NEWS: I might do a temporary lockout of FORP for beta testing.

Started by Spades_Neil, 21-07-2012

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To put a long story short, there's a lot of bugs that are being fixed and I'd rather not see people fix them only to realize we created a bunch more. Our goal is to bring FORP to the same level or beyond that of SRP in terms of development.

So, when FORP is updated with corrected SWEPs, fixed armor, updated item weights, T-menu prices, etc... we may temporarily lock out the server as we've done in the past to make sure everything we've added or updated is running CORRECTLY before we reopen it to the public.

Then, we'll re-open with a nice big event so you can get your grubby little hands on some new GEAR content that will improve the variety of roleplay since it's really boring and unrealistic when everyone has the same firearms. The stats will be very similar and balanced, so, like SRP, it'll be a matter of taste and the character themselves as opposed to the best guns.

Gonna converse with the other admins before doing this. Still, when it's all said and done, FORP should be on STALKER's level of playability. I admit it's very irritating and immersion-breaking when you're dealing with so many bugs which makes it unpleasant to roleplay.

I forgot to mention; I will send out invites myself. Do not ask me for invites (if we do this at all) unless you're a FORP admin, an RDA, an FRP faction leader (major and/or minor), or a member of the support staff.

Edit: Removed gear.