Re: Dear Caphori members

Started by Emberlord88, 01-12-2012

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Would you guys mind accepting or denying my Terraria application, I am quite restless to begin playing it
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. "
-Mark Twain


Quote from: max0596 on 03-12-2012
Because I'm really elitist when I accept applications. You know what, Rag? You're acting like an asshole. I don't know where the hell this came from, or why you're doing it, but I direly hope that you get over being an asshole one day. I'm not even going to read your response to this. It's just going to be more bitching about who you think I am. If you made even the slightest effort to get to know me, then maybe you wouldn't be acting like I'm a horrible person towards me all the time. But no, this is the guy who never goes on a server, but comes in to the forums for it and insults it's operators, and says what we're doing things wrong. Get out. If you want to talk to me on Steam, I have the same name as here. The arrival ofJake and Nik3 have just basically made anything they post reinforce the point that "I'm a horrible person and a horrible Operator". Which isn't true.

what. My arrival? Boy what kind of crack are you under when writing this? Even just glancing at Caphori's forums(and how ops treat everybody) is enough to understand that the place is lacking organization or good staff. You're clearly under the effect of insecurity since all I see is denial of any kind of criticism(even comments make you mad) and insulting anyone who offered some, even if it's not positive, just take it like a tool you are. My post never had any targets to begin with, but the way you're interpreting it is making things clearer to me. You also seem to think that everybody must be a hardcore caphori player in order to have a magical 'right' to criticize(I never criticized anybody, all I said is that caphori needs better leadership lol), and I'm going to dismiss that simply by blaming it on your immaturity and inexperience, plus what I mentioned earlier.

Quote from: max0596 on 03-12-2012
Quote from: Nik3 on 02-12-2012
*nKe slaps max0596 around a bit with a large trout

Read Jake's message.
And this:
Quote from: Jake on 02-12-2012
what the fuck caphori get your shit together god damn this place needs a firm hand
Aren't Nik3 and Jake being little trolls. Also, I've never seen either of them on the server, ever. So that's nice.

Pathetic. You want to call both of us trolls for what exactly? Where do you see a desire for attention in my or Nike's post?
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway