
Started by MattyK, 08-12-2008

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Google it and you'll get an insta-link to the FP thread, problem is I've got a one-week ban on there(Mods are real Nazi's.) so I can't access it.
Alternativley, here's the link; forums.facepunchstudios.com/showthread.php?t=615593

I'm presuming the Download Link is a Filefront.

What is it?
It's a great map, based off the town in STALKER, it's got everything you could dream of, and is just bloody awesome.
The map was actually based for the gamemode, but soon died after people neglected the Stalker RP types.

Could somebody gimme the DL link for the map, also It'd be a great alternative from Robynsvalley.
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Acessing link via proxy, goddamnit, wrong one...
Well the point is there's a map out there called rp_pripyat, I think it would be great to add, if we could only find it first!
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Communist Panda

Heres the link -


That is JUST pictures.

The map hasnt been made yet.
Characters -
John 'Wolf' Rhinehart - Slightly leniant
Alexei 'Skulker' Tarsov - Complete jackass
Vanechka Koslovski - Rough but kind
Dmitri Aleshnikov - Trader, what do you think?


No no, there was an old map, called rp_pripyat, made in 2007.
It's been lost to time, but I know it's out there.
I even remember spending a good few minutes on it in singleplayer!
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