Crussaria. . . I want it back, you?

Started by Chippy, 20-07-2012

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I want the Crussaria server back. If anyone else wants it aswell please like.......make yourself noticed below so we can get it unshelved, hopefully. Because I am not planning on roleplaying on any more Survival based rp's for a while. Consider this a petition?


Quote from: Chippy on 20-07-2012
I want the Crussaria server back. If anyone else wants it aswell please like.......make yourself noticed below so we can get it unshelved, hopefully. Because I am not planning on roleplaying on any more Survival based rp's for a while. Consider this a petition?
Ah yes lets bring back the server that after several attempts of revival failed, this idea is fool proof.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


We can hardly find  any good roleplayers, not to mention the majority of 12 year olds on Gmod. It's just that nobody likes Medieval stuff.

Only pew pew and lazers and juggernauts yeah frking aliens n shit.

Crussaria was a fail, and it won't take long for Star Wars to take it's place.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


Quote from: Ket on 20-07-2012
We can hardly find  any good roleplayers, not to mention the majority of 12 year olds on Gmod. It's just that nobody likes Medieval stuff.

Only pew pew and lazers and juggernauts yeah frking aliens n shit.

Crussaria was a fail, and it won't take long for Star Wars to take it's place.
If it was called Skyrim RP and not Crussaria I bet you it would have become popular

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 20-07-2012
Never again.
Pretty much that
Quote from: Ket on 20-07-2012
We can hardly find  any good roleplayers, not to mention the majority of 12 year olds on Gmod. It's just that nobody likes Medieval stuff.

Only pew pew and lazers and juggernauts yeah frking aliens n shit.

Crussaria was a fail, and it won't take long for Star Wars to take it's place.
That's why

No people on the "Main" server, forget Fallout, which is arguably the "Second" server. Why would we bring back a third server again? Don't you guys ever learn from multiple servers splitting the player base that we don't have?
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


From all the "ZOMG Y U INACTIVE" Threads that have been popping up here and there, any sort of third server would be a terrible idea.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


we should beat dead horses with a dead horse

makes sense


There were a ton of people that loved crussaria. Also, we won't be "Splitting" a playerbase that WE DONT HAVE ANYWAY. the reason we dont have that playerbase is because the survival rp's got boring. Idk about srp though, i never look at it.

HGN is dead, to me at least. Crussaria was the only thing that wasn't "Lets get gear, and kill stuff, watch a helicopter crash and loot it, i wanna loot loot."    Though instead the new people in CRP said "Lets cut down trees and get a ton of gold" But that was it. Crussaria had drama for me, which had good roleplay. And there was hardly any gear, so it was mainly for roleplay. Crussaria had a fantasy setting which made it really free to make characters how you wanted them, not strict to being...omg another spetsnaz badass, or a wastelander who cant eat for the first day you play.

Goodbye HGN. Had fun roleplaying til i got bored of it and realized what it was.


Its sad, because that was easily the best server I've ever played on. My first few months playing on that server made me love HGN, and I came back daily just for the RP.

One of the people I talked to, ThY I belive, told me to try SRP, so I did, thinking it would be as good if not better. But, when I got there, there was nothing, anywhere, and this was while 10 people where on. I ended up walking around for 2 hours that day, and not getting a bit of RP. The next time I got on, I did the same thing for 3 hours, but I got 2 RP's. Both were of a mutant killing me and running away. That, made me sad. You worship SRP, but in my opinion, it is too faction based. There is no RP for anyone new unless they sign up into a faction. So, I happily stuck with Crussaria, for another 3 months until collage exams hit, and the server died off.

Whats even more sad, is how I see the community now... No one even considers the idea of having a server brought back, due to our already low playerbase. And the playerbase is lessening, because people are leaving, and they are leaving, because there isnt anything fun to do anymore. CRP Died, FRP is dying. I hate to say it, but this once amazing community I saw is not as great as it was. The community itself is dying, and I see very few reasons to stick around. Anytime someone has a suggestion, everyone bashes it and says stupid comments instead of talking reasonably and giving reasons why they dont like the idea. So, maybe one day, when HGN is back to the nice community I knew, then I'll start caring about the community... But when the community is like this, I see no reason at all to care or help anything about it.

I gotta agree with Chippy... So long, and thanks when you were a great community.


I laughed at you both.

"Let's bring back Crussaria even though our playerbase is low."

"I'm leaving because nobody wants Crussaria back."

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  You just added to the problem.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 20-07-2012
I laughed at you both.

"Let's bring back Crussaria even though our playerbase is low."

"I'm leaving because nobody wants Crussaria back."

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.  You just added to the problem.
Quote from: themutatedman on 20-07-2012
we should beat dead horses with a dead horse

makes sense
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"

Bl★ck Star

Crussaria is gone ?

I want Mass Effect RP and want to rp a Krogan Scientist lul.


Everyone is just a damn whiner.


The lot of you who insult them are just assholes. Cru probably won't come back because every time we make a new server, shit gets popular for all of 1 day to a week, and then the mass population migrates to something else. RP in itself is getting boring and no matter what you do, it probably won't bring it back the playerbase we once had, or the amount of players the most popular servers have.

Honestly the most you can do is when you feel like RPing, grab a good group of friends and hop on the server. Maybe an admin to get things going, but thats it. Almost everything we have done has been exhausted and used up and theres no point on trying to revive it.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period



Finding RP:

Step 1: uninstall Gmod
Step 2: Find a group running a real table top game near you/on the internet
Step 3: Profit.

If you want RP that is the only way to go. Gmod doesn't have serious RP any more.

If you're 12 and want to gear whore, Gmod is still great for that.


I do rogue trader with friends on the weekends rarely, but the Warhammer Fantasy RP book is out....its a hefty 60 bucks I think.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Paintcheck on 20-07-2012
Finding RP:

Step 1: uninstall Gmod
Step 2: Find a group running a real table top game near you/on the internet
Step 3: Profit.

If you want RP that is the only way to go. Gmod doesn't have serious RP any more.

If you're 12 and want to gear whore, Gmod is still great for that.

That is still best rp.


I actually wanted to try out crussaria...

oh well.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I remember trying out Crussaria once, I was instantly knocked out with a blackjack item and robbed, after that I had my throat slit. The playerbase was horrible when I played it.


Dividing a small playerbase is a terrible idea, but even worse then that? Complaining about a lack of players then leaving... definitely counter-productive. From my humble experience as a one time admin on an SSTRP server, I can understand the problem with splitting an already struggling playerbase, it just ends badly and accelerates the guaranteed collapse of a community. (every community ends or will end, no exceptions) And those 12 year olds? They're 12 now, but guess what? They are the 13-21 year olds of the future, most of them get mature and pick up on how to spell and do da good grammars, so they are the future blood of RP.

I don't really know what the fuck I'm going on about now, but I like this community, really the Fallout RP here is all I go on anymore, and I'd hate to see the meager 10 people tops go down to an even smaller 4-5~ people...

/end rambling talk

Halley 'Squeeker' Edwards
-Wandering, trying to be helpful

Bl★ck Star

My first day on Crussaria, I took part of a tournement won 10.000 gold, bought me a shack, some dragon attacked, I killed hte dragon, end.



I don't want Crussaria back. I spent so much effort producing the most active and developed faction (Just check the threads), to have it removed without my concent or even knowledge by the SV's.

Edit this so it is a poll.