IC and OOC annoying the NCR

Started by kropfi, 16-06-2012

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So whenever I hop onto FORP and on the NCR people think that it's a funny idea to act like they're mentally retarded (ICly) and go and piss off the NCR. It is seriously getting annoying, and I've seen the same people do it, they get killed, switch characters, and do it again. I have no problem that you're acting really dumb ICly, but seriously, it gets extremely annoying after I see the same three people trying to piss the NCR off all the time. I asked one of the people who I saw repeatedly doing this "Why do you keep bothering us and changing characters to bother us again?" His response was something along the lines of "There is no rule agaisnt it, I can do what I want." I've seen some people even say "I'm doing it cause I hate the NCR OOCly" The point is, it's seriously getting fucking annoying. If you want to RP a basket case, fine, I don't care about that, but seriously, you guys won't stop pissing us off for (seemingly) OOC reasons. I'm going to further speak with Spades about this, he'll give me direction on what to do, but for now, all I'm asking is to please knock it off.

Also, this includes saying things to taunt us OOCly such as "You guys can't hit for shit, you're a bad faction" or typing in all caps and saying things like "WOW LAWL NCR IS SO BAD THEY CANT FIGHT FOR SHIT, I HATE NCR FBQERWUIGNGNLF" the caps lock button is on the left side of the keyboard, talking in caps just makes you seem like more a cunt than you already are.


Also known as the Duty syndrome on SRP.

