A call to arms...

Started by MattyK, 10-12-2008

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Arbiter [BROADCAST]: ***The Barrier was knocked out by the massive Psywave, and thus opening up the zone, there are countless things inside...
Arbiter [BROADCAST]: ***A large rock was blasted clear by the Psy Wave, revealing a large second and third entrance.
Arbiter [BROADCAST]: ***A Hyper-boosted message is Broadcasted over all frequencies by the Ecologists;
Arbiter [BROADCAST]: It is highly muffled, and yet incredibly clear, and states "ALL PEOPLE, MILITARY OR NOT, ARE TO STAY INSIDE!!"
] play plats/platform_citadel_ring.wav
Arbiter [BROADCAST]: A massive metallic structure rises above the skyline. And a menacingly metallic voice says "Your time, has come to an end."

Basically after a massive Psy Emission, the Zone was blasted open, only to be super-fortified by the Monolith.
The inside area has many areas of interest, and is a massive Faction Wars Zone.

Basically what is planned to happen is a massive Questline to shut down the "Citadel" which is currently home to C-Consciousness, who in turn is slowly turning everybody into Zombies with massive Psy Waves.
But while that's all happening, there are tons of highly-desirable items inside the newly-opened Zone, which is trying to coax all the factions into an all-out war while this happens.
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Yuri Fedorov

Hopefully we'll have a Duty leader so I can join the faction before this ends...  :Disintegrating-Soldier:
Yuri Fedorov - Applicant to DUTY
Vitaly Tarasov - Explorer of the ZONE

Who Dares Wins

If you don't mind, this would be best started off as a schedualed event as just randomly throwing this stuff out there leads to DMing and Q_Qing.