power tripping admin [re]

Started by Xavier, 26-06-2012

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Yeah, I think I will bitch on the forums. Punks like you shouldn't have mod powers if you can't keep your cool.

Anyway, after specifically asking this exact same mod (Kami) if I could switch the dimensions on a house and being approved for such, they come by less than 24 hours later and throw a tantrum about it. After this piss-fit, they realize they were wrong, but decide to ban me anyway because I called them out on it. Shortly after being told to "Go bitch on the forums." Mature.

People who act like they're 12 years old really should NOT have administrative responsibilities.  I'm aware they will simply delete this post because they CAN.. but seriously. Grow the fuck up. Maybe you should ask nicely next time before flipping your shit, and maybe I'll treat you like an adult... and not a 3 year old.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


6. Senseless Mining e.g. hellevators, random mines without homes- We are going to have Mineshafts. (You should have filled in as you went, rather than just stripmining the hill.)
13. Not obeying what a moderator tells you to do, chances are its for your's and the server's good (It was polite, until you decided to be snarky. I don't put up with snarky.)
17. Building outside the building limits. (Your home is not anywhere near 20/20/30, even with switched dimensions)


Screenshot it, I dare you. I spent an hour counting the blocks. If it's off it would only be because you're counting the  3 block awning or something trivial.

I was only 'snarky' (learn your own rules seems like a legitimate request for a MOD) because you were throwing a fit over something you were completely in the wrong about in the first place.

You didn't tell me to do anything at all, you banned me because you were wrong and made yourself look like an ass in the process.

EDIT: forgot to mention I was in the process of filling in the tunnels when you banned me, that makes it even better. Those tunnels had been there for maybe 10 minutes while I went to get dirt and stone blocks to fill them in, and I had just got back and started when you went into bitch mode.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


I didn't count the front doorstep- I only had to count the roof to be sure. It spanned 36 blocks on its lonesome.

There are better ways to say 'check the rules' than to be an asshole. And I wasn't completely in the wrong at all. See above.

I didn't tell you to do anything except bitch on the forums, because I wasn't going to talk in a chat with a snarky player.

Can't screenshot anyway. I already removed the whole thing. Find another server to play on, kid. If you can't keep your cool when talking to mods, you don't belong in Caphori.


As I thought. You removed any evidence that could've proved you wrong. The roof was the same size as the rest of it which was 30 blocks exactly. There was no size variation in the building, and I counted the blocks across the bottom. So now you have nothing to back you up. Would somebody please unban me so I can return to playing? I was enjoying myself till this occurred.

By the way, it would've been easier if you had simply apologized. Deleting the building kinda makes it absurdly obvious you were wrong and don't want to admit it.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
As I thought. You removed any evidence that could've proved you wrong. The roof was the same size as the rest of it which was 30 blocks exactly. There was no size variation in the building, and I counted the blocks across the bottom. So now you have nothing to back you up. Would somebody please unban me so I can return to playing? I was enjoying myself till this occurred.

By the way, it would've been easier if you had simply apologized. Deleting the building kinda makes it absurdly obvious you were wrong and don't want to admit it.

Nah. I don't unban people who throw tantrums. Buh-bye now.


Someone else will, I'm sure.  You have no proof against me, and it was a stupid ban to begin with.

I don't really care if you don't like me. I joined the server to roleplay, not argue with power tripping mods about petty bullshit. Even if the rest of the mods don't want to unban me because you'd turn your bitch-wrath on them, I will rest easy knowing karma will bite you square in the ass for being such an outrageous cunt  :)
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


So say so many who are removed like the cancer they are. Oh well.


You should deconstruct the main point before banning someone, Kamimaia. Else it's just an unfair ban, which shows how much you actually deserve to be apart of any server's staff.

You're the one who seems to be taking this badly, instead of acting like a fucking moderator and presenting proof instead of insulting someone, who, without the proof which you won't supply, is totally innocent.


Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
You have no proof against me.
Sure you can't get screenshots of it now since it's fixed, however you certainly can have the witnesses that saw it speak up about it. And i ain't the only one that saw it there's plenty more of them that could speak up if they wish.

Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
You removed any evidence that could've proved you wrong.
I counted it myself Kami isn't wrong about it.

Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
Deleting the building kinda makes it absurdly obvious you were wrong and don't want to admit it.
There really isn't any purpose for a structure that was of minor importance existing if the owner isn't around for it, there's that and it frees up that area for something else to be made.

Edit: Just a side note i don't benefit from this in anyway so don't accuse me of being in the wrong.

Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


or you could just be brown nosing, which I would bet money on. As I said, I counted the blocks.. repeatedly. There is no way in hell I miscounted  by six blocks. Second, any competent mod would screenshot the building first.. or at least leave it there until they had shown that the ban was legitimate. As it stands, the only thing they have against me is me saying "Learn the rules".. which they should. I'm not apologizing for that, especially after being banned so abruptly and without warning. Isn't there some sort of 3 strike system in play? I hardly think saying 3 words should even count as a strike, much less something severe enough to incur an insta-ban.

You're abusing your own rules system
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
Or you could just be brown nosing, which I would bet money on.
You have a very low opinion of me.
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


No, I have a confidence in my ability to count. I could believe it if I was perhaps off by 1 block, 2 at most.. but 6? There's no way in hell. I counted those blocks at least 4 times to make sure this EXACT situation didn't occur.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


Quote from: Xavier on 26-06-2012
I spent an hour counting the blocks.
Then after spending so much time counting you should really know what your dimensions were then.
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


I do, they were precise. Hence why I said what I said. You should really pay attention.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


Then if they were so precise you shouldn't need to believe if it was off by a few blocks since you did spend so much time on it after all.
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


It's called humility. I counted them repeatedly. Your claim that I miscounted by 6 blocks is absurd, but had you said 31 I MAY have believed it. That is closer to the margin of human error. 6 blocks is a large amount of miscalculation, so I am positive you did not actually count the blocks. You're just trying to back up the mod's mistakes. That was the original point.
My wits are my weapon, my conviction my armor, my eyes reveal truth, my footsteps the bells of your funeral.


You still insulted a mod, and are continuing to insult her within this thread. If you didn't react to a possible mod error like such a child, then perhaps you wouldn't be treated like a child. Going "Hey, I feel like this mod was wrong about this..." instead of "Omg i'm right you're wrong learn your rules bitch bitch fucking bitch fuck" would've saved your chances of rejoining the server.

Your emo dog furry profile pic isn't making you seem any more mature, by the way.


I am taking actions I deem appropriate to this situation.
any further replies/insults will be reprimanded...

have a nice day.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I rule in favor of the plaintiff. You're ordered to give zero shits for the rest of your life.

Case dismissed.


Quote from: Ragolution on 27-06-2012
I rule in favor of the plaintiff. You're ordered to give zero shits for the rest of your life.

Case dismissed.

People are arguing because of 4x4 pixel squares.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 27-06-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 27-06-2012
I rule in favor of the plaintiff. You're ordered to give zero shits for the rest of your life.

Case dismissed.

People are arguing because of 4x4 pixel squares.

We're playing games because of 4x4 pixel squares and blocks of text marked 'achievements'. Your point?


Quote from: Kamimaia on 27-06-2012
We're playing games because of 4x4 pixel squares and blocks of text marked 'achievements'. Your point?

You do? Well that's sad.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 27-06-2012
Quote from: Kamimaia on 27-06-2012
We're playing games because of 4x4 pixel squares and blocks of text marked 'achievements'. Your point?

You do? Well that's sad.

i think she was making a nod to the evolution of Video Games.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: James Almasy on 27-06-2012
Quote from: Jake on 27-06-2012
Quote from: Kamimaia on 27-06-2012
We're playing games because of 4x4 pixel squares and blocks of text marked 'achievements'. Your point?

You do? Well that's sad.

i think she was making a nod to the evolution of Video Games.
It's still sad.
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