Artifacts of the Fates, Volume 1: The Cube of Lies

Started by Kamimaia, 05-07-2012

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An open letter addressed to all Caphorians, delivered door-to-door:

"I, Keeper Kylier Jormungand, invite you to take part in a hunt for one of the many lost artifacts of the Fates.

The Cube of Lies was lost sometime during the disappearance of Caphori II, and lies beneath the earth in an unknown location- likely in one of the many ruins that drive into the earth. As I understand it, the curse that prevented entry has been broken- if you have the strength to brave the depths and undead that infest the dungeons of this peninsula, then I beseech you to return the artifact to the Fates. The one who brings me the Cube of Lies will be rewarded.

-Keeper Jormungand

OOC NOTES: The date for this event to begin will be announced when the event itself is ready. This post is simply so that people may know what's coming up.



Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.
