New Orders from HQ

Started by D33tly, 07-06-2012

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This is Major Sean Owens reporting.
3rd Platoon will be heading over to an area just outside of Northern Amargosa valley. Your have three main objectives well you are at the temporary base outside of the valley.

- Find a suitable structure or town for the acting HQ
- Scout out, and map any near human or mutant settlements
- Eliminate all hostiles within the chosen area, and set up

We do not want to be found out by the muties, and you are to stay low and out of sight when on patrol. When leaving on patrol, you are to bring with you a journal to mark down any Near human or mutant settlements within the valley. Keep an eye out for the Brotherhood or the NCR, if you see them you are to immediately report it to your new Commanding Officer, which will be 2nd Lieutenant Charles Whitaker. I will be staying at the Oil Rig for reason I cannot disclose to you men. Good luck, and long live america.

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This is 2nd Lieutenant Charles Whitaker reporting.
During the multiple patrols into the Inner Northern Amargosa Valley. We have begun accomplishing the current objectives. We have only been spotted once to my knowing, and it was just a single mutie (Unless of course you can add the Super Mutant "Nightkin" Class, added below). The first objective, to find a good forward HQ, which I have two possible lands. The second is also getting completed, we have found two settlements. One is filled with "Nightkin" class super mutants. One of them followed us, and had murdered one of our soldiers. We found a survivor, very shaken up. I sent her back to the base with the body. The other settlement is the town with the church, which is filled with Near Humans. By the looks, they had a militia in uniform, possible NCR.

Eliminate all hostiles within the new forward HQ. This is also being completed, it seems some raiders had this fortress taken, and we had to fight through two waves of the near humans. We then called in a vertibird, and left the area. I am now planning on a way to take down these Near Humans. Two possibilities are here, one would be bomb it into the stone age, or send men in with vertibird gatling laser back-up. We will take the fort byt he end of the week, and have our map of the new area completed. That is all I have to report, and god bless america.

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