105th Military Applications

Started by Rebel6609, 22-05-2012

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In order to join...

1. You must follow the orders of your superiors.
2. You must show respect to your fellow soldiers. (especially officers and senior NCOs)
3. Any superior is expected to be greeted with a salute.
4. You do not speak unless spoken too.
5. The first and last thing to come out of your mouth when asked is: "Sir" (Sir, yes sir!).
6. There is to be no off-base patrols without the consent of an officer.
7. Enlisted are not allowed to make any major decisions without the consent of a senior NCO or officer.
8. You must be willing to spend most of your time on your military character, NOT your alts.
9. You may NOT have any alternative characters that work for an opposing faction.

Every soldier is expected to know these rules. .

Leaving this faction results in a PK, unless authorized by the leader.

Application Format, copy paste it into your application and fill it in and PM it to Darkscar.

Military Grunt Format
[center][size=13pt][b][color=green]In-Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]

[color=green]Full Name:[/color]





[color=green]How did you get into the military:[/color]

[color=green]Medical problems:[/color]

[color=green]Character skillset:[/color]

[center][size=13pt][b][color=yellow]Out of Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]




[color=yellow]How long have you been roleplaying:[/color]

[color=yellow]How long have you been with HGN:[/color]

[color=yellow]Are you in any other factions:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you have any previous Military experience:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you ever been banned? If so why:[/color]

Spetsnaz Format

[center][size=13pt][b][color=green]In-Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]

[color=green]Full Name:[/color]





[color=green]How did you get into the Spetsnaz:[/color]

[color=green]Medical problems:[/color]

[color=green]Character skillset:[/color]

[color=green]Character Backstory (2 Paragraphs):[/color]

[center][size=13pt][b][color=yellow]Out of Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]




[color=yellow]How long have you been roleplaying:[/color]

[color=yellow]How long have you been with HGN:[/color]

[color=yellow]Are you in any other factions:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you have any previous Military experience:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you ever been banned? If so why:[/color]

OMON Police Operative
[center][size=13pt][b][color=green]In-Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]

[color=green]Full Name:[/color]





[color=green]How did you get into the Ukrainian Special Police:[/color]

[color=green]Years of active police service in Ukraine:[/color]

[color=green]Why did you volunteer to be apart of the new operation in the zone:[/color]

[center][size=13pt][b][color=yellow]Out of Character Information[/color][/b][/size][/center]




[color=yellow]How long have you been roleplaying:[/color]

[color=yellow]How long have you been with HGN:[/color]

[color=yellow]Are you in any other factions:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you have any previous HGN faction experience:[/color]

[color=yellow]Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?:[/color]

[color=yellow]Have you ever been banned? If so why:[/color]


PM The Grunt application format to Darkscar, and the OMON application to ThY. It will be dealt with from there. You will receive a response about your application after its been checked.

Spetsnaz Applications are posted below.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Joseph Kremble

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Height: 6ft

Weight: 200 lbs.

How did you get into the Spetsnaz: Through astounding the instructors in basic training, and begin sent into Spetsnaz training instead.

Medical problems: None

Character skillset: Rifleman

Character Backstory (2 Paragraphs):
Joseph was born to a family with deep military ties. His mother was in the military, as was his grandfather from his mother's side. For four generations, his family has served in the military, so he felt it was his duty to join and continue the legacy. When he finally enlisted at 18, he wanted to do more then just serve in the militry. He wanted to excell, and make his parents proud.

Every day at training, he would do everything his instructors told him to, without question or complaint. He would do the training faster and better then any of the other recruits. The instructors were amazed by this, so they moved him to the Spetznaz training. This training broke him, and turned him into a fighting monster.
He passed through training, and his parents were so proud.

For the next year, he would do more training, and guard duty with the other Spetsnaz soldiers in reserve. He mostly spent time on the range, making sure that every shot he fired, hit where he wanted it to. Then, one day, he recieved a letter from the Ukraine Ministry of Internal affairs telling him he would be added to the 105th's Spetsnaz division.
Out of Character Information

Age: 14

Country: United States of America

Timezone:Eastern Standered Time

How long have you been roleplaying: 3 years give or take

How long have you been with HGN: Around 1 year, give or take

Are you in any other factions:No

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:All of them

Do you have any previous Military experience:none, other then Military documentarys and Military channel

Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?: Sir, yes, sir.

Have you ever been banned? If so why:No Bans, 1 kick for accidentally posted after the kickline.

Pending - We'll grant you a week trial. Don't fuck up and you'll make it.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Grenich Andreivasky

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 177 lbs

How did you get into the Spetsnaz: Active non-combat service for over a year. Demonstrating superior use of basic training skills, physical fitness, and discipline. He was recommended for evaluation, and was recruited.

