Gods, should they be allowed?

Started by Kamimaia, 06-06-2012

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Gods good to play?

12 (33.3%)
10 (27.8%)
10 (27.8%)
1 (2.8%)
3 (8.3%)

Total Members Voted: 36

Voting closed: 21-06-2012


(Reposted, work is Matt's.)

After hearing about mods playing as god type characters I have been very.. irked.

Role-playing as a god, in general.. is one of the largest RP sins.  I know many members of HGN have felt this way (and expressed themselves when it was totally unwanted) and many friends I have on Caphori also feel that the idea of playing a 'God' is just a very silly idea.

Not only does it present the issue of power-gaming, it totally gives the player of said god an overwhelming sense of importance.  Gods, as a whole, should not be playable characters. The use of gods, and worship always leads to awesome RP.. but when we can physically see/talk to said god it just.. takes away from the experience.

Think about if you pray to Christ every night (if you do, or insert-deity-here), and how mysterious he is to you, how perfect he seems to be... if he was a real man, with his own thoughts, feelings, and weaknesses it just generally takes away the 'Awe' factor, removing from play the whole point of worshiping a god in RP because you don't need to ask a question, or pray to him/her for victory/money ectect... just walk over to said god and ask him for stuff.. which is very, very silly.

I feel people should be able to 'Avatars' of their god, blessed and empowered by their deity to spread their word, EX; Matt. My character. He is the avatar of Amal, goddess of divine justice.. yes, he is powerful because the goddess blessed him.. but is he immortal? Nope. Is he an unstoppable force of nature? No. Does he act like a self imposed idiot that struts about saying 'I am a god, worship me'? No.  That's what I feel people should really be playing.. avatars of their deity, blessed by their deity to carry out said deities word.  Not the deity itself.

I am starting a vote to see who actually approves of the god type characters we have here, and if they should stay.. and just walk around like a normal man.  Or be true gods, the gods in the sky we all seem to think better than us.  Leave thoughts and comment below.

To other HGN members; please respect this poll, I know many of you that don't play on Caphori have been very vocal about gods... and this is a place to use logical arguments like the ones I've made instead of "FUKGODSLOL NOBODY SHOULD PLAY THEM!"


God chars are fine if used in moderation with auths and also assuming they act like gods, not 13 year olds. Which the vast majority on Terraria don't. If used as event characrters or trusted people they can be cool characters but not if all they do is run around like normal players trying to collect items and money.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 06-06-2012
God chars are fine if used in moderation with auths and also assuming they act like gods, not 13 year olds. Which the vast majority on Terraria don't. If used as event characrters or trusted people they can be cool characters but not if all they do is run around like normal players trying to collect items and money.


I don't mind if they are allowed or not, it was fun for a while and made for an interesting RP which generally wasn't too OP as we never really participated in fights or cared about gear so there wasn't any "LOL I R GOD SO U R DEAD" which can be clearly seen in the fact that my god character got his ass kicked many times, it was more of a soap opera and a storyline with continuity as at the time any major conflicts would come and go within a matter of days. I can see how a god character could be seen in a negative light but we never used them for anything OP or assumed power over the other characters, in fact when IC my god character assumed power he was exiled away and slowly turned batshit crazy.

But back to my opinion, I haven't really got any plans for my god character and I can see how they can be viewed as OP or not wanted so if we decide they aren't allowed I don't mind, just I think there should be some form of IC closure.

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Gods, They are very awsome, when you whoreship them. However, Like you said. I think most of the 'Awesome' factor is... Just completly gone, I mean. I think Gods more or less wouldn't waste their time walking on Earth/Caphorii when they could do other things, that is why most people decides to pray to the thing they can't see, hear or understand. But in reality. We are all worshiping the Sun God. Though it still is kinda cool, having to hear stories and theories to get a view on the god, either a vengeful god or a forgiving god. I think that gods should only be allowed to be physicly seen during Events. Or even that. Rarely, is my opinion. And if they have to be seen, atleast try remain mysterious, giving no answer to any question, nor giving out any question.


Need to say something.  The main issue isn't the OP part, the main issue is that gods are no longer viewed as perfect immortal beings (as they should be), they are viewed as mortal men now.


Quote from: RoyRoger05 on 07-06-2012
Need to say something.  The main issue isn't the OP part, the main issue is that gods are no longer viewed as perfect immortal beings (as they should be), they are viewed as mortal men now.
It's intentional with Cyr as he is exiled and thus is more like a mortal man in his lack of powers and Dio does still seem separated from the mortals to me but Syl is very close to mortals and really in my opinion should separate himself more

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


To be honest I haven't seen a "normal" character on the server outside of the Gunslingers ever since I joined. They're either some sort of deity, demon, mage, wizard, witch, or so armed to the teeth with magic and high-tier armor it's hard to tell if they're fucking human or not!

