So I figured out why FORP gun sounds aren't working.

Started by Spades_Neil, 19-07-2012

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And I'm in the process of fixing it. I'll release a patch soon.

Turns out there are files in the SRP and General SVN pack for the Scripts that conflict with each other so in addition to patching, you'll need to move and delete some stuff. This has so far made making new SWEP gun sounds a total nightmare, but I figured out why it is so fucked up.

If anything I'm just surprised we didn't notice this bug sooner.


I noticed it and told the people, but no one gave a fuck.


guess i wasn't around back then, i would've fixed it if i had heard about it, or if someone brought it to my attention.

the permaban queen.


EUREKA! I figured out why half our sounds work and the other half didn't despite me updating the script.

Turns out, there's a few innocent typos. Not all the sound files are .wav files, and a couple use MP3s. Turns out all FORP weapons still get their sounds from just one file. Patch should be out very soon.