/me Fighting...

Started by Ravanger, 03-06-2009

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* Ravanger fighting is commonly used when doing hand to hand combat...And also in gun fights sometimes.. It is hard to me fight when there is over 5 people atleast involed in the me fight...Like when i was on my bloodsucker attacking a guy and some other guy was too and tere was like 2 or 3 other stalkers attacking us...It is the most rp way to realy fight...it was hard though...But mainly it it is used between 2 or 3 people commonly...Just had to make this post..


Dark Angel

That most of HGN suck at RP FIGHTS!


Yeah some people just shoot you before you can /me fight....Since alot of newer people are showing up. I agree with lesbian.


Fighting in roleplay is almost completely impossible if there is even one idiot there. That idiot will want to be the main one getting the attention and he will just shoot the bloodsucker/STALKER/shittyass character. Bloodsuckers should avoid fights if there are more than two people, because there will most likely ALWAYS be some jackass ready to shoot you on sight.

The other day I was trying to kidnap a DUTY member for killing one of my Aces, then boom, out of no where, some DUTY asshole that was down the hill just opened fire on us and ruined the roleplay. If you are going to attack someone, let them know first. Battles should be controlled, and the winner determined ahead of time.


Yeah it think it is cheap sometimes someone runs up then bam....



* wallyroberto breaks the other guy's neck


Dark Angel

Quote from: Molested Ducky on 04-06-2009
Fighting in roleplay is almost completely impossible if there is even one idiot there. That idiot will want to be the main one getting the attention and he will just shoot the bloodsucker/S.T.A.L.K.E.R/shittyass character. Bloodsuckers should avoid fights if there are more than two people, because there will most likely ALWAYS be some jackass ready to shoot you on sight.

The other day I was trying to kidnap a DUTY member for killing one of my Aces, then boom, out of no where, some DUTY asshole that was down the hill just opened fire on us and ruined the roleplay. If you are going to attack someone, let them know first. Battles should be controlled, and the winner determined ahead of time.

About voiding the battles if there are more than 1 enemies i would like to disagree.
I guess we should change RP fight rules abit , nice addition would be:

Random opening fire = Ban 30 - Perm (Depends)

Because atleast to my mind people who can't RP basic Fight don't deserve being HGN memmbers and stay on our servers.
Ofcourse it's only my point of view but i guess some people would agree with me.


Yeah i had a /me fight with like 5 people..it was a bit crazy telling who did what and what and blah..

Dark Angel

Quote from: Ravanger on 05-06-2009
Yeah i had a /me fight with like 5 people..it was a bit crazy telling who did what and what and blah..

RP is really complicated that's why i like it and anyone who's not capable of RPing properly doesn't deserve it >_< aka PERM BAN no UN-BAN!


Quote from: 19YearsOldLesbian on 05-06-2009
Quote from: Molested Ducky on 04-06-2009
Fighting in roleplay is almost completely impossible if there is even one idiot there. That idiot will want to be the main one getting the attention and he will just shoot the bloodsucker/S.T.A.L.K.E.R/shittyass character. Bloodsuckers should avoid fights if there are more than two people, because there will most likely ALWAYS be some jackass ready to shoot you on sight.

The other day I was trying to kidnap a DUTY member for killing one of my Aces, then boom, out of no where, some DUTY asshole that was down the hill just opened fire on us and ruined the roleplay. If you are going to attack someone, let them know first. Battles should be controlled, and the winner determined ahead of time.

About voiding the battles if there are more than 1 enemies i would like to disagree.
I guess we should change RP fight rules abit , nice addition would be:

Random opening fire = Ban 30 - Perm (Depends)

Because atleast to my mind people who can't RP basic Fight don't deserve being HGN memmbers and stay on our servers.
Ofcourse it's only my point of view but i guess some people would agree with me.

The majority of the admins won't give a shit. And the other half will research it for 15 seconds then give up and go back to playing.

Silver Knight

RP battling with a bloodsucker can only really be done 1v1 if theres more than one person, they would have to be really involved in the roleplay, else he will have a free shot to blow the bloodsuckers head off.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: 19YearsOldLesbian on 05-06-2009
Quote from: Ravanger on 05-06-2009
Yeah i had a /me fight with like 5 people..it was a bit crazy telling who did what and what and blah..

RP is really complicated that's why i like it and anyone who's not capable of RPing properly doesn't deserve it >_< aka PERM BAN no UN-BAN!

Most people who can't RP well are new to RP. How about actually giving them a chance before permabanning them?


Quote from: Silver Knight on 05-06-2009
RP battling with a bloodsucker can only really be done 1v1 if theres more than one person, they would have to be really involved in the roleplay, else he will have a free shot to blow the bloodsuckers head off.

Not true, Royz, Some other admin, Ravanger, a Merc and I were all /me fighting versus 2 Bloodsuckers(Ravanger and Royz)

It was quite fun.


Tried to /me fight but couldnt because some Monolith A-hole shot me in the face by standing up to start typing ;d


Monolith A-hole...

that made my lol.


One of the few reasons I left HGN was because of all the "newfags" poppen' the shit outta my face before I could greet them.
I'm partially back btw, since HGN isn't as bad as I first thought.. AND BECAUSE YOU BANNED HALF OF THE COMMUNITY.


3 people = half of community? nah.






He is right you know.....Only 3 little people.


Well, those 3 little people made me rage quit and leave. BLARGH.