or falls. Muscular dystrophy only served to worsen this problem--but at the same time, Neil has been fortunate in the fact that his handicap was mild. Instead of being reduced to a wheelchair, or even completely paralyzed as some unfortunate patients have been, Neil is able to at least walk. He cannot participate in strenuous physical activity, mostly lifting large and heavy objects, jumping, and running. However, what he lacked in physical strength he has made up for with his mind.

Another disorder of his, his aspergers syndrome, proved to plague him throughout school. He was put on several medications, none of which helped. Ultimately, it wasn't until High School that he was properly diagnosed with aspergers--which is an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) that is characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction, alongside restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests. It differs from other autism spectrum disorders by its relative preservation of linguistic and cognitive development. Although not required for diagnosis, physical clumsiness and atypical use of language (both which also fit Neil) are frequently reported. However, it is also because of this very 'disorder' that Neil discovered his passion for science. After taking his first chemistry class in his freshman year of High School, Neil soon became obsessed.

Though awkward in most social interactions, Neil soon learned to cope with his 'drawbacks' and even utilized his aspergers 'syndrome' to his advantage! With a near-eccentric fascination over sciences of all kinds, and with the help of a few caring teachers to push him through High School, Neil soon made many friends of equal intelligence in related fields of interest and graduated with honors. Neil and all of his companions would go on to attend the best colleges in the New England area, such as University of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and some of them even went to Harvard. Neil personally attended several years at U. Mass and took one semester at M.I.T. until he finally obtained his PhD in 2010.

Unfortunately, the economy wasn't doing so well, and Neil found absolutely nothing in his field of education to support himself. He ended up living with his parents for a few more years until one day he stumbled upon something on the internet regarding the Exclusion Zone around Chernobyl. The mention of artifacts, strange phenomenon, and mutants now roaming The Zone was enough to catch his attention. One story in particular, however, was the tales of scientists trying to pioneer new medicines through the use of these seemingly magical artifacts. Maybe there's something to even cure his muscular dystrophy and CMT?

Enthralled, Neil soon began researching how to take part in research groups entering The Zone. Months later, he discovered a group researchers who were looking to assemble an international team of researchers, authorized of course by the Ukrainian Government. Neil jumped at the opportunity and sent his resumé in. Miraculously, he was accepted, and immediately packed his things to travel to The Zone.

Now, Neil is on an airliner plane bound for Kiev City, where he hopes to obtain his permit to perform research in The Zone. (Or, OOCly, if this app is accepted.) Should he successfully obtain this permit, he is to meet with a group of scientists riding into The Zone on a bus shielded from emissions and escorted by military personnel.

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: Well, scientists. What else can I say? The difference being between them and other Stalkers is they have the rights to be there.
Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: I'll be completely honest. I have no bloody clue.
Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: Well, I seem to have a knack for science RP, and I've noticed a distinct lack of Ecologists on SRP as of late.

Other Information
Define injury RP: Roleplaying your injuries. Duh. If you were just shot in the foot, you're not walking anywhere any time soon.
Define metagaming: Using information obtained out-of-character for in-character purposes.
Define metaspeak: Honestly I've never heard that term used before, and I'm a Fallout RP SV. I presume it means the same shit as metagaming, except involves talking.
Define RDM: Random Deathmatching.
Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: The stuff I don't get yelled at for, sure.
Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: I spam the forums way too much. I'll lurk, but being honest here, I won't post much unless it's interesting if I can avoid it.
Will you be active on SRP?: I do have another server I have to look after, mind you. :\
Recommendations from Ecologists?: Negative. However, far as I know, that isn't a requirement. Or if it is, I didn't see it listed, so either it's not listed or I'm just blind. I imagine it'd just help my chances of getting in. Frankly, after what I've written, call me cocky but I think it's sufficient.
Accepted. See you then.


