Re: Production Time!

Started by pilot, 29-07-2012

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Quote from: wargoney on 29-07-2012
[font=]IC Information[/font][font=]

Name: Nick Howard[/font]

Age: 18
Division(Army or Science): Army
Current Rank: Private
Time In Enclave: About 2 months
Medical History: N/a
Battles Attented(If any): One Battle attended.
Which rank do you wish to apply for? (Captain, Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant) I am applying for the Rank of Captain.

OOC Information

Steam Name: Wargoney
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:40128751
Time in HGN: About 2 months.
Time in FRP: About 2 months.
Do you understand that you can be demoted any time?: Yes, I understand that I can be demoted at any time.
Do you understand that you still have to listen to ranks higher than you?: I understand that I am required to listen to all ranks Higher than me.
Why did you join Enclave?: I joined the Enclave due to my intense love of the Enclave and its Advanced Technological Power.
Are you in any other factions?: Yes I am in the Brotherhood of Steel.
Have you played in any other servers?: Yes I have played in many different Role-playing servers.
Did you play a high role in any other faction? (Applies to all servers): Yes I am a Paladin in the Brotherhood of steel.

Write 2 paragraphs of why you want to be an Enclave CO and what you would do to improve the faction:
I am Applying to be a Captain in the Enclave because I want to see it returned to its full power in this region so we do not have to hide and cower from those of the wastelands. I wish for us to have our Revenge on the NCR for beating us back and back and killing our brothers and Sisters. I wish to see us feared across the wastelands so we can Eradicate the mutant scum from this planet and return it to its formal glory where only the pure bloods live. I will see to it that this happens and we shall live in triumph against the mutant freaks.
[font=]As a Captain I will Enforce strict polices and make sure the men are fit and trained every day. I will see to it that we destroy the New Californian Republic in vengeance of our fallen brethren. I will show no mercy to the Mutant scum that plagues our lands. I would also take the new recruits one Small scale missions like scouting the area to get them more experienced in the field and to see how they react to instances that can occur throughout the wastes.[/font]

Accepted/Pending             Let me explain. Your accepted here, but I first want to see how you do in-game. I can't just give you second in command like that so let me put you in the captain rank for a while and see how you feel in it. I mean, Captain basically is if I make a stupid decision I need you to fix me. So it's a pretty big role. I need to be able to trust you.