Third Server - Time to Vote

Started by Silver Knight, 19-05-2012

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No Server 3 is the lesser of all the votes.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Can I cast a vote to keep only two servers up and keep our players TOGETHER?
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Jake on 19-05-2012
Quote from: Wolfinton on 19-05-2012
Star Wars is the lesser of the 3 evils for me. Warhammr 40K RP should not be made and if it was it would not work, not in 40,000 years (see what I did there?). Everyone will want to be a Space Marine, will abuse their awesomeness and no one will play the three factions which are meant to literally be waves upon waves of cannon fodder -- the Orcs, Tryanids (to a degree) and the Imperian Guard. Speaking of Imperial Guard makes me mention their vehicles are fucking awesome and people would abuse them, and on vehicles it would be one hell of a bitch to code such awesome vehicles such as the Baneblade. If these were to be left out the Imperial Guard would be extremely useless, their weapons are the equiverlant to flashlights for crying out loud -- there's a reason the Imperial Guard are willing to sacrifice 1000s of men to save one tank (well, the infantry being useless is part of it, the fact there's trillions of people in the Imperial Worlds are another reason.)

... I cannot believe how much I went off on a rant there.

But yea... Star Wars is the lesser of the three evils, I wont even get started on ZRP as everyone else seems to have already.

What makes you think that special abilities/powerful shit will not be abused on SWRP?
For one me and paint established if there's going to be a SWRP it's going to be in the Imperial Era or Post-Endor Era. During those times Jedi are pretty much extinct, any and all Dark side Adepts are incredibly loyal to Palpatine or Darth Vader.


Quote from: Lent23 on 19-05-2012
Can I cast a vote to keep only two servers up and keep our players TOGETHER?

Yes vote for Server 3
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Lent23 on 19-05-2012
Can I cast a vote to keep only two servers up and keep our players TOGETHER?

You can now.

That being said, FRP and SRP both have their own playerbases at this point. SWRP would be our guys, at first, and then it'd evolve into its own server if it goes well.


Quote from: Jake on 19-05-2012
Quote from: Wolfinton on 19-05-2012
Star Wars is the lesser of the 3 evils for me. Warhammr 40K RP should not be made and if it was it would not work, not in 40,000 years (see what I did there?). Everyone will want to be a Space Marine, will abuse their awesomeness and no one will play the three factions which are meant to literally be waves upon waves of cannon fodder -- the Orcs, Tryanids (to a degree) and the Imperian Guard. Speaking of Imperial Guard makes me mention their vehicles are fucking awesome and people would abuse them, and on vehicles it would be one hell of a bitch to code such awesome vehicles such as the Baneblade. If these were to be left out the Imperial Guard would be extremely useless, their weapons are the equiverlant to flashlights for crying out loud -- there's a reason the Imperial Guard are willing to sacrifice 1000s of men to save one tank (well, the infantry being useless is part of it, the fact there's trillions of people in the Imperial Worlds are another reason.)

... I cannot believe how much I went off on a rant there.

But yea... Star Wars is the lesser of the three evils, I wont even get started on ZRP as everyone else seems to have already.

What makes you think that special abilities/powerful shit will not be abused on SWRP?

I never said it would, but Warhammer has Power Armour which, in the tabletop, you need two or three seperate dice roles just to penetrate it. (In the games they're still fucking powerful.)

And, Jake, I am not defending Star Wars, I am meerly putting down Warhammer (which is painful considering I love Warhammer 40k.)
Pink doesn't make me gay, it makes you homophobic.


Having a third server, no matter what it is, will always yield the EXACT SAME RESULT as any other time we've done a third server. It just, won't work, unless we get new people to admin it.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Frostee on 19-05-2012
Quote from: Chippy on 19-05-2012
Since the hit AMC series "The Walking Dead" is out there, and tons of people are watching that, the Deadfall Zombie Roleplay can be a great hit for our playerbase.

Xin and I obsess over zombie apocalypse stuff, and he and I can make a good lore if needed. And we can make a few plots up for vote for the playerbase, to see which one is interesting. Again...if needed.

ZRP should be a go, cuz' everybody loves zombies, and a good lore behind it will just make things better. A simple lore such as: "Scientists make a virus, and it spreads. Survive." Is really boring.

As an alternative...SWRP, even though I very much dislike would bring a playerbase as well...I just wouldn't play on it at all :p

Honestly. I would put some work into this, and make our own map for this roleplay. And since it's getting majority votes I may start on that now, because my previous Urban map was looking nice until my computer got wiped.

Are you just saying this so you can become admin if Deadfall was ever up.

^^ All I said was I would make a map, and create a lore if needed. Said nothing about admining. Thats all I'm saying here, I'm not gonna fight anybody on this and waste my time.


Zombie RP seems a bit too, meh. Star wars RP will become too bland as in SW part of the flare for it (well in my opinion) is the size, scope and diversity in locations which will be difficult to pull off. 40K seems like the best option then but I have no idea about majority of the lore and I am very much a warhammer scrub.

So I'm going to be a terrible citizen and not vote, hold up, grab a cup of tea and wait for all this to blow over


Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Zombies? Oh just what HGN needs another shitty post apoc gear whoring server. Yeah nice job guys way to vote for something good.

ANYTHING but zombies. Knowing HGN's stupid player base zombies will win and it will  be just like SRP and FORP already are.


