Re: New Haven Applications

Started by wargoney, 10-06-2012

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 [font=]OOC Information[/font][font=]
Steam Name: Wargoney[/font]

HGN Forum Username: Wargoney
How long have you been with HGN?: About a week.
How long have you been on the FRP server?: About a week now,
Do you plan on being active?: Yes I plan on being very active on this server and in New Haven if I am to be accepted.
Do you understand that you can be banned from the group?: Yes, I understand that I can be banned if I break any of the groups rules.
Do you plan on listening to your superiors?: Yes, I plan on listening  to every one of my superiors orders.

Write a 1 paragraph summary on how you can contribute to New Haven: I believe I can contribute to New Haven because I am a very loyal person. Once I am on a cause I can be hooked to it forever. I also believe that my marksman ship skills and more will help benefit to New Havens military force. I am also a very disciplined man so it is hard to get my to my nerves. I can handle killing many people without even feeling any emotions about it. So this is why I believe I can benefit New Haven.

IC Information
Full Name: Micheal Vous
Physical Description: 5'11 | 127 Ibs |Brown Hair | Brown Eyes | Blue shirt | Blue Jeans| Caucasian | Male | Assault Rifle |
Any medical history?: No I do not have any medical history of injurys or any thing of the sort.
Whats is your character experienced at: I am a very skilled marksman and I am good in situations that would make others break.

What problems may the character have?: When I get angry I tend to go on a blood lust at times. Most of the time I just get very pissy though and get into a argument if I am mad the blood lust thing doesn't happen too often.

Accepted - Although I am weary that you have only been on HGN for a week I was reconvinced that you said that you would be active on the server. All I need to be able to do is trust you to show respect to your commanders and not run off and make a anti-New Haven group.


OOC Information
Steam Name: Vorter
HGN Forum Username: Vorter
How long have you been with HGN?: Almost half a year
How long have you been on the FRP server?: Almost half a year
Do you plan on being active?: Yes
Do you understand that you can be banned from the group?: Yes
Do you plan on listening to your superiors?: Yes

Write a 1 paragraph summary on how you can contribute to New Haven:

Another soldier to add to the manpower of New Haven, which includes combat against enemies, income, and richer RP.
I can contribute well as a shooter (particularly sniper rifles). All my money will, of course, be pooled as often as possible.
Long time RPing.

IC Information
Full Name: Brent Alias
Physical Description: 6ft 2in | 28 | Blonde Hair | Blue Eyes | Average Build
Any medical history?: None
Whats is your character experienced at: Marksmanship/SERE/Weapons and Equipment Maintenance

What problems may the character have?: Impatience, distrusting

Accepted - Like the application, you'll be a recruit for now until you prove to be ranked higher. If you want to join the Ranger Squad talk to PingPong.