OOC InformationSteam Friends Name: Buck

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9062273

Primary Language: English

Timezone: (UTC-05:00)Eastern Time (US & Canada)

Time with HGN: Two years exactly.

Time Roleplaying: Four years and a few months change.

Time on Server: Two years exactly.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All three of em'.

IC InformationName: Avkov Metree

Age: 48

Weight: 187 Lbs.

Height: 5'9

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: AB-

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): Rheumatoid Arthritis, Scoliosis, High Blood Pressure associated with Heart Disease


   Born into a rich wealthy family in the waterside town of Cherkasy Ukraine, Avkov participated in accelerated schooling throughout his young childhood and his teenage to adult years. He displayed a love for science at a very young age; starting with capturing animals from the riverside and discovering how they lived in a contained environment, to displaying the ability to take apart and put things together with ease. He attended a private school in his hometown of Cherkasy and was soon moved to a school where his talents would be put to use during his teenage years. He received his master's degree in Nuclear Engineering from a locally renowned Military College where he continued to learn until he received his PhD in the very same subject. He also learned Military instinct from those around him. After exiting the college receiving his diploma and also taking study in some secondary science academic courses, he began work for the Ukrainian Government. People viewed him as egotistical, and that he viewed everyone under him as a brainless moron. Those who knew him simply explained that from where he came from, he was used to everyone around him being a bumbling idiot. Having heard of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant Incident in 1986, ignoring it and dismissing it completely, also holding suit to his egotistical and narcissistic personality, he attributed it to the imbeciles who's job is was to prevent that sort of disaster. Never could he have guessed that he would be shipped off to the exact same part of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone to continue his work in a place where the Ukrainian Government agreed his skills would be best put to use.

Faction InformationWhat are the Ecologists of the Zone?: The Ecologists are a government associated and funded group of Scientists, Engineers, Doctors, and so on. Their goal is to collect information about the Zone and deliver it back to the Ukrainian Government.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Director Richard L. Vangraff =/= Redan Light

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I used to be an ecologist, then I left due to poor administration. Now that it is under new leadership I'd like to try it again to see if it's still what it used to be.

Other InformationDefine injury RP: Injury RP is acting out an injury when one is sustained.


The Ecologist Scientist, stumbles into a batch of radiation and is not using the proper preventative measures.

The Ecologists recognizes the symptoms of radiation poisoning and beings to act out his sickness, including vomiting, loss of hair, etc. etc. and so on.

He then proceeds to treat himself with a hefty dose of anti-rad and logs the progression of his sickness to ensure he is completely, 100% healed.

Define metagaming: Using OOC info ICly.

Define metaspeak: Use of emoticons and abbreviations ICly.

Define RDM: The killing of a player with no role-play whatsoever, most always accompanied by the intent to steal gear from said player.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Mmhmm.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Always do.

Will you be active on SRP?: No. I kid. Obviously. Yes.

Recommendations from Ecologists?: WickeySticket
Accepted.~ Darkzerxx.

Lucky Pig

                                      OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: Lucky Pig
Steam ID
:  STEAM_0:0:8590143
Primary Language: Finnish
Timezone: GMT +2
Time with HGN:Something like 7 months
Time Roleplaying: 2 years or so
Time on Server: 7 months
Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: CoP and a little SoC

                                        IC Information

Name: Pekka Saariaho
Age: 34
Weight: 78kg
Height: 189cm
Nationality: Finnish
Blood Type: O+
Illnesses/Diseases (If any): None
Pekka's story began in Jyväskylä in Middle-Finland where he grew up with his mother and father in an urban environment. He lived at home until the age of six when he attended pre-school where he made only few friends being more of a "Lone-wolf" kind of person. After pre-school started his first year in school where he made his first good friend, Jesse. Pekka and Jesse were inseparable until their 4th year in school where they had a fight and went their separate ways for a few years. Pekka generally achieved good marks in maths, physics and chemistry in primary school and when he went to high school he started to study those subjects most eagerly. In high school Pekka also saw Jesse again after a few weeks their friendship flourished again. Cheered up by gaining back his best friend Pekka proceeded to study very hard until he got out of high school with excellent marks in maths, physics and chemistry. At this point Jesse went into the Aalto university in Finland.