It'd be nice just to see a miner, shop owner, or even a monster for or for a change of pace!


Quote from: StickyWicket on 07-06-2012
To be honest I haven't seen a "normal" character on the server outside of the Gunslingers ever since I joined. They're either some sort of deity, demon, mage, wizard, witch, or so armed to the teeth with magic and high-tier armor it's hard to tell if they're fucking human or not!

It'd be nice just to see a miner, shop owner, or even a monster for or for a change of pace!
Yeah, I'm making an alt for this reason. I think an award should go to Kari Pureheart for most un op and normal person in Caphori. Really. I mean that.

Paint is making alot of sense, and I can see Matt's point. But if we want gods gone, how do we go about it? Do they just poof out? Or will we really have a good RP reason. I also believe if Syl and Sevall wish, they should become humans if this passes. Because those characters are their mains. I am going on a trip and I look forward to the out come when I return.
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.


Quote from: StickyWicket on 07-06-2012
They're either some sort of deity, demon, mage, wizard, witch, or so armed to the teeth with magic and high-tier armor it's hard to tell if they're fucking human or not!

That's why it's called FANTASY.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


Quote from: VonXeno on 07-06-2012
Quote from: StickyWicket on 07-06-2012
They're either some sort of deity, demon, mage, wizard, witch, or so armed to the teeth with magic and high-tier armor it's hard to tell if they're fucking human or not!

That's why it's called FANTASY.

Fantasy =/= Everyone is a deity, demon

I wouldn't mind if we had just a bunch of mage wizard characters, and their where some demons roaming around doing demon like things. Or if we did have people playing gods, perhaps they could treat it as Cutch treated playing Dathius the god of war in Crussaria.

Which is, every god has their specified temples. Someone goes to pray there, and the god manifests itself in some way. In Crussaria, Cutch manifested Dathius in a statue and talked to my Auroran Warrior there, and made my dude the champion or Avatar of war.

Gods could also pop up in events, especially when fighting the other god-like evils in Caphori. (Judging from all the stories I've gathered ICly, I'm thinking most of the villainous characters are demons, or other god like evils hell bent on destroying the world/Caphori society/Ect.)
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Gods definitely shouldn't be played as characters, but as others have said, it's good for events if they appear, so even then they're still quite mysterious, and then it would be a mod or other trusted person playing as the god character, so they would be responsible, and not overly power-play.


Well, in a different outview, why not ban or make demonic/angelic/andup require several admin auths and a good biography? When I was here there were no EVIL demons, just flying balls of fluffy hugs who happen to need a excuse to have wings.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Quote from: Wolfie on 07-06-2012
Well, in a different outview, why not ban or make demonic/angelic/andup require several admin auths and a good biography? When I was here there were no EVIL demons, just flying balls of fluffy hugs who happen to need a excuse to have wings.

That was actually one thing myself and Paintcheck where joking about. That perhaps our demon hunters should be considered Villains.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22




Let's get back on topic here.

This is not about Demons and Angels- this is about Gods.

Rules are set to be in place about the former regardless.


Quote from: Kamimaia on 07-06-2012
Let's get back on topic here.

This is not about Demons and Angels- this is about Gods.

Rules are set to be in place about the former regardless.

As I'm sure others have said, for the love of god[no pun intended] no gods unless they bother to understand the fact they aren't mortals with lightning, they are omnipotent, controlling deities.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Honestly, I'm sick of the demons.
I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.


I try to take a god role very seriously as possible. The fact that i do not use Dio much is i have to feel the part to be able to act it. A god can be very hard to RP.

That being said, Gods aren't wrong to play as; it's the people who play them. They must take a lot of patience, control, and humility. They also must be cunning, wise, and cautious.

I also seem to have read a bit of how "unrealistic" some of are players are. I highly Stress the fact that this is a Fantasy Server. If someone wants to be something different, that's okay. But the real issue is how far that character can evolve before becoming Overpowered. I don't have a problem with people wanting to make themselves different from themselves. Otherwise, Caphori would feel like a knockoff of the Sims.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I know I don't rp a good very good... But who's supposed to be childish, and emotional, and have alot of feelings for mortals. I wanted him that way. He never really knew too much, or experienced much, considering he spent about 95% (at least) of his life, sitting in a room in the sky, imagining himself in a forest... I don't really kind Syl being taken away though, if it comes to that. XD Ill start another.

