|Freedom| Storys/Notes/IC letters

Started by Cobra, 12-05-2009

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Post your storys, Ic letters to freedom or PDA letters to Freedom pal's here.

Alek Kenenday

William Bervqist: Hey Brothers' You guys got any weed? *laughing


Walter Tanasychuk: Naw. Ganja's hut was burned down by a bloodsucker pumped up on LSD. Dont bother asking.


Tenel Asire: What happened to Ganja's Shed. That shit wasnt cheap to order in!



Ganja: HUH WHAT!? Looks like I will have to use the store room in the barracks now...


Quote from: wallyroberto on 15-06-2009
Walter Tanasychuk: Naw. Ganja's hut was burned down by a bloodsucker pumped up on LSD. Dont bother asking.

Vasily Petrov: That's bullshit. Clearly Ganja got stoned out of his mind and burned it down himself accidentally. That's why he doesn't know what happened, he was too drunk/stoned.


Meh. I call it as I see it. Maybe I was high


Tenel Asire: ... Why cant people stay sober when working....


Tolik: Uhh, I thought I was the only one.


Rikard: I am a bit lost here...


Ganja: Hey fuck you! I have been sober for three weeks straight!


**A PDA is left on the table of Tenels desk. A message has been opened on it**
I hope there are no hard feelings about me droping out of freedom. But i have my job as an Ecologist to do and being in freedom was getting in the way.
I hope we can still be friends.


ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Walter: Well, I knew it would be coming, so I'm not that sad.

Aim for the Stars STAR, aim for the stars.


From: Vasily Petrov
To: Tenel Asire
CC: Nikita Sergeyevich, Walter Tanasychuk

*Picture of a naked torso with "Freedom" burned into the upper chest and "95th Military Regiment" burned beneath it

I think our truce with the Military is over. I'll explain the whole story next time I see you in person, Tenel. If we ever get our hands on Colonel Vladimir Stovksy please let me deal with him. He'll pay for branding me.


**Ganja holding Tenels PDA gets the message and grins in disapproval to what the military has done and sends out a message to all stalkers for a bounty on Colonel Vladimir Stovksy for 50k alive and 20k dead.**


((Oh yeah i forgot that i get cobra my PDA cause i have a computer now :/))


*A PDA is left on the table, with it a message.*

Friends, Freedom, and any Drunkards that i have seen. I am sad to say that i cannot continue inside the zone. Many things have happened to me including Radiation Sickness, Broken appendages, and constant harassment from unknown sources. I have decided to move to a safer place to conduct my studies.

I know most of you will miss me, and some will love that i am going. But let me just say this, even though i may be gone i will still be in your memories. You will definatly find another scientist of my standards.

So let me reiterate, I will be heading to Russia to see about conductive studies. And to lead the world in a better solution then War. So I say goodbye to all of my friends.

*PDA Turns off and implodes in a small explosion*




PDA Message: Tenel I am leaving the zone for good and will not be coming back for I have personal business and other issues to attend to.
Sincerely Anna.

Letter: I regret to inform you that Ganja passed away today due to a heart attack or stroke I am not sure of which killed him but I apologize for your loss.



*Note is left on Vasily's bunk. All his gear is gone*

Whoever finds this, I'm heading to the north for a bit.  Going to see what's going on near the center of the Zone, I've heard stories of wondrous artifacts and beautiful scenery out there. Will be back in a week or so, maybe.

((OOCLY I'm on vacation. Leaving Tuesday, back Monday night))


// I know this is your Forum and all but... I havent seen anything off you guys.. I guess i'm frogiven ffor branding Paint and what like 3 more of your guys?:P
Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


// time to get back freedom! we mizz yooo
"I know who I am! I'm a dude playing a dude diquised as another dude!"

The myth says that Radek has two arms, the myth also says that the devil has two arms. Coincidence? I think not.