
Started by Antagonist, 27-11-2012

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Name: Ethan (I'd rather not say my last name, if that's okay)
Roleplay Name: Hark'n Roh (Hark)
Players you already know on the on the server: I've known a few people, but none currently
Previous roleplay experience: None whatsoever. I'm coming here to learn.
What servers have you played on, and how long: None since 2011. I've run my own server since then.
Why would you like to join our server: I'd like to learn how to RP, if that's okay.
Have you read the "Rules and Regulations" thread? Yes.
Do you agree to follow the rules? Yes sir.
Will you agree to a One week probation Period? Yes.


You wake up in the middle of a strange forest.
You have no tools or weapons; all you have are the clothes on your back.
What would be your first course of action?(RP it.):

Firstly, I'd assess the forest, I'd need to find and collect some dry materials such as leaves and weeds which would enable me to build a fire. Depending on the moisture and density of the forest, I'd be able to find them quickly if I searched the right places. My most important goal would be to create some form of shelter, I'd search for a good spot to sleep, somewhere high to avoid flooding/water, hidden to avoid predators, and surrounded by structures such as trees or boulders so support my shelter.
I'd also to search for other materials required to build tools, tools which enabled me to build a fire, or skin/hunt an animal.
Once I had a shelter, I would need to put my abilities and tools to work to find food, and cook it.

Things have looked up for you after a few days of survival.
A old man in a wagon offers to give you a lift towards Civilization.
He does look troubled, as it seems that bandits have been around this area.
Would you travel with this man?(RP it.)
No. I don't require a lift to get to civilisation. I would ask the man which direction it is and I'd walk, regardless of how long it takes, I am in no hurry. If the man insisted I travel with him that's when I have a problem. I would decline and make sure he doesn't follow me.

You have finally made it to Civilization!
However, you have no money in your possession; and to make matters worse, you're very hungry.
So you make your way to the marketplace.
What action(s) would you take?(RP it.)
Sell any materials I no longer require, as well as meat and tools. Begin looking for any work I can find. If I cannot find any work/shelter in town I'll have to risk it and build a shelter outside of town and return the next day.