[IC] The NCR's Major has declared war

Started by Spades_Neil, 12-06-2012

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My Brothers and Sisters,

At some time between 20:00 and 21:00, Head Knight Avalon Cullen departed from base to see how the attempts at peace negotiations with the NCR were going. What he came to was their Major holding Paladin Halt at gunpoint.

Avalon attempted to diffuse the situation. His efforts failed. However, he may have very well spared the life of Paladin Halt in that instance, by giving him an opportunity to escape with his life as our Brothers provided covering fire.

This is a complex conflict however. Be aware that our war is not with the NCR, but with the Major himself. Avalon's final words were, according to Halt, directed at his men. Avalon asked them if they wanted a war. He asked what we ever did to bring them such resentment toward us. One of their soldiers cried out, "We don't want a war!" as the Major yelled at his men to ignore Avalon's so-called propaganda.

In the end, it was the Major himself who fired the first shot that killed Head Knight Avalon Cullen. Thus, it will be the Major who is our primary target.

My orders to the Heads of each combat unit are thus: No offensive operations are yet authorized upon the NCR as a whole. Fire only if fired upon and steer clear of their base. If an NCR patrol approaches our own base, attempt to capture rather than kill unless the Major is knowingly sighted among them. Remain on the defensive. They may attempt to lay siege to our bunker which is exactly why we live in a bunker to begin with. Worst case scenario, the bunker goes into lockdown and we seal ourselves in until aid from the Lost Hills bunker arrives. Defending our home is as simple as stationing a sentry at the door and waiting for someone foolish enough to try and walk through it.

I only hope this conflict is quick and ends in few casualties on both sides.

Steel be with you,
Elder Lawrence Sumner Neil


<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolfe ::>

<:: My brothers and sisters, today we have been issued a ceasefire with the NCR, they sent a man known as Chorei to our base in order to speak with us. We shall not and will not be firing on the NCR whether you feel like it or not, however we were fired upon earlier but we're unsure of what we were fired upon by, this means I am issuing a FULL DAY LOCKDOWN, do not leave the base, the death of the Head Knight cannot be compensated, we must deal with sacrifices to save the blood shed, we will continue, we always have, and always will. ::>

<:: Head Knight Lilly Wolfe, out ::>

the permaban queen.