Admin Meeting Summary

Started by Blake.H, 05-08-2012

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Community Members,

I'd like to thank everyone who attended the community meeting tonight. Everything has been taken into consideration. You should expect to see a topic posted in the network notifications in a few days with how we aim to move forwards.

We have one final meeting to hold between Exile, Ace and myself to finalise on decisions.

What we discussed between admins are as follows:

We will not be moving forwards with this idea as a Role-Play server, we feel that it would lacking in key components although it has been considered as a pure RPG.
This is to be discussed further.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R custom canon
Although a good idea, we have come to somewhat of a stalemate which is 'Does anyone even care about the canon or do they just want to play in a stalker themed game?'.
This topic is to be discussed further.

Fallout canon change
We briefly touched on this topic though no imput can be put forwards yet.
This is to be discussed further.

Metro 2033
We liked the idea but find it will be too linear and feel that it would not work for HGN.
This is confirmed.

Weapon/Script/item enhancements
All servers will be receiving a fresh layer of paint.
This is confirmed

Rook's idea
Rook had the idea of a fluid futuristic canon of where humans had inhabited 'new' planet somewhat similar to HL2 but different at the same time. Although a good idea it had some big issues that we found troubling.
This is to be discussed.

I know there are other topics we discussed but these are the main ones which i feel you should know about for now. This is just a brief update.

if you feel that i have missed something important or have another question please PM me!


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