95th Airmobiles "Deaths Company" Enlistment Center

Started by Deathcon, 02-05-2009

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Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:
First name:
Medical Conditions:
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:
How long have you been with HGN:
Is this your main character:
Do you have any alts:
Are you in any other Factions:
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:
Do you have any previous Military experience:

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:
Do you have a working Microphone:

Anything else you'd like to tell us:


Ukrainian Air Force (Helicopter Pilot) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:
First name:
Medical Conditions:
Do you currently hold a valid flying license:
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:
How long have you been with HGN:
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:
Do you have any previous Military experience:

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:
Have you ever been banned? If so why:

Do you have Ventrillo:
Do you have a working Microphone:

Anything else you'd like to tell us:


Applications are closed for the moment..


In-Character Information

Last name:Petrov
First name:Vlad
Weight:190 pounds.
Medical Conditions: Nothing too serious. Just a scare upside his cheek from Grave.
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): He is a good listener and a great problem solver, can kill a bloodsucker with nothing but a knife. He has done it before and it got him promoted. He will follow a order to the death if needed.

Out of Character Information

Country:United States
How long have you been roleplaying: About 1 year.
How long have you been with HGN: about 4 months.
Is this your main character:No. I would rp them the same amount enless required diffrently.
Do you have any alts: My Mercenary Andrew 'Aztec' Hawkins
Are you in any other Factions: In my merc faction.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No, but I have a strong hold of the Canon
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I was in the military before, and I was a Corporal.
Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes, only because it was a accidental kick. They kicked the wrong person.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I am a expelent rp'er and wont let you down if it is in my power.


Alek Kenenday

Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Kenenday
First name: Alek
Gender: male
Ethnicity: white
Age: 23
Height: 6'1
Weight: 126 KG
Medical Conditions: none
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):mutant hunting, athletic competitions

Out of Character Information

Country: USA
Timezone: Central time
How long have you been roleplaying: 6 years
How long have you been with HGN: since it started
Is this your main character: yes
Do you have any alts:yes a bandit character
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: yes both
Do you have any previous Military experience: yes i was in military for a long time and never got promoted

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:yes you know why
Have you ever been banned? If so why:yes you know why

Do you have Ventrillo:yes
Do you have a working Microphone:yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: no..



In-Character Information

Last name: Feeney
First name: Paul
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: European
Age: 23
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 186 LB
Medical Conditions: Non
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Skilled with computers, and a good technician of engineering

Out of Character Information

Age: 16
Country: USA
Timezone: GMT -5
How long have you been roleplaying: 6 Years?
How long have you been with HGN: Since the start
Is this your main character: Yes mam'
Do you have any alts: No mam'
Are you in any other Factions: No mam'
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Both- CS Was better ;p
Do you have any previous Military experience: I have been in military ONLY since the start of S.T.A.L.K.E.R RP

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: I think for violating some STM rule -_- Which was never agreed lol
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yea
Do you have a working Microphone: Yea

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Military is the best faction.



In-Character Information

Last name: Nikov
First name: Viktor
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Russian/German mix.
Age: 30
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 180
Medical Conditions: Alcoholism
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):

Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: USA
Timezone: EST
How long have you been roleplaying: 5 years, give or take.
How long have you been with HGN: 2 months, give or take.
Is this your main character: Noep.
Do you have any alts:Yas. Roma Faust AKA "Faust"
Are you in any other Factions: Nope.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: SHOC, I started playing CS but it went sdk;hdfngjknfljfg on my computer.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yas.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yas.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yas.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I like turtles.


SRP Characters:
Callsign "Faust" - Loner.
Callsign "Eastwood" - American trader.
Roger McMillan - Ex-RIRA. Ex-DUTY. Mercenary.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Forsyth
First name: Jayson
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Serbian
Age: 39
Height: 5'11
Weight: 183lbs
Medical Conditions: After years of smokeing he losses his breath quite quickly. Is an athletic person who avoids drinking (unless its a specil acagion )
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Smokes, agile, knows menny languages, witty, expert in covert oparations and infultration and prefers to go alone in situations.

Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: UK
Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 7 months
Is this your main character: No
Do you have any alts: Yes, Zee
Are you in any other Factions: Bandit
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes, SoC
Do you have any previous Military experience: I used to be Co-leader.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Not that i can remember.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Just not, by dom.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I rock.


This message may or may not be endorsed by Creeding and he is by no means held to any comments, posts or any of the like made... Oh, and no. I dont like fancy pancy signatures.


In-Character Information

Last name: Brome
First name: Tolik
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: European
Age: 21
Height: 180cm
Weight:110 KG
Medical Conditions: Healthy
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Tolik got bad grades on the recruit school, but he had one talent, and that was aiming and following orders. his an exelent shooter with almost all types of weapons. and he can resist alot of injuries.

Out of Character Information

Age: 17
Country: Norway
Timezone: GMT +01:00
How long have you been roleplaying: 4 years
How long have you been with HGN: 1 year
Is this your main character: Yes it is. (he been in the military all the time, even after the server update)
Do you have any alts: Yes i do. (2)
Are you in any other Factions: Nope (Always been in the military)
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Beated em both.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Aye captain.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Never.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: Ofc :D

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Ehm? Hope i get accepted.


Tolik Brome: Loner- Alive
Smith Walin: Loner - Alive
Andrei Grovinski:  Loner - Alive


Ukrainian Air Force (Helicopter Pilot) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Stovsky
First name:Vladimir
Ethnicity:Caucasian / Russian
Qualifications: Former Civilian Chopper pilot, got a couple of flying hours in the military.
Height:1.88 m
Weight:92 kg
Medical Conditions:A few scars but nothing serious.
Do you currently hold a valid flying license: No, still working to get the military license.
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Vladimir comes form a family with a long history of military service.
The village he came from is a poor little farmer village on the border of Russia and the only way to get somewhere in the world from this place was the military.
His father was not form this small villiage, He would never set his foot in a shithole like that but Vladimir's' mother had lived in the town her entire life.
Vladimir was not really planned and his father was not to happy to acknowledge his son.
At the age of 10 his father started training so he would be ready the day he had to enlist, there was no other option for him then the military.
He ran away when he was 19 and had a quick carer Flying Supplies to locations which ordinary transports couldn't get to, but his father killed off that dream pretty quick. After the Failure that was his masterplan to escape his training and after he got forced to enlist.. Vladimir got sent to the Zone to get his act straightend out like his father put it.
Seeing that his father and his brothers (Half brothers) All had successful carers in the armed forces gave Vladimir some pretty big shoes to fill. Vladimir has now been in the military for 4 years and his only dream is to join the Airforce (the only place where his brothers can Trump him and seeing that he is actually good at flying). Even doe his father might not admit it Vladimir turned out to be a good Soldier that knows how to take care of him self and his Fellow soldiers.

Out of Character Information

Timezone: GMT+1
How long have you been roleplaying:3-4 years
How long have you been with HGN: A month
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Played and loved them both.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Only got my mili char on this server and i have a char in the Cuu in another Community, i also have some real life experience, not much but some.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Ye
Do you have a working Microphone: Ye

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Like i said i only have the mili char and I'm always on him. I was in the airforce before the roster got wiped but I didn't get much time in it.. But i have some experience rping in it.


Tom About Mili interigation
|HGN-STSR| Tom: "Ill keep an eye out for OMEGA! PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!"      "Damn right you will!" *Pours vodka on you and lights you on fire*    "IN HELL!"


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information :

Last name : Borichevskiy

First name : Grigori
Gender : Male

Ethnicity : White, Russian

Age : 27

Height : 1,78 m

Weight : 96 kg

Medical condition : In pristine condition.

Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents, etc..) : Likes hunting, is efficient with shotguns, good enough with assault rifles, but is worthless with sniper rifles. Tends to stick in groups, usually the first to get in a fight, but also the first to get out of it, whether he has won, is injured, or has fled for tactical reasons.

Out-of-character information :

Age : 14

Country : France

Timezone : GMT +1

How long have I been roleplaying : I've been RP'ing on various online games for about three and a half years now.

How long have I been with HGN : Not long at all. About three days.

Is this my main character : As of right now, no.

Do I have any alts : Yes, my loner Dmitry Zerbaliev.

Am I in any other factions : Nope.

Have I played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games : Only Clear Sky, though I've got quite a good knowledge of the canon.

Do I have any previous military experience : Well, I have always been part of the Civil Protection force on all of the HL2RP servers I've been on, and their military counterpart (if any). Even though the Civil Protection isn't military, it is somewhat similar.

Have I ever been kicked : Nope.

Have I ever been banned : Neither.

Do I have Ventrilo : Nope.

Do I have a working microphone : Not yet, but planning to get one. Though, is it very useful for RP ?

Anything else I'd like to tell you : I love cake.

Accepted An yes you should get a mic, just so you can use vent with us. Almost all the upper Officers have Vent and Mics

Bird - Master Merc.


In-Character Information

Last name:Petrov

First name:Vlad




Qualifications: He was a experienced combat pilot with years of experiance.


Weight:190 pounds.

Medical Conditions: Nothing too serious. Just a scare upside his cheek from Grave.

Do you currently hold a valid flying license:Yes.

Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):He is a good listener and a great problem solver, can kill a bloodsucker with nothing but a knife. He has done it before and it got him promoted. He will follow a order to the death if needed.


Country:United States


How long have you been roleplaying: About 1 year.

How long have you been with HGN: about 4 months.

Is this your main character:No. I would rp them the same amount enless required diffrently.

Do you have any alts: My Mercenary Andrew 'Aztec' Hawkins

Are you in any other Factions: In my merc faction.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No, but I have a strong hold of the Canon

Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I was in the military before, and I was a Corporal.
Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes, only because it was a accidental kick. They kicked the wrong person.

Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes

Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I am a excellent rp'er and wont let you down if it is in my power.



In-Character Information

Last name: Lathigee
First name: Matt
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Causcaiun
Age: 19
Weight: 187
Medical Conditions: None
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Experienced Shooter, Medium Build

Out of Character Information

Age: 15
Country: Canada
Timezone: Eastern Standard -5
How long have you been roleplaying: 2 years
How long have you been with HGN: a couple mounths
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: No
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Shadow of Chernbyle
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes I am in the 2799 Queens York rangers Army Cadet Core

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes for not using OOC :\
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: no
Do you have a working Microphone: no

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I have taken part in some Minor Military operations (patrolling,Monsterhunting)

ACCEPTED - But you need to post more


In-Character Information

Last name:Yurdansky

First name:Nikolai




Height:1,80 M

Weight:95 KGs

Medical Conditions:Perfectly healthy,apart from a few scars.

Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):Knows english and russian.Good with sniper rifles,good with assault rifles,average close range weapon skills,terrible with pistols.He has always enjoyed smoking,but tries to refrain from it while in the field.Cold and calculating.

Out of Character Information

Age:Between 14 and 20.I'd like to keep my exact age private,if it's possible.


Timezone:GMT +2

How long have you been roleplaying:About 3 years.

How long have you been with HGN:Around 5 days.

Is this your main character:I'd like to consider both this character and my alt main characters.I'll try to be equally active on both,if possible.

Do you have any alts:Yes,Sam Douglas,that's my only alt(besides 4 characters I completely failed at renaming,which I never use,since their names are a,b,c and d.Long story.)

Are you in any other Factions:Black Sky,on my alt.It's an unofficial faction,and I don't think being in it will get in the way.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:Yes,the first,I haven't finished the whole thing yet though,but I've read alot about S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in wikis and on the official site.