Medical problems: None prevalent. Substantially increased psychological and physical reactions to high stress situations - sweating, reflexes, jittery, etc.

Character skillset: General combat, trained in the use of special weapons. Demonstrates leadership capabilities, but questionable decision making.

Character Backstory (2 Paragraphs):
He grew up in a small home in close proximity to Vladivostok, with two parents and a brother. His family life was usually strained, as he often conflicted with his father in heated argument. Grenich only received average grades throughout his education, and was heavily influenced to join the military. After he turned 21, attending a local university and not knowing what to do, he decided to join up.

He joined the Russian army shortly before his birthday. He was shipped to Basic, and found that he performed well. Grenich was always careful to do exactly as his superiors said, and never disobey them, proving to be a 'model student.' This got him somewhat of a bad reputation with his comrades, but he did not mind - he knew that discipline and loyalty would get him far within the army, and he found favor with several of the non-coms that were charged with watching over his unit.

After his training, he was deployed at a base near located in western Russia, where he served as a non-combat unit for some time. The unit did daily exercises, doing PT and occasionally practicing combat drills. His excellent performance was commended by having his name sent for the Spetsnaz selection program. During the program, he consistently performed at or above expectations, and was received warmly by his new unit.

Full Name: Lorzov Burczeck

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Height: Approximately 6'1"

Weight: 184 lbs

How did you get into the Spetsnaz: Exemplary action in combat and proficient special weapons handling.

Medical problems: Shows minor signs of PTS.

Character skillset: --- didnt notice this part lol

Character Backstory (2 Paragraphs):

Lorzov's time before his entry into the military is relatively insignificant, although it is worth noting that he joined the Military of his own accord. He grew up in a small town in somewhat close proximity to Kiev, and grew up as a single child with both parents. He received education through the equivalent of a High-School diploma.

After his basic training, he was selected as part of a unit to reinforce the current occupying soldiers stationed in the Zone. He was under the command of Major Arkady Renko. During this time, Military grew to be somewhat aggressive, often going on patrols and scouting missions through local areas. Lorzov was often part of these, and was quickly commended after a brief period of time. He grew close to his superiors and comrades, forming friendships akin to something he had never really experienced before. During their many combat experiences, Lorzov was promoted to Senior Soldier, and was granted permission to use special weaponry such as the VSS and SVD, which he used proficiently and effectively through many battles. (During a bandit raid, he was noted to have scored four out of five kills on the attackers.)

Another one of Lorzov's achievements was being part of the raiding party that managed to kill the leader of a prominent Bandit group, whose name was "Jitters." His actions during his service definitely got him noticed. However, it did not leave him without injury - a close friend of his, Soldier Ivan Markovic, was killed in action during the raid. Lorzov was deeply troubled, however he showed little signs of mourning. When asked, he would admit that he was troubled, but refused to comment further on the matter. Some weeks later, the unit relocated. Their main camp was constructed on top of an abandoned underground complex, which had its fair share of spooks. Whilst patrolling through the complex, he was abducted by a large, legendary mutant that was only rumored to exist - however, Lorzov was let go by the mutant for reasons unclear to anyone. Lorzov was unscathed physically, but the incident left him troubled. He was recommended and selected to undergo the rigorous selection program for entry into the highly praised Spetsnaz soon after. His physical condition was standard for a Zone grunt, and his combat skills were excellent due to his experience in the field. He was allowed to join their ranks, and continue with training. Thus began the second part of his stint with the Ukrainian Military within the zone.

Out of Character Information

Age: 17

Country: USA

Timezone: EST (GMT -5:00)

How long have you been roleplaying: Since September 2006ish. (5+ years)

How long have you been with HGN: Joined in Dec. 2008, active since March 2009. (3+ years)

Are you in any other factions: Negatory.

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: SHoC, CoP

Do you have any previous Military experience: In the faction, yes. As stated above. Active ~January - April this year.

Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?: Yep.

Have you ever been banned? If so why: Not that I know of.

Accepted - Though you'll have to edit your character a little bit. This is the Russian Spetsnaz, not Ukrainian Spec-ops. A whole new character will do, I'm not going to bother you with reworking your story though.

--Will do

The Annoying Rooster

I'ma keep this short and sweet.