Oh, and my opinion onthe gods... Well, we do have alot of op characters, and I don't know if its really a good idea, because I'm not gonna lie, Syl is overpowered, and ciprian is too, so I'm probably just gonna completely start over... Another thing: I don't think we should have players with like... Four to five characters. It just seems... Stupid. I mean, one character goes into disrepair, and they're just lost on history and stuff like that. Once I hit three, I automatically kill one of my characters. So... Maybe we should do something about that, too.
(btw, im in d.c. Till Sunday night(at 10), I'll be on then.)


I voted rarely. 

I think that Gods in roleplay should be restricted to a role utilized by a GM.  Gods are far too powerful and too easy to abuse in roleplay. 

However, this is a rule that goes for regular roleplayers and admins alike.

Why?  Well, I'll number the reasons because I'm too lazy to think of proper transitions between paragraphs at 2am.

1) In many games I've played in, I feel that a lot of admins decide to create God characters with the sole excuse that it helps them do their job as an admin, which is complete and utter bullshit.  An EFFECTIVE admin in Terraria should be able to do their job and do it WELL even if they're playing a brand new character with 200 health, no mana, and only a copper pickaxe to their name.  If you need to roll a God character just because it will help you "maintain order", then you should question why it is you became an admin in the first place.

2) God characters played by admins can sometimes discourage players from interacting with them IC and OOC.  Some players may not want to roleplay with you simply because you're playing a God character and, like the OP don't agree with the idea of God characters being played IC at all.  Some may avoid you because they're intimidated and don't want to deal with potential confrontation with an admin who had God powers who may or may not be okay with attempting to auto-kill their character, especially if it's a new player that doesn't know what kind of admin you are at all.  Some players may even avoid you because they believe that there'd be no use to their presence because "Hey, he's a God character.  Whatever happens, he should be able to deal with it so there's no point to me being there to help out."  And so on and so forth.

3) As the reason before it, the complete opposite can be said.  Lots of players are known for getting close to admins that play God characters in order to try heightening their own social status or even trying to get something out of that admin IC or OOC down the line.  Sure, this happens plenty with admins that play regular characters anyway, but it can be even more of an issue if you're all-powerful IC.

4) It is less challenging, by far, to play a God character than it is to play one that ISN'T a God.  You're selling yourself short as a roleplayer.

5) God characters can sometimes completely fuck up the lore of both an established server AND the roleplayers coming into that server.  One person may decide to play a character from a background that has absolutely NO gods whatsoever.  Another person may be playing a character from a background that has an entirely different religious structure with gods that have absolutely nothing to do with the God you've made.  In the case of the latter, there is absolutely no way, then, that your character has any validity in his character's storyline, making it easy for them to essentially disprove your character's existence.  If the other roleplayer refuses to alter their character's background to include your God it creates a very, very tricky problem.

There are probably many more, but my brain is hurting so I don't feel like continuing.

tl;dr  Gods should not be roleplayed by regular server members OR admins and, if an admin decides to utilize them at all, they should be kept strictly for use during events and ONLY BRIEFLY.  This, by the way, should only be done once everyone can agree on a STRICT THEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE OF WHICH GODS EXIST IN CAPHORI AND WHAT THEY DO.

Lore ftw.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


I hope this doesn't snowball into a game religion arugment... I don't know if many people have decided on a god and religion for their character, but most people will want their god to exist, and it can be hard to account, because it gets a bit messy RP wise if there are a ton of gods all existing, but people wouldn't want just one group of people have their god(s) exist.


I voted sometimes, because in my eyes RP with the gods has been pretty fun. BUT it does take away from the mystery of a godly being, and the reason to hope or ask for a gods help or blessing when there standing right next to you. 

Also, Sure there are times when you think someone could be OP or is OP, but this is a fantasy server, and we all want our characters to shine somehow.
I like to see it as we are all the main characters of some sort of fantasy novel,game, movie you name it. The main characters stand out because they are in some shape or form stronger than the rest of the people around them(or the background characters).
r u avin a giggle ther m8, il bash ye fookin ead in i swar on me mum


I like the few God characters we have now, but I do not think that we should continue to gain more. We should keep them maintained and they should not get involved in the mortals toils and troubles. I do also think that mods should have other characters to use though, not just always run around as their God character. The Gods should appear only rarely. That is what I think about the original topic.

On demons and angels and other such things; I believe they need to be moderated a little more. I can live with one or two demons aswell as one or two angels, but to me they seem overplayed.

On magic users; There is and always will be mages on fantasy rp servers and they need no moderation, but in my other thread zubael mentioned a magic lore which I do think should be created for Caphori.
Terraria Name: Davos and Viscera


I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.