Re: Trader Applications

Started by Ricey, 11-07-2012

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Character's Name:Voychek Pasternak

What Trader Position Are You Seeking?:Loner Supplier

YOUR CHARACTER'S HISTORY AND HOW HE GOT THERE: Voychek himself settled in Pripyat two years ago and was a somewhat successful trader. However, what with good business came with consequences. Raiders always kept him harassed and his inventory stolen, rendering him nearly useless for business. Thankfully, no raiders had the right mind to kill him altogether and figured they could just keep leeching off what he would scavenge, in return of him keeping his life. He couldn't hire bodyguards or defend himself considering he never trusted anyone to be alongside with him, and his lack of skill using a firearm. After hearing rumors of these so called "artifacts" in Chernobyl in the "Zone", he figured he can start over again, leaving his troubles behind him. Where people would seek fortune from these artifacts, Voychek knew there would be people who would fail trying to claim them. He, himself, didn't take interest into the artifacts that much, considering he could die trying; of course, the people died trying he could flawlessly scavenge off of and sell for a good profit. Two years passed. What with the hostile environment constantly putting Voychek's life at stake, he learned two things: to never settle at one spot for long periods of time, as those raiders that robbed him back in Pripyat could also hear of these fortunes that lie within the zone, and to never put too much trust in anyone, as they could, at some point, stab you in the back and reap you of your belongings.

Why do you deserve this position?: Out of all the jobs i've browsed though, I'm more interested in the position of a trader. I'd like to see how the trading system works in the perspective as trader himself, not just the buyer. Whether it's possible to move up in tiers in terms of the trader itself, I wouldn't mind sticking as a supplier.


Steam Name: darthfreeman[/size]Character's Name: Vasiliy KazimirWhat trader position are you seeking?(Pick one): Rookie supplier.YOUR CHARACTER'S HISTORY AND HOW HE GOT THERE.  He was born in Moscow Russia with his family till he was 17 when he ran away from home and went to the zone to get some money for himself. He started to live at the rookie village for a few years how he became a trader was the rookie village trader die so he took the job as the village trader He didn't see that good a gear sence it was just a rookie village and thats were Vasily is now  Why do you deserve this position?: Im a good roleplayer and on another rp sever ive been a trader before.