Started by StickyWicket, 16-06-2012

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-Immortality/Immunity to most damage becomes a bannable offense, after attempts to negotiate are made. -Yes
-Character Profiles are a necessity. -Fucking hate anything that I need to write 3-4 paragraphs in order to get. Just get it through trust, you already applied for the password. If something is wrong with a character, just change it.
-No Gods/Deities RP'd as characters. -Yes
-1 HM item total limit per character, regardless of past gifts. -The hell is an HM item?!
-Faction districts -What?
-Enforced building limit, unless given express permission due to building skill. -Of cource, some of the shit I see looks less realistic than what I'd expect.
-1 Non-item RP power per character maximum -I don't even know what that means lol
-Anti-Item-Whoring policy. -I'd need to see it first.

-New Map -Done
-New world starting lore -Why not?
-Forced New Character policy for map transfer -Depends really, some people need to loose their stuff, but there can be some exceptions
-Merged Rules threads, fewer stickied threads. -I don't see why anyone would be opposed to optimization.
-Cleaned up Factions (Removal of inactives) -See the above.

(Please only vote 'yes' or 'no'. Discussions should be in the Crazy thread. -Kami)


I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Can we STOP the clogging of the poll thread now?

K, Lemme delete the unnecessary posts.


PROPOSED RULES[/size]-Immortality/Immunity to most damage becomes a bannable offense, after attempts to negotiate are made. -Yes-Character Profiles are a necessity. -Yes-No Gods/Deities RP'd as characters. -Yes-1 HM item total limit per character, regardless of past gifts. -Yes-Faction districts -No-Enforced building limit, unless given express permission due to building skill. -Yes-1 Non-item RP power per character maximum -Yes-Anti-Item-Whoring policy. -YesPROPOSED CHANGES-New Map -No-New world starting lore -No-Forced New Character policy for map transfer -No-Merged Rules threads, fewer stickied threads. -Yes-Cleaned up Factions (Removal of inactives) -Yes[/size]