New Haven - Faction Relations

Started by RaptorKiller, 02-06-2012

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These are the current relations between New Haven and other official factions on FRP. Those relations will and can only be changed through official events with other factions(/playergroups) or through IC conversations between the leadership of New Haven and the leadership of other factions. Ordinary members of New Haven are ordered to respect the current situation and relation between NH and other factions and to act logically when confronted with those other factions. If an ordinary member of New Haven (as an individual) causes to unnecessarily worsen the faction relation between New Haven and an other faction, he/she will be confronted with IC punishment.

Wastelanders - Usually Friendly (Depends on behaviour, but usually friendly)
Bandits - Unfriendly (Scum, attack if necessary)
Raiders - Hostile (Kill on sight)
Mercenaries - Neutral
New California Republic - Allies (Friends that will provide aid and support.)
Desert Rangers- Not known
Brotherhood of Steel - Neutral
Enclave - Hostile (Avoid these people. Only commanders decide to attack or not)

We might change these once in a while. New Haven members should look this up regularly to avoid disputes.