Needs moar wasties

Started by Spades_Neil, 15-06-2012

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Now that Fallout RP is nice and active again, there's only one thing left to do to make sure that activity stays around.

Need more wastelanders.

Now the NCR is really the only faction orientated to deal directly with wastelanders. The Brotherhood and Enclave mostly avoid them, but still like to roleplay amongst themselves passively and actively by going about their activities in their bases and going out on patrols respectively.

However we're missing the final element that makes Fallout, Fallout. If you haven't already I strongly suggest making a wastelander character.

Does this mean you have to be a loner? No. Most wastelanders naturally fall in with a playerbased group, or a place to hang out, and form a settlement. There's already New Haven, for example. I've been wanting someone in the NCR to run the "NCR Citizens" faction which will be playerbased and IC recruitment as opposed to OOC applications and whitelisting.

I encourage the rest of you to also organize yourselves some groups of friends and wastelanders so we always have a healthy population of them. That way you don't have to be part of a faction to enjoy FORP, and any new players (which, we've been seeing a lot lately) will be more inclined to stick around.


We are missing more elements then just Wasters to make this Fallout.

Such as a dangerous wasteland in general.


Looks like Warriors of Sunlight came back just in the right time.
Bring some of that good ol' cultist RP back into FORP.


I saw a number of wastelanders on today interacting with the NCR which was a nice change.

I do agree with Khorn however...


I think that the power of 'quests' is underestimated for Wastelanders.

A common goal to take down an enemy or locate an item often will build friendships and alliances amongst Wasters, as well as simply give more reason for Wasters to exist.

Also, Khorn is right about the danger aspect.
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Solutions for a more dangerous wasteland
1:A minor/major faction/cult/raider group that is very hostile towards Wastelanders. Ofcourse the loot wont be used by  themselves but will be handed towards admins for events or other stuff.
2:More Feral Ghouls, Super mutants etc.(Players or NPC's)
3:Something that could be implented into the map that causes for hazardous area's or some sort of thing.

These are my  idea's on how to create a more dangerous wasteland.


Quote from: Vortigoat on 19-06-2012

1:A minor/major faction/cult/raider group that is very hostile towards Wastelanders.

If it can be controlled and kept from lolraiding, could be helpful.
RIP FORP Characters
Andrew Erics  Wastelander
Evan Thornton  Brotherhood of Steel
Tyler Williams Trader


Needs more "faction wars" where wasters can actually choose their side.
Sadly there's no other factions what waster can stick with else than NCR.


Quote from: Nik3 on 19-06-2012
Needs more "faction wars" where wasters can actually choose their side.
Sadly there's no other factions what waster can stick with else than NCR.

I guess they can be with the Followers too, except it's mostly like... Dead.


Its dead cause noboy comes in to learn, or get a check-up, or do anything with the doctor. so I'm mostly just sitting there on guard duty all day.


Well I was toying with one idea earlier that could make things interesting. We pulled a hostage scenario and pruned a lose end of the economy while we were at it.

Of course the NCR doesn't negotiate with terrorists. :> Which proved amusing to say the least.


Did his body ever get removed from the rope?


I'd say the wasteland is dangerous...I got taken by raiders because I didn't want to give them my dress...

I ended up getting shot like 10 times, cut in the stomach and almost had my windpipe crushed, only thanks to BoS with an autodoc did I manage to survive. I'd join a faction, like FoA, but I feel like wasters are needed more at this point...

Halley 'Squeeker' Edwards
-Wandering, trying to be helpful


Quote from: onikujo on 19-06-2012
I'd say the wasteland is dangerous...I got taken by raiders because I didn't want to give them my dress...

I ended up getting shot like 10 times, cut in the stomach and almost had my windpipe crushed, only thanks to BoS with an autodoc did I manage to survive. I'd join a faction, like FoA, but I feel like wasters are needed more at this point...
I agree... I get online when there are 7+ players online, and I see that 4 are BoS and 3 are NCR, two large factions that avoid each other. Well, I currently ONLY play Wasters for the small reason that EVERYONE thinks they need to join a faction. Thats wrong. Wasters are the basic population of FORP, Stalkers for SRP, and for the currently shelved CRP, it was peasents. Every server needs these basic players to interact with, or else the RP becomes secluded to the factions you are in.

The backbone of any structured economy is the citizens. Same goes for the sever. The 'citizens' are a nessessity for things to run smoothly in the server, but the wasters feel 'left out', or 'ignored', and some are just plain bored, and why? Well... Because they are getting ignored.

