Profile: Viktor Ralos

Started by Nines, 06-12-2008

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Name: Viktor Ralos
Age: 33
Nationality:Unknown, rumored to be Ukrainian.
Weapon of choice: VSS.
Years in the Zone: 4 years 3 months
Current Associations: Deadly Misfortune, Veteran Soldier

Dust swirled throughout the area, the bitter cold mingling with the smoky clouds of unrefined iron particles.


Over and over again, the pick was hurtled into the ground, wedging the refined metal, into the unrefined, bit by bit it came apart, after several hours the hunk of ore was demolished, small bits lay about.

The man dropped his pick, watching it clatter to the floor, he sighed, then continued to pick up the small pieces littering the floor.


A voice was heard closer to the entrance to the iron mine, steps were heard, the large man walked in and stood 40 feet from Ralos.


Ralos stood up, half way between standing erect and picking up another piece of horrible rock. He gritted his teeth, and began to walk towards his boss, what a fat fuck.

The boss took a step back, "STOP! Turn around and finish! What are you doing!?"

Ralos kept on walking, beginning to smile now, he's been waiting for this for a long time now, he finally had enough money and supplies to head to the Zone, sweet Freedom from this asshole, he'd pick up his check, and leave this hellhole forever, and go right into another, just one thing was left.

He kept on walking, The boss was very agitated now, scared almost, he knew what Ralos was capable of, been a wild dog the entire time he was here.

Ralos stopped 2 feet from the fat man, no longer his boss. Ralos had one thing to say to him.

"I'll see you in hell, but untill then, rot here for a while."

At this, Ralos broke into a huge grin, balled his hand into a menacing fist, and swung it up into the face of who he has hated for almost 6 months now.

Driven by sheer force to the ground, he watched as Viktor Ralos left the cave, gave him the bird without even looking back, and left forever.

To be continued.
(When I'm less tired)
