Re: New Haven

Started by pilot, 04-05-2012

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*A note has been nailed to the New Haven sign*

On behalf of Vault 10, I the Overseer am informing you, the members of New Haven that the airfield you are currently occupying is Vault 10 territory. I am asking politely that you vacate the premises. If you do not comply you will find yourself facing police action from Vault 10, which, I warn you is a formidable fighting force. Your acquiescence is recommended.

With regards,
Overseer Lindbergh


Sorry to disappoint the rest of you guys, but this isn't happening. Vault 10 is NOT a police faction, or a militia, or a fighting force of any kind. Therefore, Das, I'm not allowing you to proceed with this event. Your actions are hereby voided. Focus on the science aspect of the vault like you SHOULD be. Contact me immediately regarding The Vault's future. We've been discussing it on the new FRP admin forums, though I understand you've been absent due to computer difficulties.

To make it up for the rest of you who were looking forward to a fight, I've discussed with pilot and I will give you guys a new, even better event in return. Hopefully we'll even get to use Server 2.

I promise you it'll be vastly more interesting than a meager skirmish. You guys usually like my events.




Dear Overseer Lindbergh,

I run 7 soldiers a council and I look over many wastelanders that find themselves in trouble. I cannot just give you the airfield base. Although I do not want to fight either. Lets talk more about this peacefully.  I mean I understand your running a vault that needs to find a place to stay, but there is no reason you should be picking out New Haven and taking its territory. I am opening two ideas in the public. We can either work toghther, Vault 10 side by side New Haven or I could find you a new place to live. The Junkyard just recently was..."tamed" and I could give you protection to get there safely and to secure the sector to own the Junkyard. I believe that is the best solution, but I cannot vacate like this. People are in stake, my men and the rest of Armagosa.

                      Major Rillan


Okay we can make this into a nice cool event, but that last thing I want to do is start an STK fight, there pointless and the losing team that used to be active on the server stop, been in lots, thats what I have noticed. So, lets just find a way to comprimise this issue before we end up hitting another stop in FORP development. I mean half of using the airfield as a base and to make this group is to make new players stay active on the server to keep FORP alive, once we start pushing everything around it loses its purpose you know. Lets just find a nice calming way to compromise this ICly.


*A second note is nailed to the New Haven sign*

Perhaps you were confused. This is not a negotiation, this is an ultimatum. We do not need, nor care to work with you wasteland savages. We refuse to reside in some scrap yard. Your occupation of our territory is cannot be ignored. Since you have failed to comply I will take the liberty of explaining what comes next, so you cannot possibly misunderstand.

You are on our land. You have failed to remove yourself from our territory, and are therefore trying to lay a claim to our territory. Such hostilities cannot, and will not be ignored. You have a week to remove yourselves from the airfield. If you have failed to do so, we will take your inaction as a declaration of war, and will act accordingly. God help you.

Overseer Lindbergh

OOC: I was planning to move the vault to the airfield before New Haven even existed. You have plenty of places you can go, but the vault has limited options. This indeed would make a nice event, and would help the vault gain more recognition. Your group can easily move. Or, we can let slip the dogs of war and see who come out on top, which, in all honesty, will probably be the vault.


Well, you can't really have something you were just "planing" to claim. You neither sent any soldiers in to protect your claim nor
you left a sheet or a sign saying that it was infact your territory. We didn't know early enough and now we got used to this place.
ICly our small playergroup and our characters don't want to leave anymore and
I agree on this event idea. Let's have a battle next weekend and decide who will get New Haven. Bring it on :)


Quote from: RaptorKiller on 05-05-2012
Well, you can't really have something you were just "planing" to claim. You neither sent any soldiers in to protect your claim nor
you left a sheet or a sign saying that it was infact your territory. We didn't know early enough and now we got used to this place.
ICly our small playergroup and our characters don't want to leave anymore and
I agree on this event idea. Let's have a battle next weekend and decide who will get New Haven. Bring it on :)

Why not this Sunday?
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


*A note addressed to all New Haven members*
Howdy folks, Jase here (Head councilor). I'll be talking about the conflict with the vault we are currently having... We can't risk this. Not now, not ever. We have too few people, and not enough equipment. Why fight? We'll all end up dying. I've seen it happen before, a group thinks they can hold their own and are crushed entirely. I say we simply think about re-locating, maybe the junkyard. This will put us into a good place as well, considering how close we will be to the Grand Bazzar and we'll still be near the NCR. Who knows, maybe the Vault dwellers will remember us as the guys who let them have their new home.

Dear god I already know how this fight will end if we have it...


I hope you know that they will bring Enclave into the fight.
gg no re.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Well, thanks chucknorie. Next time talk with pilot and me before you post something like this -__-
I can't remember agreeing on this and the last thing we do is using the junkyard as a new base..
Your point is reasonable, but you should not forget that WE ALL decide TOGETHER what we do and what not.
Talk to us ICly about this, then we will thinkg about what we will do about this issue..

No matter who they bring to this fight or what kind of equipment they'll have, giving up like this
doesn't suit to New Haven's believes. Ask pilot (Major Jonathan) about New Haven's goals and believes first


Sorry, i probably should have consulted you guys. And this wasn't a "This is what we're doing" It was simply a suggestion. But, still my bad.


It's just that first you gave to much information away and second you are courting our soldiers resentment like this.


I don't think bringing the Enclave in this battle would be okay...Considering the fact that I'm one of the Enclave soldiers and I run New Haven. But, if we do...then damn.



