What is New Haven?

Started by RaptorKiller, 03-06-2012

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As I came to notice, our recent members don't know much about New Haven nor what it stands for, so I will do a quick thread on what this faction is actually about.

**A sheet has been pinned to one of  New Haven's bulletin boards

A message to all of our soldiers and recruits.

We are not an armed group of wastelanders giving others the opportunity to fool us. We are not a simple merc group who do their job just to get paid.
We are a military working aside of the NCR, trying to turn the wasteland to a better place. We bring order and justice to the wasteland.
Everyone who pays attention to our symbol should realise quickly that we aren't a corrupt organization trying to make money as quick as possible.
We have standings and a goal. Although we are a military we do have a political regiment in our faction. Killing is not our only option to bring peace to the wasteland.
We do need trained soldiers who know how to use a gun, but not trigger happy childs.  As we are still growing I'm just asking you now and for the future to stay disciplined.
Understand what New Haven's standings are and help us growing and getting stronger by staying disciplined. Stay respectful to all of your comrades as you shall receive the same treatment.
I will do meetings in the future to keep you informed about our recent status and more.

                                                                                                                             *signed* General Ian Miller

So, New Haven is basically a military trying to make the wasteland a better place by extinguishing raiders, bandits, mutants... What ever corrupts peace in the wasteland.
But NH also brings peace by political arrangements with other factions. NH conquers area to set up towns and trading posts for wastelanders and other people.
In this manner trying to inforce order and justice to the wasteland. NH generally works together with the NCR.

Read Pilot's thread "New Haven" to find out more about the story of New Haven.