Re: Trader Applications

Started by Corocan, 30-04-2012

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Steam Friends Name: vashboy31 (Corocan)
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:1:26773087
How long have you been a part of HGN's SRP server? 4 Months
Provide your administrator recommendation(s): Picture
Provide your trader recommendation(s): Picture

What is your character's name? Strell Loconos
Is your character in a faction? If yes, which? No
Do you intend to join a faction on this character? No
Are you in any factions on your other characters? If yes, which? No

Write or provide a backstory for your trader (a minimum of two paragraphs, use proper grammar to the best of your ability), and try your darnest!

Small town. Those two words pretty much described the town Strell lived in. I suppose every town has its man. Sometimes they're hard to spot. Some of them are even regular people who work in that office complex you do and live in that small apartment you used to. Strell sold hardcore drugs. Meth, Crack, Heroin, even some that weren't very widespread a man named Yvgenuny cooked up in a building fronted as a restaurant. Yvgenuny frequently gave Strell the product and he moved it. The town had plenty of buyers. Plenty of people didn't look like they even knew what the stuff was, but they knew, and they paid well. Strell never touched the stuff himself, though tempted quite a few times.

Strell sometimes visited other nearby cities in the local area about a few hours away. He was just returning from selling a pound of cocaine to a senator, just another perfect example of how corrupted the Ukrainian government was. He passed the two local thugs guarding the back door and met with Yvegenuny. They gave eachother a quick nod and Strell proceeded to speak; however, he now noticed a man in a black suit and tie. Yvgenuny nodded again, Strell glanced at him and finally the man spoke, calmly telling them he was a representative of a syndicate that had major control of the Ukrainian area and more. He told them that they were taking over the drug operations in the area.

At first Strell was pissed. He was going to get laid out and have no job or money. Then he spoke some more, proposing that they go into a new business beginning in the area. The Chernobyl Blast Zone. Rumors had spread, but Strell didn't really listen and once he spoke and told them about the area and explained what he had personally saw, Strell became slightly more interested. He explained he wanted them to move supplies in that area. They had that option or the alternative. He pulled a flap on his suit and revealed the handgun on his side. He explained that there were plenty of people who'd do the job, so they had little choice. As I stuck out my hand to shake on it, Yvgenuny stuck his hand inside of his pocket and yanked out a .33 revolver. Before he could even aim the representative had blown a hole in his head the size of an acorn.

It was so sudden and terrible, Strell practically passed out from the stress. He woke up, rumbling around in the back of a large truck. The trunk was closed and empty. Hours passed before it reached a screeching halt. The door opened and it was the representative. He still had brains on his suit. Strell climbed out and looked around. It was a grassy deserted village. He gave Strell a PDA and it had some coordinates locked on it. The representative explained he had to sell all the supplies in the warehouse and he would be back for his monthly 70% fee. He then continued to explain that if he ran, he would hire people to track him down. Strell understood his situation and thought it'd be best to just play it out and go along, so he did.

Do you understand and agree to the rules and aforementioned prerequisites to be a trader? Yes.

Vladimir Frost

  Jr. Sgt. Vladimir Ulshenov, after being in Duty for quite some time has come to the realization that Duty has become to run dry on many supplies. He has thought of multiple solutions to this dilemma, and the first thing that came to his mind was to scavenge every thing he possibly could from old camps and bases.

  Seeing that all of his comrades were resting in the Duty base, he crept out alone. He made his way toward a abandoned Bandit camp which had been reported not only three days ago. There he found the camp was not empty, but had four Bandits sitting by a small fire in the center of the camp. He pulled his AK from his back, hold the sling tightly as he pulled it off as to not make any noise. He pulled the gun to his shoulder and aimed down the sights at one of the Bandits. And then as he had his finger on the trigger, he heard the breathing of a Bloodsucker. The Bandits all began to stand, but the Bloodsucker was faster. And after that Bloodsucker appeared another one from the shadows. The two Bloodsucker quickly killed the defenseless Bandits, draining them of their blood. While the Bloodsucker were preoccupied, Vladimir aimed his AK at the head of one of the Bloodsuckers, taking careful aim, three shots rang off, and the Bloodsucker fell on top of the Bandit it had been draining. The other Bloodsucker quickly looked to where Vladimir was and began breathing heavily as it ran toward him. Vladimir quickly aimed the firearm at the mutant and pulled the trigger, shots rang off and the Bloodsucker fell dead.

  As, Vladimir stood, he advanced toward the small camp the Bandits had set up. He knelled down to the body of a Bandit in a trench coat and took his backpack off of the body. He did the same for the other three bodies, then setting them near the fire, he searched through each. Only finding around 50 round for an AK, a half used Medical Kit, a few bandages, and four radios, Vladimir realized that this was not going to supply Duty properly. He came back to base with the lesser supplies and set them in the Supply room. At this he began to organize all of the out of place materials. Soon he had all of the stock in the supply room organized into their appropriate areas. From there he came to realize that he had something more to offer to Duty. He could become Duty's Quartermaster.

DUTY: Vladimir Ulshenov- MIA
TRADER: Alexei 'Limpy' Fedorov- Alive