Thinking it over, I'd gotta say the thing that would probably have the longest lifespan (assuming any of which makes it out of beta) would be 40k. It'd take a different turn in roleplays much like the current Starship trooper and halo roleplays out now.

And using the argument "Everyone wants to be a spacemarine" Can hardly work as its the same for every game. Everyone wants to be Strelok, The lonewander, Jedi, Chuck Green and all that good shit. If I could I'd probably change my vote to 40k.

And as for starwars, I can honestly see it ending up like Fallout (No offense to those who play it).  Even if people like paintcheck come back to try and make up their own idea on how the lore should go, it'd be a useless effort. We all remember how well you all did trying to work with Crussaria Canon against Silver's.

<22:23:04> "Puffles": gofuckyourselfaggot
<22:25:12> You were banned for 5 hours from the server by "Cole" (For trolling)
Never in my life have I ever had to endure 9 yearolds calling me a banana picker, and then get banned afterwards for doing nothing wrong.
Promising Young admins.


It's the [Not-so-Epic-Battle] between Star Wars and DeadFall.

I wish I could change my vote now.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)

Silver Knight

Quote from: Ket on 19-05-2012
It's the [Not-so-Epic-Battle] between Star Wars and DeadFall.

I wish I could change my vote now.

You can.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Quote from: Rebel6609 on 19-05-2012
Thinking it over, I'd gotta say the thing that would probably have the longest lifespan (assuming any of which makes it out of beta) would be 40k. It'd take a different turn in roleplays much like the current Starship trooper and halo roleplays out now.

And using the argument "Everyone wants to be a spacemarine" Can hardly work as its the same for every game. Everyone wants to be Strelok, The lonewander, Jedi, Chuck Green and all that good shit. If I could I'd probably change my vote to 40k.

And as for starwars, I can honestly see it ending up like Fallout (No offense to those who play it).  Even if people like paintcheck come back to try and make up their own idea on how the lore should go, it'd be a useless effort. We all remember how well you all did trying to work with Crussaria Canon against Silver's.

If WH40k was SST that would be a terrible misuse of the idea (not enough Inquisitors, not enough Heresy). If I want to kill NPCs I'll do it in a game like ArmA, Left 4 Dead, Bulletstorm, Borderlands, or any of the 90000000000 million other games I have that will all be better coded and less aggravating than GMod will be.

Which is why Zombie's popularity makes no sense. Everyone will play it for 3 days and then realize that Day Z is 5000000 times better mechanically than anything Gmod based and the server will be dead. Or it won't be different enough from SRP and FORP and no one will play it. Or it will be too generic and boring and no one will play it. Even if it is successful it's one more shitty, gear-driven dark RP server. Why does HGN need another one of those?

In all honesty every server will likely die after a week since that's what usually happens but I'd rather see a concept with a chance of being good than another half-based post apoc shitfest.


Welp. Star Wars is better than your generic ZambieRP.
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


Zombie RP seems just so redundant when we have SRP and FRP. I don't want any more post apoc servers. SWRP or W40K would be interesting at least.


Quote from: Tom on 19-05-2012
Having a third server, no matter what it is, will always yield the EXACT SAME RESULT as any other time we've done a third server. It just, won't work, unless we get new people to admin it.
Seems like you took the red pill, which made you realise.And see the real truth ;)



Alien vs Predator Roleplay.

Citizens would start as Marines. So there would be no point in the Gear BS. and its not an apoc. Roleplay, so thats a win. Also, its unique, and has good lore behind it, and isn't 40k, which not so many people know the lore to.

Just a suggestion, what are your guy's opinions?


Quote from: Chippy on 19-05-2012

Alien vs Predator Roleplay.

Citizens would start as Marines. So there would be no point in the Gear BS. and its not an apoc. Roleplay, so thats a win. Also, its unique, and has good lore behind it, and isn't 40k, which not so many people know the lore to.

Just a suggestion, what are your guy's opinions?

I don't think that is a good idea.


Quote from: Chippy on 19-05-2012

Alien vs Predator Roleplay.

Citizens would start as Marines. So there would be no point in the Gear BS. and its not an apoc. Roleplay, so thats a win. Also, its unique, and has good lore behind it, and isn't 40k, which not so many people know the lore to.

Just a suggestion, what are your guy's opinions?

NO. How the fuck would that even BE roleplay? "OH shit we're getting eaten! PEWPEWPEWPEWPEPW"


Quote from: Paintcheck on 19-05-2012
Quote from: Chippy on 19-05-2012

Alien vs Predator Roleplay.

Citizens would start as Marines. So there would be no point in the Gear BS. and its not an apoc. Roleplay, so thats a win. Also, its unique, and has good lore behind it, and isn't 40k, which not so many people know the lore to.

Just a suggestion, what are your guy's opinions?

NO. How the fuck would that even BE roleplay? "OH shit we're getting eaten! PEWPEWPEWPEWPEPW"
Lol, not very hard to imagine that situaction, Paintcheck.




Zombie or star wars would be cool
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is just a statistic." -Joseph Stalin

Lucky Pig

There was supposed to be a SWRP earlier I think so there would be some content and a lore for the planet/whatever, of somekind. And I also agree on no more post-apocalyptic servers.


Honestly post-apoc or HL2 RP dominates the GMOD RP community making it incredibility boring. All anybody in ZRP is just going to sit around in a place wait for zombies and get a neatly a placed shotgun made from Mithrill that gives the user +100 to accuracy and +1 to zombie virus immunity.