New Haven - Suggestions & Complaints

Started by Wolfie, 08-06-2012

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Exactly what it says on the figurative tin.

Hijacked this topic from a 'discussion', though it barely qualifies as such, that initiated in the IC boards, so you'll have to excuse the lack of a formal 'starter' post.

~ Ace of Hearts

Quote from: PingPong on 08-06-2012
*A note is posted in the barracks in the new New Haven base.

Name: Lieutenant Eric Murphy

Subject: Today we decided to let NCR peacefully take over the city seeing that we are not looking for a war nor would we be able to hold of a full scale attack on the city. For this reason we allowed them to take the base and left with all of our equipment and relocated to the warehouse across from the radio station. We also brought up a short discussion with NCR of a possible alliance in the future, If we could establish a strong alliance between us then we would be a much bigger force to be reckoned with in the wasteland but only the future will tell. Continue setting up the new base and make sure we stay alert in case of anyone trying something.

Eric Murphy Out

Edit: Forgot to mention that I have been unable to get in contact with User 550 because the codes to the bunker have been changed and I'm afraid we do not have our access anymore. Will have to wait for him to contact us if he even chooses too

(( I hope you do realize the warehouse is the Dragoon base. -_- ))
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

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