Do you have any previous Military experience:If it counts,I was a civil protection unit on a serious HL2RP server.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:Never got kicked

Have you ever been banned? If so why:Never got banned either

Do you have Ventrillo:Yeah.

Do you have a working Microphone:Used to,till it broke.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:If I am accepted,I'll do my best.

ACCEPTED - But you need to post more


In-Character Information

Last name: Chornovyl
First name: Yuri
Gender: Male   
Ethnicity: White
Age: 32
Height: 1,78 metres
Weight: 80KG
Medical Conditions: None except from some cuts and bruises
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Yuri is good at handling weapons, he is familiar

with many types as his Dad was a gunsmith. He likes drinking vodka alot. As well as playing golf.

Out of Character Information

Age: 14
Country: Uk, England
Timezone: BST
How long have you been roleplaying: 2-3 years
How long have you been with HGN: 5 days
Is this your main character: This is my main but so is my alt
Do you have any alts: Ben Helps
Are you in any other Factions: No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No but I know a bit about them
Do you have any previous Military experience: Not on S.T.A.L.K.E.R rp but I have been a military in

zombie roleplay and a civil protection unit in a half life 2 roleplay

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes, I have my own ventrillo server aswell.
Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I'll try my best to be a good soldier




Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name: Ammadon
First name: Ivar
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Scottish
Age: 29 years old.
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lb.
Medical Conditions: Irregular Astigmatism
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Ivar Ammadon is a good long distance shot and knows how to juggle.

Out of Character Information

Age: I would prefer to keep this to myself.
Country: United States
Timezone: GMT-6
How long have you been roleplaying: Years
How long have you been with HGN: About a month.
Is this your main character: No, it is not.
Do you have any alts: Yes.
Are you in any other Factions: Only a merc and a loner faction.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: I have not.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Not in real life.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Yes, for returning to town after I kept dying. And another time for when a admin though I was spamming but I accidentally set off military's mines.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: I do.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I was previously in Military as a private and I am reapplying.



In-Character Information

Last name:kilgrovt
First name:philip
Ethnicity: white
Medical Conditions:artifact in left foot
hobbies/talents if i consecrate i can see then inner body cause by the artifact in the left foot
Out of Character Information

Timezone:idk to tell the truth
How long have you been roleplaying: 4+ years
How long have you been with HGN:a year or 2 inactive though
Is this your main character: yes
Do you have any alts:none
Are you in any other Factions: no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: i the original but it always crashes from a faulty cd
Do you have any previous Military experience: not in real life

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: yes once when i had a bad comp and lagged
Have you ever been banned? If so why:no

Do you have Ventrillo: yes
Do you have a working Microphone: yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Matt Lathigee(Renegade2) supports thats what he told me to write down




Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:kilgrovt
First name:philip
Weight:165 pounds
Medical Conditions:in mint condition other then a artifact in his head
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): great shot and shooting things

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:4
How long have you been with HGN:1 or 2
Is this your main character:yes
Do you have any alts:yes
Are you in any other Factions:no
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: i have the cd but it dosent work
Do you have any previous Military experience: n ot in rl but in games yes ;/

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:for lagging off the charts with my old comp
Have you ever been banned? If so why:no

Do you have Ventrillo:yes
Do you have a working Microphone:yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us:i was waiting for a week on the other forum for my app to be accepted



In-Character Information

Last name: Klvashia
First name: mikhail
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 28
Height: 5'8
Weight: 151
Medical Conditions: Rare Migrains
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Engineer , guiding

Out of Character Information

Age: 32
Country: USA
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
How long have you been roleplaying: Few years
How long have you been with HGN: One week
Is this your main character: Yes
Do you have any alts: None
Are you in any other Factions: Nope
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: All of them.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Yes, I am in the National Guard

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Never
Have you ever been banned? If so why: Never

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes
Do you have a working Microphone: Kinda, Its broken little bit.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I know, I'm new but i am a serious roleplayer.

