Administration Titles and Job Description

Started by Silver Knight, 11-08-2012

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Silver Knight


The Director overall directs the direction of HGN. They are not expected to admin servers only manage and put in charge who runs what. They take on elevated issues that other staff cannot deal with themselves.


This title is the directors right hand person, they act upon ones self to keep the community as a whole organised and running.


The Roleplay Department Admins are responsible for the garrysmod roleplay servers. They are responsible for keeping the servers running, making descisions with the other RDA's about canon, direction, items, changes and keeping the admins under them motivated and active.


The SV's are similar to the RDA but are responsible for one server, they are generally considered on parr with RDA's but with lesser power. They are expected to supervise the other admins and make sure problems do not arise on the server.

Server Admin

Server admins are expected to be on the server regularly. They are expected to make events, administrate the server, they are able to authorise various things however can be overuled by a SV and above.

Server Operator

Server Operators are similar to a Server Admin however have less avaliable power to them.

Trial Operator

These members are on trial for their position as a admin. They have very limited power and lesser access to admin commands. This position exists to see if a perspective admin is suitable for being an administrator. I.E. Are they active enough, how do they interact with other players etc.

Other Noteable Titles:

HGN Support Staff:

These friendly folk get involved as a global moderator on the forums and general HGN issues. They try to resolve issues that others cannot or unable to resolve themselves.

Global Moderator:

This is a forum only position. These members moderate the forums and collectively keep it organised and keep the peace.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period