Re: [KZRIRSM] Security Applications [Open]

Started by The Annoying Rooster, 31-05-2012

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The Annoying Rooster

OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: Annoying Rooster

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29039659

Timezone: GMT -5

Time with HGN: Since LemonadeScript, if that explains it.

Time Roleplaying:5 Years

Time on Server: Since LemonadeScript, once again.

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: All three.

IC Information

Name: Alexander Celtunia

Age: 24

Sex: Male.

Weight: 157 LBS

Height: 5'11''

Nationality: Romania

Blood Type: O+

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): N/A

Backstory (1 paragraph minimum, more means better chances): Alexander was born in Bacau, Romania. It was a seemingly miedevil town, surrounded by a foggy coastline of observation, aswell as the non-stop drizzle of rain. Alexandra, the Tenth, and Alexander the Tenth raised the only one, Alexander the Eleventh. In a rather more enclosed neighborhood, it was rather a soothing, and comfortable home that they resigned throughout there lives. Alexander the Eleventh attained his education at a public school in Bacau Junior High, seemingly more into physical science, chermistry, etc. The four years of physical science, eventually earned him a degree at Kiev University, in Kiev, Ukraine. Such a far distance, yet the efforts of reaching such rural land ate at his mind every night he went to sleep. Yet, the desire of science ate at his stomach like a tape worm, accepting the offer to attain his degree at Kiev University, in attempt to develop a strong education.

Giving only minor farewells to his folks, he made his departure off to a ferry with a dufflebag of clothing off to Arabus, and then making a one-way trip on a small jet aircraft off to Kiev. As time passes, he eventually arrived at Kiev University. Tired and weary, when he reached the front offices, he was informed that his offer was declined, due to reservations. Rage, and anger inflicted upon Alexander, wondering 'Reservations?.. For who-.. Reservations!?' However, before he could express his emotional breakdown, he was given another offer. Seemingly un-imaginable relief, he was informed that the Ukranian A-S-O-C was looking for scientifical volunteers, not only earning a degree, but assisting a good cause. Coming into facts, and with seemingly stupidity and non-hesitatly agreeing to the offer.

Alexander was given the offer to rest in the dormitory with a man name 'Vladimir Radunsky'. A rather short, but wide fellow, the two had eventually gained a friendly relation. Seemingly shocked that he could fluently understand Alexander, they would question each-other in the middle of the night over Biomedical questions, and discuss politics. Weeks pass, as he was eventually ordered to the comm room. Alexander was abrudtly interrupted with a military officer, who was immediatly discussing to him if he wishes to accept the terms and risks, and if violated to face life imprisoment. Jokingly, Alexander accepts the terms, before being escorted immediatly into a hooded UAZ, as he makes his one way trip off into a man-made hell.

Faction Information

What do you think the KZRI Security force does?: A Military Personal Force that guards the perimiters and the compound of the Ecologist bunker and lab.

Who is the KZRI Security Team leader?: Professor Kristoph Volenskei

Why do you want to be a KZRI Security Team member?: Well why not? I enjoy roleplaying, giving out jobs, making events, etc. It unlocks new roleplay, and maybe give the other individuals something to think about of roleplay, other than just benefitting the character.

And I always thought there were such thing as 'Real Cartoons'.