No. You were banned. Denied, of course.


In-Character Information

Last name:Whites
First name:Jordan
Medical Conditions:None.
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):Used to hunt everyday.But now,he hunts suckers instead.Prefers to stick in group.He is efficent both with a sniper and a machine gun.Follows instructions pretty carefully.If it doesnt work out, he usually has a Plan B.

Out of Character Information

How long have you been roleplaying:Around 8 months?
How long have you been with HGN:Uhh.Started out today.
Is this your main character:Yeah.
Do you have any alts:No.
Are you in any other Factions:No.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:No.But I'm picking up stuff about S.T.A.L.K.E.R while playing..
Do you have any previous Military experience:Yeah.Was playing something..That has military in it..

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No.

Do you have Ventrillo:No.
Do you have a working Microphone:No.

Anything else you'd like to tell us:Uhh.No.


Accepted. As Soldier. See me ICly and we'll do all the RP stuff.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

In-Character Information

Last name:Johnson
First name:Travis
Height:6 02"
Medical Conditions:None
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc):I like to practice my fire arms to become a better shot and more reactive

Out of Character Information

Timezone: PST
How long have you been roleplaying: 1 month
How long have you been with HGN:1 month
Is this your main character:Yes
Do you have any alts:No
Are you in any other Factions:No
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:No but i want to
Do you have any previous Military experience:No

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:No
Have you ever been banned? If so why:No

Do you have Ventrillo:Yes
Do you have a working Microphone:Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us:no


Accepted. I know this is long over doe but i hope you will forgive our past leader.


In-Character Information

Last name: Valarian

First name: Dimitri

Gender: Male

Ethnicity: White

Age: 21

Height: 6?7

Weight: 130

Medical Conditions: None

Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Recon, Engineer, Tech Specialist, Weapons Expert

Out of Character Information

Age: 16

Country: Philippines

Timezone: 8 +GMT

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 Years

How long have you been with HGN: 1 month

Is this your main character: Not Really

Do you have any alts: Yes

Are you in any other Factions: No

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Finished Both Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky

Do you have any previous Military experience: Boyscout?

Have you ever been kicked? If so why:  On The Server No. Other Servers Yes failed some test...

Have you ever been banned? If so why:  On The Server No. Other Servers No

Do you have Ventrillo: No

Do you have a working Microphone: Yes

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I hope I can be part of you regime and to Enjoy Role-Playing with The Military. And im sorry if I don?t post that much but I will be very active in the forums.

Accepted, sorry i havent been able to check out the apps.. But now i can and i did, Ask for flags ingame

Mikhail Raskolnikov

In-Character Information

Last name: Raskolnikov

First name: Mikahil Dimitri

Gender: Male.

Ethnicity: White.

Age: 25.

Height: 1.83m.

Weight: 69kg.

Medical Conditions: None.

Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): Very organized, likes to keep to himself, listens pretty well, sometimes goes off in a daydream, very helpful and friendly, good aim. Has skills will heavy machine gun, and rifles.

Out of Character Information

Age: 20 ( 6, April,  1989

Country: RUS / USSR ( Living in England at the current moment )

Timezone: ( GMT ) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London.

How long have you been role playing: 9 - 10 years.

How long have you been with HGN:  Since June 19, 2009.
Is this your main character: Yeah.

Do you have any alts: I ahve others, but never use them, can't delete them, so on reserve.

Are you in any other Factions: No.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: No.

Do you have any previous Military experience: I was Brigadier General in National guard on SA:MP.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.

Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: No, but I can get it if necessary.

Do you have a working Microphone: I have a microphone, but don't know if it works.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Nothing I can think of, no.


Accepted as ground force - Assassinator1097


Close the apps please. We got enought people for the time being and Freedom and Duty need some more meat (They're gay that way).


ref_DevCon.smd: david star is the only heir of the ecologist throne
ref_DevCon.smd: house of blake
"Any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every motherfucking last one of ya!"


Ukrainian Air Force (Helicopter Pilot)

Name- Yuri Chornovyl
Gender- Male
Age- 32

Backstory- When Yuri was a kid, his dad started to teach him about vehicles. When he was 5 he knew most of the parts of a car engine, when he was 10 he could drive a landrover, when he was 12 he was able to drive almost any vehicle and also knew how to handle a gun, when he was 15 he flew a microlight and when he was 18 he could fly helicopters and a number of planes. As well as being a pilot he is also a mechanic and can fix quite a few vehicles.

Why I want to be a pilot-
I want to be able to help out the military more than I am able to now,

How I got the idea-
When Yuri joined the military he realised that he had potential to further his skills of flying by becoming a pilot.

(anything else is on my military app on page one, :P )
Pending.. I wana see what you can do on the training event this weekend. Bring your A game.


In-Character Information

Last name: Tenisen
First name: Shawn
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Age: 23
Height: 5 ft 9 inch
Weight: 190 pounds
Medical Conditions: Healthy
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): I was born into a average family in New York city,both my mother and father holding traces of Ukranian blood. Thus giving me both an American and Ukranian passport,and my love for all things alcoholic (Hah!,just kidding). I studied at Golden State College majoring in Psychology and Graphic design,after which I left for Ukrain to try and serve the armed forces which in turn is why I am currently writing this application.

Out of Character Information

Age: 15/16 ish
Country: United Kingdom
Timezone: GMT but due to me being on holiday it is +2
How long have you been roleplaying: Jesus,I cant even remember...since I was like,about five or so?
How long have you been with HGN: For a long time now,I used to be an administrator and headed Fallout RP with Afro before I had to leave due to IRL drama..but I have returned!  ;D
Is this your main character: I have a few,but yes this is one of them.
Do you have any alts: If by that you mean other characters then yes.
Are you in any other Factions: No,unless you count mercenary's as a viable faction
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: Yes,and I have run through them many a time.
Do you have any previous Military experience: Airsofting since I was eleven if that counts.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: Nope.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No way.

Do you have Ventrillo: Yes.
Do you have a working Microphone: Indeed.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: Ehm...I don't think soooo.....oh yeah,I play guitar.  8)

Accepted - Ask for flags ingame.


Ukrainian Ground Forces (Airborne Infantry) Application

*You recieve a dusty letter, You open it, You read the application*

In-Character Information

Last name: Konrad
First name: Dominik
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Height: 6'5
Weight: 214lb
Medical Conditions: None. Currently Healthy
Tell us about yourself (Hobbies, talents etc): My current hobbies are, Weapon's training, Doing Missions for RU, Helping stalkers with their lives. My talents are - Good at giving ordering and following orders to and from people. I'm very hygenic, But not when it comes to war, I like to see my enemies blood all of my hands. His got very good practise with firearms and melee weaponry.

Out of Character Information

Age: 17
Country: United Kingdom
Timezone: BST
How long have you been roleplaying: I've been roleplaying since 2003.
How long have you been with HGN: I've have been with HGN since December 2008.
Is this your main character: Yes.
Do you have any alts: Franciszek Ryszardov
Are you in any other Factions: Currently being pended into Duty on the above Alt.
Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: S.T.A.L.K.E.R and S.T.A.L.K.E.R Clear Sky.
Do you have any previous Military experience: No.

Have you ever been kicked? If so why: No.
Have you ever been banned? If so why: No.

Do you have Ventrillo: Will when I buy one.
Do you have a working Microphone: Planning on buying one.

Anything else you'd like to tell us: I'm pretty active player, I've got loads of friends on HGN, and I want to develop my Roleplay skills as a Military Soldier, Thanks for reviewing my application.

Accepted- I really liked the Letter idea, it made the entire thing seem more real. Anyways.. Ask for flags in game.