RPRating and You

Started by Kamimaia, 21-06-2012

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What is RPRating?

Out of character, your personal RPRating (RPR) is how other players and moderators judge you. When you initially join the server, your RPRating is 0. The scale goes from -10 to +10 (UNLESS YOU ARE A MOD. MODS ALWAYS HAVE 0 RPR).

In-character, a person with a positive RPR is considered to 'Shine Bright in the Weave', a reference to a person's individual thread in the weave of Fate. Those with neutral RPR (-2 to +2) are 'Dull Threads', and those with a negative RPR are 'Dark Threads'. What kind of thread a person is has no correlation to the kind of character they play- even Villains can be Bright Shiners, and Heroes can be Dark Threads.

Being too much of a Dark Thread can get you a ban.
So how do you increase RPR? (NOTE: DO NOT EXPECT TO GAIN RPR QUICKLY.)
1: By playing, consistantly, a character who sticks with low-to-mid tier equipment that anyone can find in the world. The lower you go, the more interesting.
2: By limiting your maximum health below 400. The lower you go, the more interesting.
3: By NOT choosing a character power at all.
4: By delivering excellent roleplay.
5: By knowing when to pass the spotlight to another player, rather than trying to hog it to show off your character.
6: By having a beloved and long-running character die, with no hope of resurrection.
7: GOOD solo roleplay (RP'ing out your actions even if no one is near you). This does NOT amount to typing every action you do, once per second, two words at a time. One message every three minutes or so describing your actions is a perfect amount.
8: By making a well-done and interesting (READ: FUN) event that gives others a change to really do some awesome things.
9: Wearing mismatched armor and items in your vanity slot to create a UNIQUE look for your character.
These, for the most part, are cumulative. For example, if you decide to remain at 100 hp despite opportunities to change that, you will CONTINUE to gain RPR.

Other ways include other players saying to us mods 'Hey, this guy is cool. Can I propose we give him a +1 RPR?'.

So how do you LOWER RPR? In other words: What DON'T you want to do? (EXPECT TO LOSE RPR IF YOU DO THESE THINGS.)
1: Running around in full molten gear with 400 hp, a pretty powerful character power and suped up weapons. Playing a character like this (even close to this) will force your RPR to never rise above 3, regardless of your RP skill.
2: Constantly chatting about how powerful your character is.
3: Godmoding against another player.
4: Using PVP to determine conflict resolution.
5: Constantly attacking other characters with no reprieve or IC warning.
4: Complaining, whining, etc.
5: Constantly badgering the Fates for items or boons. (Every time you ask the Fates for something, your RPR drops by 1.)
6: Shitty roleplay.
8: Constantly mining, alone.
9: Being an emo fuck.
10: Constantly badgering mods for authorizations. Asking for said auths will almost always mean a 'no'.
11: Summoning bosses with no IC reason to do so, simply to gain drops (Summoning a boss to 'fight it as proof of might' or some such wash is not a valid answer).
12: Using a Magic Mirror ICly.


Simply put, RPR is the best thing to have.

1: Random underground events are more likely to favor you, as opposed to hinder you. Random underground events can be anything from sudden fissures in the earth exposing treasure to being buffed or debuffed for a random amount of time (Magic underground can be QUITE wild).

2: The Fates (the server shop) are likely to request less of an offering from characters who request boons if the player has a high RPR. Conversely, a player with low RPR may have to do some very disastrous things- if they're even granted an audience at all.

3: If your RPR is high enough, you may be allowed to substitute the Fates for a deity of your choice- one your character worships, or even a demon to come to make a pact with you. In all cases, the 'deity' communicates via server broadcast.

4: You are more likely to be granted authorizations OOCly, such as access to extra character powers or fewer building requirements.

In all cases, these bonuses flux- If you have GREAT RPR one day, and gain a bunch of things, be prepared to have it taken away if you start to be a sucky person.

DON'T TRY TO GAME THE SYSTEM. We aren't machines who have pre-set responses and actions. We WILL find out, and it won't be pretty when it happens.
