Obscure Blades Roster

Started by Tea, 07-12-2008

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Hidden Blades

Obscure Blade

Drago | [HGN] Mr. Tea

Poison Dagger
(Co Leader)

Wolf| Communist Panda/Snowunist panda
*Permabanned* (Faggot harassed me and pissed of Silver)

(Highly trusted members who carry information. They also collect the loot and evenly hand it out to whoever was involved with that mugging)
Bishop | Nines
*Promoted to OverSeer*

The Blades
(Henchmen and bandits)

Phoenix | Ryan P. Salisbury

Romanov Gregori | Moose

The Stragglers
(New members who arent trusted yet)

Arkady | Impure ?????

Devin Cobalt | Devster


*Update 12/20/08*