**A note is put on top of all the other notes

Dear Overseer,

It is come to my attention that you rather fight us then open negotiations to make a better tommorow, my job is TO make a better tommorow and I will not let some cave dwellers take what is in fact ours, in this airfield I care for people, either poor or maybe weak I try to use the airfield as a Haven, rather than a place for you people to keep off limits. If your intentions are to fight us just to take something that isn't yours then this is a whole different world you just entered. I am opening up negotiations one more time, because like I said I am a caregiver and a helper, I will help you find a new place to live and supply and keep you safe. Let us negotiate first, rather than showing who is the most savage.

                Major Rillan


Prepare for war you stupid, arrogant savage. Best have your men get their affairs in order because their corpses will adorn our walls to show the rest of the savages what happens to those who challenge us. The deaths of your men is on you. You have a chance to stop it. Clear out before we get there and that will be the end. Or, we arrive to find you still in occupation of that airfield, and we kill every man, woman, and child behind that gate. A pity so many have to die for the arrogance of one man.

Overseer Lindbergh


I speak for the NCR when I say this, you're going to have to go through a lot of my men to take this waster settlement. We would love to settle this peacefully, but I guess it's time for war...again. We're not afraid to fight whatever enemy you bring. Power armor or not, you will have problems with this battle, Overseer.

I hope you don't mind me posting here. I'll remove it if you want.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!



It's fine HitMan5523. I appreciate that the NCR wants to help us :)


You say arrogance, I say irony. The fact that you think you could claim territory you haven't even set up yet nor marked it as Vault 10 property seems ill thought through to me. We are the ones who fight for justice and order in Armagosa, but you want to provide this airfield just for you. Our intentions are good and merciful, but you. You are the ones who indeed are arrogant if you really think you could remove us that easily. You proved that you and your people in Vault 10 are just sick scum that need to be extinguished from this area. This world has enough room for everyone and our factions are rich and could have provided for each other. We wanted to end this conflict peacefully and without dishonoring ourselves, unlike you. But now we will have to accept this declaration of war.

By crushing your faction and seizing your presumption we will show you that you shouldn't turn your weapons against us.
We fight for the innocent and our existence, but if you refuse us our rightful place in Armagosa we will unleash such
a terrible war that your soldiers will cry out for mercy. The battlefield in flames and your men butchered. You surely won't be happy
about the pain you have brought upon your people. Ignorant and egoistical cave monkeys.

"We are New Haven and we fight for who we are. And as we wear a wounds like badges of honor, this base is ours and we will die before we let it fall
into the hands of plunderers."

                                                                                                                                                                         -General Ian Miller


Posts removed regarding the New Haven-Vault 10 conflict because I'm not allowing it. However I'll give you something just as good, probably better, in its place.

-Khorn's Corner-

Honestly, to me it didn't make much sense why Vault 10 was attempting to strong arm their way into the airfield. Especially since it wouldn't make any sense why, or how they could possibly lay any claim to it, since they lived in a vault for so many decades.

^ Exactly the problem I had with it.


*A note is on the bulletin Board in the Military Outpost*

Dear Fellow New Haven Members,

Our generator for the last few weeks have been alittle glitchy with us. We are conducting tests every now and then to see what the problem is and how we can fix it. If anyone can find me a mechanic or someone that can fix this, you will be recognized by the other officers for this deed. If I can't get a mechanic in the next two weeks I am just going to have to go in there and check it out myself. Please take notice of this, this is very important.

Major Rillan


OOC: We will be in touch ICly.


Quote from: gamerhead on 10-05-2012
Quote from: chucknorie on 10-05-2012
*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!

OOC: This is where the Desert Rangers hang out, I suggest you not try.

OOC: If the rangers aren't around to actually occupy the area they can move in and take it. You need to be active to maintain territory.


Quote from: Spades_Neil on 10-05-2012
Quote from: gamerhead on 10-05-2012
Quote from: chucknorie on 10-05-2012
*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!

OOC: This is where the Desert Rangers hang out, I suggest you not try.

OOC: If the rangers aren't around to actually occupy the area they can move in and take it. You need to be active to maintain territory.

OOC: We are active and here, I will be awaiting the IC discussion between our two groups.


Quote from: gamerhead on 11-05-2012
Quote from: Spades_Neil on 10-05-2012
Quote from: gamerhead on 10-05-2012
Quote from: chucknorie on 10-05-2012
*A note is on the bulletin board...*

IC: Alrighty boys, seems we got some new territory to claim. I'm sure you all know about the red building with the two trailers to the right of our base (If you're exiting the base). Well, that'll be ours by the end of the day tomorrow.  So, here's what the deal is. I'm gunna need as many soldiers on as we got, in case we encounter something. I'll need you all around 9:30 PM (Central), and we'll begin to move in. I don't expect much trouble, but you never know with the wastes... See you then, boys.
-Head Counselor Jase Ramensin

OOC: Already approved with Pilot, no worries. Also; yay! we're expanding!

OOC: This is where the Desert Rangers hang out, I suggest you not try.

OOC: If the rangers aren't around to actually occupy the area they can move in and take it. You need to be active to maintain territory.

OOC: We are active and here, I will be awaiting the IC discussion between our two groups.

OOC: That'll work. If you guys like, I'll OOCly allow you to get together and pre-define what will happen (if you want) in the RP before interacting ICly.

In the mean time would anyone like me to clean up the thread?



the permaban queen.


I added a place for journals. Erase these ones and put it in that topic and I will delete all that's here once your done.