Now Pekka had his good grades with him and he entered for scholarship to Taras Shevchenko national university in Kiev. During his years in Kiev he learned Ukrainian and then he heard about a project by a nearby research center to send in teams of engineers, biologists, chemists etc. near the place where the nuclear accident happened in Chernobyl years previously and he applied in there as a chemist wanting to research things and leave his mark in the history books as a first-class scientist.

Pekka was sent in to the Zone in June 20th 2016 to arrive at the Ecologist installation near Yanov railway-station 25th of June 2016

                                  Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: Ecologists are a group of scientists that try to research the Zones anomalies, artifacts and such funded
by the government of Ukraine.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?:  Darkzerxx, IC  Professor Richard L. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: I want to have a little different RP and to make some little assignments for STALKERS.

                                      Other Information

Define injury RP: For example if you get shot in the leg you cant walk or run.
Define metagaming: Getting information OOC and using it IC.
Define metaspeak: Using emoticons or such IC.
Define RDM: Randomly killing people with no RP reason.
Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Ofcourse
Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: I will.
Will you be active on SRP?: I'm already.
Recommendations from Ecologists?: None

Accepted~Darkzerxx- 2 week trial.



OOC Information
Steam Friends Name: |HGN| Ravenor

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:5442731

Primary Language: English

Timezone: GMT+0

Time with HGN: 2 Years

Time Roleplaying: 5/6 Years

Time on Server: 2 Years

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: SoC & Clear Sky, Still trying to finish Pripyat.

IC Information
Name:  Iosif Kosmachevskaia

Age: 34

Weight: 79kg (About 12 stone)

Height: 5ft9

Nationality: Russian

Blood Type: AB-

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): Exzcema

Backstory: Born in '79 and coming from a well developed family, Isoif  showed no true ingenuity, neither artistic nor technical, but spent most of her time dedicated to study and spending the best part of her education in between social-groups or alone, studying. In her second to last year she had gathered all the results he needed, dropped out and sought after a more advanced education; using her qualifications, Isoif had the opportunity to move to America, or England and contact a well-renown university and learn on an external course, but he wished to stay close to home, to help support her; now lone, mother. Having such exceptional grades, she easily landed a spot in an Institute for Physics. He found the studies insanely hard, and more than once, was threatened of being dropped for the remainder of the year, to pick up an easier course the next, but a spot for an accelerated learning course and a 'life-time' opportunity opened up, which her peers had inexplicably denied, some claiming it was ridiculous and crazy  she seized the opportunity and soon learned she was going to research the infamous cordon zone. Such an opportunity would let him fund his mother, and have her rest at ease knowing she wasn't about to be dropped, and become a sheer, pathetic waste of her time; what little she had left in a care-home. Now even more  renewed, excited and hopeful that the RnD Director would take her aboard the program, even with her extremely long record of education and almost little to no real practice.

Faction Information
What are the Ecologists of the Zone?: The Ecologists are scientist; that work both in the field and lab. To research the zone, and develop theories and technology from the advances gained.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator?: Darkzer/Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist?: Because I've been watching them in the games, and I want to give the position a try, make it more active and whatnot.

Other Information
Define injury RP: Being shot, and acting out the wound.

Define metagaming: The use of OOC Information, IC.

Define metaspeak: Emoticons ect.

Define RDM: Killing someone without a valid reason or intent.

Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: Yes.

Will you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Already am.

Will you be active on SRP?: Already am.

Recommendations from Ecologists?: Lent

Accepted! Two week trial.



