RP submission

Started by Gmiller, 19-06-2012

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Real Name: I won't disclose my last name, but my first name is Ethan

Roleplay Name: For most roleplaying my name is usually Gregory Miller.


Players you already know on the on the server:None, really. I'm just trying to find a fun RP server

Previous roleplay experience: I'm actually building a roleplay server right now!

What servers you play on: I don't roleplay much (Which is why I'd like to try it) but sometimes I can get a RP going on Catz featured world

Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name: Don't have mincraft

Why would you like to join our server: Just looking forward to some roleplaying fun, and the chance to see what other roleplays look like

Have you read the rules thread?: Yes

Do you agree to follow the rules?: Most definitely!

A creepy old man approaches you on the street and tries to sell you an enchanted scroll.  What is your reaction?(RP It.):
"Do you have one that will turn my little brother into a toad? :) "
"No. This one turns you into God."
"So you don't have one that turns my little brother into a toad?"
"Um.... no.... But if you're God you can turn him into a toad yourself!"
"Look, if I wanted to turn him into a toad myself, I would go study magic for 6 years at a university, get my degree, and then cast a transformation spell. So just scurry back to wherever you came from, unless you have a scroll that turns my little brother into a toad."

Edit: Am I the only one who finds it hard to read the letter at the bottom of the page? Right now I have one that looks like a D but there's a line cutting off the bottom so it could just as easily be a P


Why did you resubmit something you did 9 hours ago in a thread of its own?
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


??? I pressed edit on the original post and for some reason it reposted as a topic... I was wondering why the font looked weird, lol.
I'll delete it if it's ok with u