[KZRIRSM] Security Applications [Open]

Started by Lent23, 10-05-2012

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No information will be released until you are inside of the Exclusion Zone. Follow the instructions and fill out your forum properly. If you have questions, contact the KZRI Recruitment Center

OOC information

- This is a minor faction, therefor you can join regardless of being in Duty, Monolith, Ukrainian Military or Freedom.
- Have at least 2 weeks time of SRP, to have a understanding of how SRP works.
- KZRI Security are usually new the Zone, and have experience with combat scenarios, however none have seen anything quite like this. You must be able to fear roleplay accordingly.
- It is not recommended to have any kicks or bans.
- Have to have some knowledge of what the Ecologists do and how we work.
- All applications are to be taken OOC. There is a very limited IC joining for special Stalkers, but don't expect this to be you.
- Ecologists are able to bypass the nationality application, but are still required to apply for female characters. Apply to be female prior to applying to be an Ecologist.
- Security are here to make sure Ecologists are protected. They are trained outside of the Zone and sent in with all the knowledge they need.

[font=impact][size=24pt][color=#00b0ff]OOC Information[/color][/size][/font]

[b]Steam Friends Name[/b]:

[b]Steam ID[/b]:


[b]Time with HGN[/b]:

[b]Time Roleplaying[/b]:

[b]Time on Server[/b]:

[b]Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?[/b]:


[font=impact][size=24pt][color=#00b0ff]IC Information[/color][/size][/font]







[b]Blood Type[/b]:

[b]Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable)[/b]:

[b]Backstory (1 paragraph minimum, more means better chances)[/b]:


[font=impact][size=24pt][color=#00b0ff]Faction Information[/color][/size][/font]

[b]What do you think the KZRI Security force does?[/b]:

[b]Who is the KZRI Security Team leader?[/b]:

[b]Why do you want to be a KZRI Security Team member?[/b]:
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


Quote from: Thanatos on 03-05-2012
Please refrain from sending your applications via PM, all others will now be auto-denied.
"Mommy, when is Daddy coming home?"
"Here, Alex.. Daddy sent us a package.. The soldier told us that it.. might be a while until Daddy's done with his service. Don't worry, you'll see him soon, Alex.."
"He's always gone! I never get to see him!"


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: ILoveHobo

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:39121360

Timezone: GMT

Time with HGN: About 1 or 2 years (But I was banned for about 2/3 months in-between)

Time Roleplaying: 1 year on SRP, but done some Roleplaying on other servers (HLRP)

Time on Server: All the time I was on HGN, apart from when I was banned

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Yes, SoC

IC Information

Name: Roman Budny

Age: 25

Sex: Male

Weight: 190lb

Height: 5'8

Nationality: Ukrainian

Blood Type: A+

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): None

Backstory (1 paragraph minimum, more means better chances):

Roman was born in Subotiv in Ukraine on the 25th of July 1986. He had a normal life as a child and his favourite subject as a child was History, He liked learning all about war and especially the guns they used. At the age of 15 he joined a shooting club and he would go after school every day to improve and be the best he could, he wanted to follow his dad's footsteps. His dad was a very important sniper in the Ukrainian army. He was predicted A*'s to B's in his subjects at school but he left school to train better and to go into competitions, he loved shooting as not only was he good at it but it was the only time the army let his father out of the army camp.

At the age of 18, he and his father went to Germany to go in a worldwide scoped rifle competition. He came third place. He accused the other two competitors of cheating and he attempted to pick a fight on then, his father wanted to stop the fight but unfortunately, knifes got involved and his father got stabbed. Roman had to go back to Ukraine, without his father. Due to his father not coming back the army needed a very good sniper to take his place, what better person then his son, Roman, the third best rifleman in the world. While out on a patrol, Roman's squad got ambushed, many of his friends and colleagues died. Roman was distraught, and because of this, him and his friends got the choice to either go to the zone, to help out other team mates. Or they could be realised. Roman chose to be realised.

A year after this Roman still couldn't find a job. He caught up with one of his mates(Vaska), who somehow escaped the zone. He told Roman all about the zone and he said that the Ecologists where looking for Security. This was perfect for Roman, he needed a job and he wanted one like his old job. His mate told him all about the Ecologists and he told him how good the security team where. He looked around to try and find out about the Eco's. Roman agreed that he would join the security team with Vaska. So they both went back to the zone and searched for Ecologist and applied for it. Roman was living the dream!

Faction Information

What do you think the KZRI Security force does?: The make sure the Eco's are protected. They are trained and sent in with all the knowledge they need to know.

Who is the KZRI Security Team leader?: Brandon Lent

Why do you want to be a KZRI Security Team member?: Because I think I would be a good add, I also believe I can RP well and I don't really see much Eco/Security on the server.


OOC Information

Steam Friends Name: [SG] bamfers

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:646046

Timezone: EST (-05:00)

Time with HGN: 5 to 6 months

Time Roleplaying: 2 years

Time on Server: 5 to 6 months

Have You Played Any of the Three STALKER Games?: Call of Pripyat

IC Information

Name: Hadeon Pavlo

Age: 32

Sex: Male

Weight: 170

Height: 6'3

Nationality: Ukranian

Blood Type: B-

Illnesses/Diseases (If applicable): None.

Backstory (1 paragraph minimum, more means better chances):

Hadeon Pavlo, a less than successful man, had involved himself with the Ukranian Goverment after hearing stories about the Zone, and all the wonderful exploits. All Hadeon was interested about however, was the pay the ecologist security personnel get, he needed the money badly since his wife was pregnant with their baby boy. He started working towards it, familiarizing himself with weapons and training in combat experience. Through his hard work and dedication, Hadeon made it, he became one of the ecologists.

Hadeon learned more indepth of the Zone, learning about the mutants that inhabit it, the anomalies and his job, the stuff he has to do, the things he might do to protect the well being of the scientists, Hadeon didn't want to know all about it, he just wanted to be in there right now for the money, his baby boy is on the way. He needs the money quick.

A month of learning and training, Hadeon was determined, though he did not know what to expect.

Faction Information

What do you think the KZRI Security force does?: To ensure the protection of the ecologists, with the training and knowledge they were given.

Who is the KZRI Security Team leader?: CC (from what I hear)

Why do you want to be a KZRI Security Team member?: It'd be great RP experience to try out, branching out from Duty, and regular stalker RP.

Fine, but all eyes will be on you. Get your whitelist from an admin. Don't fuck up.

-Brandon Lent