Needs moar wasties

Started by Spades_Neil, 15-06-2012

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Quote from: pilot on 27-06-2012
Erm maybe this is a little hypocritical for me having New Haven. But, I believe wastelanders aren't active because when a new player wants to join I'm guessing the first thing that pops in the back of there mind is I WANT TO BE THE NEXT BIG THING. And then people meet other people with the same aspects and they make groups. Which comes to the conclusion. Auths for playerbased groups?
The vibe I'm getting from your post is your saying there are too many power gaming groups, which isn't the problem at hand. When a new player joins, they think they are the lone wanderer on the east coast. So they wanna act like badasses. But the problem ain't that there are too many PBG, the problem is there ain't any wasties. So auths for PBG ain't gonna do anything, other then make new players feel more left out. The problem at hand is that there arn't any wastelanders. ever. Hell, it ain't just wasties anymore, the server is dead. So now the problem at hand is getting the server populated. (I know I ain't one to talk, but fuck you I have an excuse.)


Aye I see what you mean. Now this brings up the question. How do we populate a server?

Dark Angel

Atm most popular is BoS, i understand why, because they have got a really good area for RP. (Keep it up BoS)
NCR has died out lately, i see maximum 1-2 NCR members on at a time. (Dissapointed)
Enclave well i won't talk about it as it's now sort of minor/event faction. (You are doing fine.)
Wastelanders, really hard to make those popular simply because script wise they have no advantage and RP area/possibility wise. (Need to improve that.)


Quote from: Dark Angel on 27-06-2012
NCR has died out lately, i see maximum 1-2 NCR members on at a time. (Dissapointed)
I'm taking a break and Kropfi is too. We're just tired of getting our base destroyed on every map. We were also on almost all day for a week or so. I think we deserve a little break.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Yo man, I'm a dedicated waster and I'm trying to make it's hard though, y'know?

Halley 'Squeeker' Edwards
-Wandering, trying to be helpful


You do a fantastic job, though :]
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


I'm giving the NCR a needed break. They had their seat of power and they lost it so it's time to rebalance the scales once again to make sure every faction stays relatively balanced and competitive (RP-wise anyway. OOCly we're all just having fun!)

This may hopefully encourage them to join the fray again.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 27-06-2012
I'm giving the NCR a needed break. They had their seat of power and they lost it so it's time to rebalance the scales once again to make sure every faction stays relatively balanced and competitive (RP-wise anyway. OOCly we're all just having fun!)

This may hopefully encourage them to join the fray again.

We still have our seat of power. You can batter the NCR around but we'll come out on top ;). Also, we do need a god damn break.