OOC Information

Steam Friends Name:Korpistheporpoise

Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:37729768


Time with HGN: 1.5months

Time Roleplaying:1 year

Time on Server:1.5 months

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?:Yes Soc and COP

IC Information

Name: Segei Yudin






Blood Type:A

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): migraine headaches

Requested ID Number: ID:#####

Backstory:Sergei was born in 1981 in Kiev and lived there. Being five at the Time of the disaster he did not think much of it and he did not know what it was so life went on as usual. He went to public school and graduated in the top 5 in his class. He was very interested in Biology for an early age. He took Biology classes all through High school and majored in it in college. After college he was recruited into one of the most prodigal biotechnological research companies in Kiev. He then started to take interest in the Zone and was all ways curious about the mutated life that inhabits it. Then while working at his lab he decided to leave his job and apply to become one of the scientists in the field in the Zone to pursue his interests.

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone:e Ecologists are Scientist who were dispatched to study the zone and the organisms that inhabit it along with the anomalies and the physiological effects on humans

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator:Dark

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: want to be a Ecologist because first of all I currently take two science classes in High school. I also want to have a character that is in a faction so the two seemed to fit with eco's
Other Information
Define injury RP: If you are hurt it effects your movements Define metagaming: using  information OOC to effect ICDefine metaspeak: LOL this be a n00b ova here lol haterz for eva. XD.Define RDM: Randomly killing people
Will you take responsibility for ALL of your actions?: yesWill you ACTIVELY use the forums?: Yes.Will you be active on SRP?: yesRecommendations from Ecologists?: None

Pending~ want to see you Rp a bit on the server.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: Blake

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:37724434

Timezone: GMT 0

Time with HGN: Since December '08

Time Roleplaying: Since '04/'05

Time on Server: Since December '08

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All Three

IC Information

Name: Doctor Stephanie Abraham

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Weight: 9.5 Stone

Height: 5'7''

Nationality: British

Blood Type: AB+

Illnesses/Diseases (If any): Mild-Persistant perennial allergic rhinitis, controlled by daily doses of Loratadine (Pill Form)

Requested ID Number: ID:55310

Backstory: Stephanie aspired to be a brilliant chemist as soon as she hit high school, after an average bring up by her average parents. She went to an average high school and got average grades ending up in a shit-hole university making the best of her cheap education. She came out of Uni with a PhD in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering.

On leaving Uni, like most post-students she struggled to find a job in her field so took to an average job stacking shelves at LIDL, still looking for that job. After a year of stacking shelves and cleaning up puke from the local pissheads she found the job she was, sort of, looking for - It was a job advertising for an assistant at a shower gel company, helping create new gel-mixes to make the consumers irresistible to the opposite sex (We've all seen the Lynx adverts).

Strangely she acquired the job - probably due to the fact the interviewer looked like he hadn't sen a woman in a few years, but thats beside the point. She worked there for roughly six months, sorting out shelves of chemistry, she often though it was just like working in LIDL - still packing those shelves. The pay wasn't much better either.

Six months in she had a bit of luck she was promoted and placed on the development team, creating and mixing many-a-strange-gels which often smelt like utter shit, still most better than half the Lynx fragrances. Moving on. She continued to work there for another year the company offered to move her across to Germany to support the new lab set up there.

Although Stephanie didn't know a lick-of German she accepted the transfer and fitted in quite well. Mid august, on a cold night in bed with a laptop across her knee, scanning the internet for useless Meme's and crap facts she came across a video on Liveleak, the video showed a glowing, spiky crystal like rock on a table, in the back-ground a power plant.

After a few hours of sifting through the internet and the Ukrainian Governments big "FUCK YOU" on searching for info on the zone she found out that this place was in Chernobyl, she had heard stories like everyone else but the media always had kept it dumbed down and smeared the truth from clear view.

After a couple of weeks of searching and investigating from her new found interest she came across a Leaked Document from the KZRI, expressing the new, and slightly concerning dangers of the zone well least now she knew where to go to try and get her finger in the pie.

After a couple of months of making the same old shit-smelling gloop she phoned up the KZRI and asked for an application form she filled it and faxed it back. A few anxious days later and shed been accepted. Quit her job in Germany and flew to Kiev, only to find that she had been placed in a lab in Kiev, wait for it, two storerooms - Making sure the shelves were kept stocked. Back to square one. Not really though, with in a month she was actively making solutions to assist the lab-boys in Kiev and recording outcomes and hypotheses. She was recommended by one rather old and slightly creepy lab-guy that she should be given her own lab - which was offered to her!

But instead she looked the Administrator in the eye and asked "What about in the Zone?"

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone: No idea

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Some guy

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: I dunno, seriously what the fuck is with these last 3 questions....

Also, get a brit to read it or half the shit wont make sense - i dont normally write so much, but its 2 in the morning and i have nothing better to do. Yay me.

Accepted with two week trial~ Blah Blah just don't be insane and know your place.

ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: Midgetonic

Steam ID: 0:1:9762553

Timezone: GMT -5

Time with HGN: 2-3 years

Time Roleplaying: 4 years

Time on Server: 2-3 years

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All three.

IC Information

Name: Zenon Kravec AKA 'Dreg'

Age: 33

Sex: Male

Weight: 190lbs

Height: 6'0 1/2

Nationality: Russian.

Blood Type: O

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): No major illnesses.

Backstory (3 paragraph minimum): 'PM'd to Brandon Lent'

Division (Underline one): Research/Security

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: Ecologists are scientists sent into the zone by the Ukrainian government in order to research the Zone and all of its wonders.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Dark, Professor Richard L. Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: I want to add more to their security because they seem to be lacking at the moment....Also it will keep me off my bandit for all you butt hurt mothafu-

Two week trial
Sec Zenon Kravec
Get an admin to set you up with whitelist and stuff you need.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: |HGN| The Mutated Man

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:28764505

Timezone: EST -5

Time with HGN: 7-28-2011

Time Roleplaying: 'Bout 2 years.

Time on Server: June of last year.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All

IC Information

Name: Abram Mikhailov

Age: 25

Sex: M

Weight: 170 lb

Height: 6'0"

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: AB +

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): N/A

Backstory (3 paragraph minimum):
-Pm'd to Lent-

Division (Underline one):  Research/Security

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: Scientists sent into the Zone from the Ukrainian Government to research the zone.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Dark, Prof. Richard L.  Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: Good rp, lack of security. Seems like it would be fun.

Two week trial
Sec. Abram Mikhailov
Get an admin to set you up with whitelist and stuff you need.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: [SG] Paralyzed

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:13332432

Timezone: GMT+1

Time with HGN: 11-12 Months

Time Roleplaying: More than over 2 years.

Time on Server: Same as Time with HGN, 11-12 Months.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: No.

IC Information

Name: Yevgeni Gusyeva

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Weight: 175LB

Height: 5'11

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: B+

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): N/A

Backstory (3 paragraph minimum):
Backstory PM'd to Brandon Lent

Division (Underline one): Research/Security

Faction Information

What are the Ecologists of the Zone and what do they do: The Ecologists are Scientist that were sent into the Zone by the Ukrainian government in order to research the Zone.

Who is the Ecologist Research and Development Administrator: Dark, Prof. Richard L.  Vangraff

Why do you want to be an Ecologist: Seems like the Ecologist need some more security, which is why I have applied.

Two week trial
Sec. Yevgeni Gusyeva
Get an admin to set you up with whitelist and stuff you need.
SRP Characters:
Artyom Fedoseev 'Ex S-Sgt, Duty' - Alive
Dimitri Petrenkov 'Co-Leader, The Rangers' - Alive
Vladislav Ivanov 'Trader' - KIA


Please refrain from sending your applications via PM, all others will now be auto-denied.

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA