Villain Events Rules and Timing List

Started by Kamimaia, 25-05-2012

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Want to play a villain? Alrighty. Just know that right now there is, roughly, 1 villain for every hero of Caphori, and they are all all-powerful schmucks looking to destroy the entire world (mine included). It simply isn't feasible to have them all trying at once, so as of now I'm implementing a rules and timing system. It is simple.

1: If you have a villain and would like some time to terrorize the populace free of other villains to steal your spotlight, put your name here.
2: If it is your turn, you have seven days (a full week!) to run the population ragged, and be an utter bastard. At the end of this time, your villain must rest (or be dead, or yadda yadda input-IC-reason-for-stopping-here).
3: If you wish to go LONGER than the week, you must create a thread with a poll that resolves before your time is up, allowing other villains and heroes to vote on whether you can continue. If you do not get your wishes, do not complain.
4: You may not terrorize the world during another villain's turn.
5: Turn order is in a first-come-first-serve, via this thread. You post, you have a turn in line.
6: If your turn is over, you are able to get back in line immediately- simply post in the thread again. You cannot be in line more than once at a time.
7: Once your turn is over, delete your post so that the post count in this thread stays low and is easy to navigate.
8: Anyone may post a 'Time of Peace' in the turn list, during which NO villains are able to be active. There may ONLY be one 'Time of Peace' in the turn list at a time, and they cannot be extended beyond that week.
9: Any Events that are to be run may be posted for turns as well, during which no Villains are able to wreck your show (unless you want them to).


Turn List:






Really liking this idea, love it as a matter of fact. Now Grayzar can deal with problems one at a time, instead of, everybody being all "LOLZ, I'MA KILLING YOU HAHAHAHAHHAHA1Hahahahahhah i wiN I AM EVILZ" Not exactly like that, screw explaining my thought process *eats cookies*
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.


Who's turn is it right now?
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


In a sense...mine however...not really active with it. Kerton is a evil not seen and others are working to kill him. I really have lost control of that story, and I'm okay with that. It should be over soon, as I'm informed.
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.


Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22

Steven :D

I suggest a time of peace after those villains.


Quote from: Steven :D on 05-06-2012
I suggest a time of peace after those villains.

how long should a Time of Peace last?

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.

Steven :D

Quote from: James Almasy on 07-06-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 05-06-2012
I suggest a time of peace after those villains.

how long should a Time of Peace last?
1 Week


Passing Fallen's turn.

besides, i may not even get around to it at all.

Peace Time.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.