I've played wasters because to me, they are the most fun, the get the most variety of RP, but, on this FORP, so many factions just shove them away, or shoot at them for getting within 'range' of a base. The only faction that doesnt do this, is NCR. The BoS fire warning shots at any waster within 50 feet of the bunker walls, and Enclave, I'm pretty sure skip the warning shots and just kills them. Make the factions 'nicer'. Make some RP for others, especially the wasters, because they are what this server lacks at the moment.


Quote from: ZainMenloe on 19-06-2012
Quote from: onikujo on 19-06-2012
I'd say the wasteland is dangerous...I got taken by raiders because I didn't want to give them my dress...

I ended up getting shot like 10 times, cut in the stomach and almost had my windpipe crushed, only thanks to BoS with an autodoc did I manage to survive. I'd join a faction, like FoA, but I feel like wasters are needed more at this point...
I agree... I get online when there are 7+ players online, and I see that 4 are BoS and 3 are NCR, two large factions that avoid each other. Well, I currently ONLY play Wasters for the small reason that EVERYONE thinks they need to join a faction. Thats wrong. Wasters are the basic population of FORP, Stalkers for SRP, and for the currently shelved CRP, it was peasents. Every server needs these basic players to interact with, or else the RP becomes secluded to the factions you are in.

The backbone of any structured economy is the citizens. Same goes for the sever. The 'citizens' are a nessessity for things to run smoothly in the server, but the wasters feel 'left out', or 'ignored', and some are just plain bored, and why? Well... Because they are getting ignored.

I've played wasters because to me, they are the most fun, the get the most variety of RP, but, on this FORP, so many factions just shove them away, or shoot at them for getting within 'range' of a base. The only faction that doesnt do this, is NCR. The BoS fire warning shots at any waster within 50 feet of the bunker walls, and Enclave, I'm pretty sure skip the warning shots and just kills them. Make the factions 'nicer'. Make some RP for others, especially the wasters, because they are what this server lacks at the moment.

I should note the BoS is tweaking its behavior, even though it might be a little uncanon, it's easier to RP with.

However, in the case of the Enclave, you're thinking of the evil Fallout 3 Enclave who shoot everyone and doesn't afraid of anything.


I agree but it's hard when a lot of the stuff that goes on is all based around faction events etc
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin


Blood Cult

Bring it back. Hostile towards wasters, highly selective on members, and obviously very cult oriented. I was co-leader last time, and I could lead it again. I'd be highly selective in the members, and I'd be sure to keep the fear of God in all of the little wasters while doing minimum damage.


I like the sounds of that...At least add a bit of variance in the groups that might dismember you in the wastes...

Some days I might feel like getting sacrificed instead of cut up and used to beat an infant to death

Halley 'Squeeker' Edwards
-Wandering, trying to be helpful


atm I don't think thats what is needed to get more wasters on, I think the more hostile factions, the less wasters get on. Cause they are afraid the minute they venture out in the wastes insta - buttrape by all the hostile factions.


Well, the wastes are supposed to be dangerous like promotes group travel, and therefor it builds connections and better RP...

Halley 'Squeeker' Edwards
-Wandering, trying to be helpful


They are meant to be dangerous, but when they are so dangerous nobody will get on wastelanders, and only join factions, thats not good. Though instead of cutbacks on hostiles, how about just adding more jobs and stuff to scavage? Like admins just put bits of food, small pistols, or ammo around the map. Or admins also make event chars and hand out jobs to wasters.


Making jobs isn't as easy as you make it. We can't just set up NPCs and say go kill them.

At least, for me, I need to make it a bit more difficult than shooting fish in a barrel.


Yeah, guess so.
Scavager hunt maybe? Not exactly like that, but you say "I need you to get X because (Insert reasoning here)". And you just hide that somehwere on the map, and maybe for a couple places you add NPCs aswell.
Or, maybe you ask for any volunteer wasters if they wanna be raiders / bandits / Super mutants etc. and then have them go fight those event players. afterwords you PK that event char.



You are well-versed in the ways of creating useless posts, aren't you Bamf?


Erm maybe this is a little hypocritical for me having New Haven. But, I believe wastelanders aren't active because when a new player wants to join I'm guessing the first thing that pops in the back of there mind is I WANT TO BE THE NEXT BIG THING. And then people meet other people with the same aspects and they make groups. Which comes to the conclusion. Auths for playerbased groups?