In-Character Information
Full Name:) Aleksei Radunsky

Gender:) Male

Age:) 24

Height:) 5'11''

Weight:) 162 LBS

How did you get into the military:) Aleksei was originally born in the slums of Saint Petersburg, Russia. He, along with his father reside in a small one bedroom apartment, which was extremely uncomfortable.
He never exactly gotten any form of high school education, he went to public school until he was 16, then immediatly dropped out of his recent years, and moved off to factory, and coal mining. With a small wage, barley enough to
support himself, he believed he was caught in a trap. His father gaining a sickness, due to the disgusted pollution in the factories harmful fumes of gases, and asbestos. Without a mind of himself, he blindly enlisted into an
volunteering academy. Free, and offering a decent wage, he blindly accepted the offer, without even taking any further steps into the liabilities.

Throughout his time in the academy, he was shown how to properly fire a weapon, and transportations of prisoners. Considering a 'Piece of Cake' job effot, he thought to himself. All he has to do is watch for any trespassers, and
maybe even shot off a few caps. Months of training academy, considering it useless, he was finally enlisted as a Private, issued a firearm that he had been pratically training for, then was escorted himself, along with nine other
military grunts, and new recruits. Some in to seek the signs of war. Others in attempt to server there neighboring country for a few rubles, to assist there families at home over the horendous economy. Besides, he asked himself
during his venture, what could go wrong?

Medical problems:) Asthma.

Character skillset:) N/A
Out of Character Information
Age:) 17 (Not necessary)

Country:) United States (So not necessary)

Timezone:) GMT -5

How long have you been roleplaying:) Since the dawn of man.

How long have you been with HGN:) Well, I've been there since they used Lemonade Script, and up to this point.

Are you in any other factions:) Well, I used to have a Military back then, and a Dutier if that counts?

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games:)SoC, Clear Sky, CoP.

Do you have any previous Military experience:) Yep.

Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?:) Yep.

Have you ever been banned? If so why:) Nope.

I don't know if you meant this to be a Grunt application or a spetsnaz app but If its a grunt then it was meant to be PM'd to my co-leader whos forum name is "DarkScar". If this was a spetsnaz application, you took the wrong format.

It was a grunt, and just now found out.

And I always thought there were such thing as 'Real Cartoons'.


In-Character Information

Full Name: Nikola Rezon

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Height: 1,88 meters

Weight: 85 Kilo's

How did you get into the Spetsnaz: Invited, due his excellent service in the military

Medical problems: None, succesfully went through the medical check.

Character skillset:

Leading Capabilities
Fine Rifleman
Obidient (Good and bad at times)

Character Backstory (2 Paragraphs):

Nikola, a young man, raised like most other children in Eastern Europe.
Following a very basic education and later a college for police officer, which he finished succesfully after a period of fours years.
After he received word that he managed to pass his exams he went to immediatly sign up for the local police office.
Due his good results and motivations he was hired quite quickly and could immediatly start working as an officer patrolling the streets of
his own hometown.

After five years of being a good and honest policeman, Nikola received an award and was promoted to detective,
after a few months he picked up his first case, a psychopat was kidnapping people, unaware of how hard the case would be
Nikola started excited about his first case. But after half a year of chasing a ghost he was about to give up, when suddenly he was targeted.
Whilst walking back home, dissapointed and slightly drunk he got hit on the back of his head, from there on it was mostly black.
He woke up in a dark cellar, surrounded by a masked man, though Nikola was a trained detective and he knew what to do, he easily managed
to slip through the rope that tied his hands to the chair, as soon as possible he grabbed for a knife and stabbed the unaware psychopat in the back.

Nikola killed someone, at first he couldn't believe it, but he had to face it, he decided to quit his job as a detective.
There was a period of darkness for Nikola, with no work and therefore no income he got into heavy debts.
His brother couldn't believe his eyes when he visited Nikola one day, he dragged Nikola to the recruitment office and told him to sign up,
he said "Nikola, if you want to waste your life atleast waste it in a way you still serve your country".

And after a few years of excellent service which was most likely caused by  his previous experience as policemen and the hardship he already went through,
he received a letter, he was drafted into the Spetnaz force, he went through the selection program and was accepted, and quickly assigned on a special missions. Soon he was briefed and send on his way.

Out of Character Information

Age: 16

Country: The Netherlands

Timezone: GMT + 1

How long have you been roleplaying: Over 5 years.

How long have you been with HGN: Almost 2 1/2 years

Are you in any other factions: Not at the moment

Have you played any of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games: SOC and COP

Do you have any previous Military experience: IRL no, on the server yes.

Do you understand that you must follow your superior's orders?: Yes, I certainly do

Have you ever been banned? If so why: Not once

I'll take you on and give you a shot, Sergeant Rezon. Go get flagged up.
Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves