Russian names and the Server

Started by Who Dares Wins, 09-12-2008

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Who Dares Wins

Alright, this is annoying me now.

Everytime a new player comes on who has never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. they normally come on with an English name (Like on most RP's).

As soon as this happens the majority of you scream "z0mg u sux u n0n rp nub get a rusian name!111!"

Don't do it.

1) They may not have played or even heard of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
2) It's not impossible for non Ukranians/Russians to be in the Zone, granted the majority will be of that desent but some will obviously not be such as Mercenaries or even other Loners. Heck my Mercenary is called Alexander Gunnell.

Just kindly tell them in OOC chat about their name or just leave it.

Another thing. Alot of you are getting the elitest attitude that "If you haven't played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. you shouldn't be on the server" (< To quote somebody who will not be named. This is just elitest and your scaring people off the server and giving us a bad name.

Stop it.