Started by Dstirling, 29-03-2012

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Gone untill april 6.


I can't actively RP on the server as life has hit me hard recently. Activity will be sparse but I'll get on when I can. ICly Hank is staying in the bunker tending to the wounded when they come in.


Been meaning to post this for a while, activity will be scarce, taking a break from FORP. I'll be back shortly though.


Life's calmed down for me. Still won't be able to do much but you should be seeing me on when I'm not helping on DTJNB.

Bourneco (TSB)

LOA, gotta reinstall the pack, about a week or two should suffice

Edit: Lots of shit going on, pop this up too 3-5 weeks, sorry.


I will be on vacation:
June 17-27
July 14-21
July 29-Aug 4


Studying and writing exams, be back in around 2-3weeks

Edit: Gone for 3 more weeks, have no time lately with work, gf, and other private issues.
I will be back for sure though, just need a bit more time.
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


Going on vacation to Florida for about a week, I'm leaving the 6th and coming back the 14th, don't miss me too bad.

This means Hitman (reluctantly) is in charge until then (I can still manage applications I will have internet access.) Any MAJOR decisions such as; starting a war, ending a war, peace treaties, giving away supplies, and BUYING RIOT ARMOR, should be addressed to me BEFORE you do it. (This mainly goes to Hitman, I will be on Steam mobile when I am not out of the hotel.)

Other than that, don't fuck up, don't burn the house down, and please for the love of god, don't do anything fucking stupid.

I am expecting things to go smoothly, so please Hitman, don't make any stupid decisions without running them by me first.


My motherboard broke and I can't even start my computer. I'm typing this on my friend's computer and I'll try to fix it whenever I can.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!