New Haven: Applications

Started by pilot, 12-08-2012

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Hi everyone.

So, you want to be a New Haven soldier? First there are a few things you have to know about.

-You have to have read the description/backstory of New Haven.
-You have to be with HGN for more than 2 weeks.
-You have to be active on the server, not being active will result in a kick from the group.
-If you post an application, do not agitate any of the moderators to look at your app.

-Everyone starts with the lowest rank. Prove you are worthy and you will be promoted.
-When getting accepted create a new character in-game with the name you chose here.
Put "Novice " right before your name.


New Haven Application

OOC Information

Steam Name:
How long have you been with HGN?:
How long have you played on FRP?:
How many HGN servers have you played on?:
Do you understand that you can be demoted in rank anytime?:
Do you understand that you can be kicked from the team anytime?:
Do you understand to listen to ranks higher than you?:

Have you ever been a part of any other factions? (Playerbased included):
(If yes) Which ones?:
Give me two paragraphs on why you want to join New Haven and how you joined it:

IC Infromation

Character Name:
Character Age:
Character Gender:
Character Physical Description:

Your character's backstory: